टेम्पलेट:Archives/doc: रिवीजन सभ के बीचा में अंतर

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Split parameter list into separate sections; put #Archive list sections first
→‎Archive list: Fix “list” versus unnamed parameter confusion; Talk:Evolution/archivelist example probably past its use-by date; looks like auto parameter behaviour has changed since this was written and the archive list edit link is broken
लाइन 31:
=== Archive list ===
; archivelist: Specifies a link to a subpage, such as "/archivelist", that contains the archive list. See the "Archive list" and "Additional notes" sections below for further important details.
; auto= <short|long|no>: Specifies the format of the auto-generated archive list. If left unspecified, the default is "long"; any other word (except "no") will result in "short" and "no" disables auto-detection.
; list: Inline list of archives. ThisThe is''list'' notparameter neededoverrides ifautomatic archive thedetection of pages are named "Archive 1", "Archive 2" and so on, in which case automatic archiving works, but can be used in addition to automatic archiving if additional pages with other names are available.
; (1st unnamed parameter): Can be used in addition to automatic archiving if additional pages with other names are available.
By default (withWith no explicit parameters), the archive list presented in the box is determined automatically. If a subpage called "<code><nowiki>{{PAGENAME}}</nowiki>/archivelist</code>" exists, it will be used as the central content of the box. For an example, see <del>[[Talk:Evolution]]</del>, which [not currently] draws from [[Talk:Evolution/archivelist]]. The ''archivelist'' parameter changes the name of this subpage.
If no archivelistarchive list subpage is detected, numbered archive subpages will be listed in long format. Such pages must be named as "/Archive #" because other naming styles will not be detected. IfThe no"<code>long</code>" subpagesauto are found,format (the archiveboxdefault) willindicates contain"Archive only the1", "About" andArchive 2"Edit" links, withand theso Editon. link targeted atThe "<code><nowiki>{{PAGENAME}}</nowiki>/archivelistshort</code>", whichauto canformat thenindicates beonly usedthe toarchive beginnumber. manuallySee populating the list,more ifexamples desiredbelow.
An archiveadditional list canof alsoarchives can be passed in the first unnamed parameter, avoiding the need for a subpage.
If the "<code>auto</code>" parameter is specified, the "Edit" link is removed. The "<code>long</code>" auto format (the default) indicates "Archive 1", "Archive 2", and so on. The "<code>short</code>" auto format indicates only the archive number. See more examples below.
Using "auto=no" will disable archive auto-detection. Manually specified archives will still be shown. [The archive box will also contain an "Edit" link, targeted at the archive list subpage, which can then be used to begin manually populating the list, if desired. This seems broken.]
If an archive list is specified, the name of the subpage is changed; otherwise, the behavior is the same.
An archive list can also be passed in the first unnamed parameter avoiding the need for a subpage.
Using "auto=no" will disable archive auto-detection. Manually specified archives will still be shown.
==== Additional notes ====
The "<code>auto</code>" and "<code>archivelist</code>" parameters are not intended to be used together. (Doing so removesdoes the edit link, but will stillnot use the specified archive list page if it exists.)
The auto-generated archive list requires subpages to use the common naming convention. That is, "<nowiki>{{PAGENAME}}</nowiki>/Archive 1", "<nowiki>{{PAGENAME}}</nowiki>/Archive 2", and so on. The letter "A" must be capitalized, there must be a single space between the word "Archive" and the number, and there must be no leading zeros. If archive subpages do not conform to this convention, they can be [[Help:Moving a page|renamed]] to conform, or a manual list can be maintained.