Module:Protection banner: रिवीजन सभ के बीचा में अंतर

Content deleted Content added
add expiry automatically for actions other than 'autoreview' using new {{PROTECTIONEXPIRY:action}} magic word implemented through Module:Effective protection expiry
add support for upload protection, and make some formatting tweaks
लाइन 74:
while true do
-- Can't use pairs() since we're adding and removing things as we're iterating
local k = next(toWalk) -- This always gets the "first" key
if k == nil then break end
toWalk[k] = nil
लाइन 97:
edit = true,
move = true,
autoreview = true,
upload = true
Line 874 ⟶ 875:
local ret = {}
-- If a page's edit protection is equally or more restrictive than its
-- protection from some other action, then don't bother displaying anything
-- then don't bother displaying anything for the other action (except categories).
if protectionObj.action == 'edit' or
args.demolevel or
not walkHierarchy(
)[effectiveProtectionLevel('edit', protectionObj.title)]
-- Initialise the blurb object
local blurbObj =, args, cfg)