Module:Citation/CS1: रिवीजन सभ के बीचा में अंतर

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सुधार, श्रेणीकरण खाती
लाइन 1:
local cs1z = {};
error_categories = {}; -- for categorizing citations that contain errors
error_ids = {};
message_tail = {};
maintenance_cats = {}; -- for categorizing citations that aren't erroneous per se, but could use a little work
properties_cats = {}; -- for categorizing citations based on certain properties, language of source for instance
--[[--------------------------< F O R W A R D D E C L A R A T I O N S >--------------------------------------
local dates, year_date_check -- functions in Module:Citation/CS1/Date_validation
--[[--------------------------< I S _ S E T >------------------------------------------------------------------
local dates, year_date_check, reformat_dates, date_hyphen_to_dash, -- functions in Module:Citation/CS1/Date_validation
Returns true if argument is set; false otherwise. Argument is 'set' when it exists (not nil) or when it is not an empty string.
local is_set, in_array, substitute, error_comment, set_error, select_one, -- functions in Module:Citation/CS1/Utilities
This function is global because it is called from both this module and from Date validation
add_maint_cat, wrap_style, safe_for_italics, is_wikilink, make_wikilink;
local z ={}; -- tables in Module:Citation/CS1/Utilities
local extract_ids, extract_id_access_levels, build_id_list, is_embargoed; -- functions in Module:Citation/CS1/Identifiers
local make_coins_title, get_coins_pages, COinS; -- functions in Module:Citation/CS1/COinS
local cfg = {}; -- table of configuration tables that are defined in Module:Citation/CS1/Configuration
local whitelist = {}; -- table of tables listing valid template parameter names; defined in Module:Citation/CS1/Whitelist
--[[--------------------------< P A G E S C O P E V A R I A B L E S >--------------------------------------
delare variables here that have page-wide scope that are not brought in from other modules; thatare created here
and used here
function is_set( var )
return not (var == nil or var == '');
local added_deprecated_cat; -- boolean flag so that the category is added only once
local added_prop_cats = {}; -- list of property categories that have been added to z.properties_cats
local added_vanc_errs; -- boolean flag so we only emit one Vancouver error / category
local Frame; -- holds the module's frame table
--[[--------------------------< F I R S T _ S E T >------------------------------------------------------------
First set variable or nil if none
Locates and returns the first set value in a table of values where the order established in the table,
left-to-right (or top-to-bottom), is the order in which the values are evaluated. Returns nil if none are set.
This version replaces the original 'for _, val in pairs do' and a similar version that used ipairs. With the pairs
version the order of evaluation could not be guaranteed. With the ipairs version, a nil value would terminate
the for-loop before it reached the actual end of the list.
local function first_set (list, count...)
local ilist = 1{...};
for _, var in pairs(list) do
while i <= count do -- loop through all items in list
if is_set( list[i]var ) then
return var;
return list[i]; -- return the first set list member
i = i + 1; -- point to next
--[[--------------------------< I N _ A R R A Y >--------------------------------------------------------------
Whether needle is in haystack
--[[--------------------------< A D D _ P R O P _ C A T >--------------------------------------------------------
Adds a category to z.properties_cats using names from the configuration file with additional text if any.
foreign_lang_source and foreign_lang_source_2 keys have a language code appended to them so that multiple languages
may be categorized but multiples of the same language are not categorized.
added_prop_cats is a table declared in page scope variables above
local function add_prop_cat in_array(key needle, argumentshaystack )
if notneedle added_prop_cats== [key]nil then
return false;
added_prop_cats [key] = true; -- note that we've added this category
key = key:gsub ('(foreign_lang_source_?2?)%a%a%a?', '%1'); -- strip lang code from keyname
table.insert( z.properties_cats, substitute (cfg.prop_cats [key], arguments)); -- make name then add to table
for n,v in ipairs( haystack ) do
if v == needle then
return n;
return false;
--[[--------------------------< S U B S T I T U T E >----------------------------------------------------------
Populates numbered arguments in a message string using an argument table.
--[[--------------------------< A D D _ V A N C _ E R R O R >----------------------------------------------------
Adds a single Vancouver system error message to the template's output regardless of how many error actually exist.
To prevent duplication, added_vanc_errs is nil until an error message is emitted.
added_vanc_errs is a boolean declared in page scope variables above
local function add_vanc_error substitute(source msg, args )
return args and mw.message.newRawMessage( msg, args ):plain() or msg;
if not added_vanc_errs then
added_vanc_errs = true; -- note that we've added this category
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'vancouver', {source}, true ) } );
--[[--------------------------< E R R O R _ C O M M E N T >----------------------------------------------------
Wraps error messages with css markup according to the state of hidden.
--[[--------------------------< I S _ S C H E M E >------------------------------------------------------------
does this thing that purports to be a uri scheme seem to be a valid scheme? The scheme is checked to see if it
is in agreement with which says:
Scheme names consist of a sequence of characters beginning with a
letter and followed by any combination of letters, digits, plus
("+"), period ("."), or hyphen ("-").
returns true if it does, else false
local function error_comment( content, hidden )
return substitute( hidden and cfg.presentation['hidden-error'] or cfg.presentation['visible-error'], content );
local function is_scheme (scheme)
return scheme and scheme:match ('^%a[%a%d%+%.%-]*:'); -- true if scheme is set and matches the pattern
--[[--------------------------< S E T _ E R R O R >--------------------------------------------------------------
Sets an error condition and returns the appropriate error message. The actual placement of the error message in the output is
--[=[-------------------------< I S _ D O M A I N _ N A M E >--------------------------------------------------
the responsibility of the calling function.
Does this thing that purports to be a domain name seem to be a valid domain name?
local function set_error( error_id, arguments, raw, prefix, suffix )
local error_state = cfg.error_conditions[ error_id ];
Syntax defined here:
BNF defined here:
Single character names are generally reserved; see;
see also [[Single-letter second-level domain]]
list of tlds:
rfc952 (modified by rfc 1123) requires the first and last character of a hostname to be a letter or a digit. Between
the first and last characters the name may use letters, digits, and the hyphen.
Also allowed are IPv4 addresses. IPv6 not supported
domain is expected to be stripped of any path so that the last character in the last character of the tld. tld
is two or more alpha characters. Any preceding '//' (from splitting a url with a scheme) will be stripped
here. Perhaps not necessary but retained incase it is necessary for IPv4 dot decimal.
There are several tests:
the first character of the whole domain name including subdomains must be a letter or a digit
internationalized domain name (ascii characters with .xn-- ASCII Compatible Encoding (ACE) prefix xn-- in the tld) see
single-letter/digit second-level domains in the .org and .cash TLDs
q, x, and z SL domains in the .com TLD
i and q SL domains in the .net TLD
single-letter SL domains in the ccTLDs (where the ccTLD is two letters)
two-character SL domains in gTLDs (where the gTLD is two or more letters)
three-plus-character SL domains in gTLDs (where the gTLD is two or more letters)
IPv4 dot-decimal address format; TLD not allowed
returns true if domain appears to be a proper name and tld or IPv4 address, else false
local function is_domain_name (domain)
if not domain then
return false; -- if not set, abandon
prefix = prefix or "";
domain = domain:gsub ('^//', ''); -- strip '//' from domain name if present; done here so we only have to do it once
suffix = suffix or "";
if error_state == nil then
if not domain:match ('^[%a%d]') then -- first character must be letter or digit
error( cfg.messages['undefined_error'] );
return false;
elseif is_set( error_state.category ) then
table.insert( z.error_categories, error_state.category );
-- Do most common case first
if domain:match ('%f[%a%d][%a%d][%a%d%-]+[%a%d]%.%a%a+$') then -- three or more character hostname.hostname or hostname.tld
return true;
elseif domain:match ('%f[%a%d][%a%d][%a%d%-]+[%a%d]%.xn%-%-[%a%d]+$') then -- internationalized domain name with ACE prefix
return true;
elseif domain:match ('%f[%a%d][%a%d]$') then -- one character/digit .cash hostname
return true;
elseif domain:match ('%f[%a%d][%a%d]$') then -- one character/digit .org hostname
return true;
elseif domain:match ('%f[%a][qxz]$') then -- assigned one character .com hostname ( times out 2015-12-10)
return true;
elseif domain:match ('%f[%a][iq]$') then -- assigned one character .net hostname ( registered but not active 2015-12-10)
return true;
elseif domain:match ('%f[%a%d][%a%d]%.%a%a$') then -- one character hostname and cctld (2 chars)
return true;
elseif domain:match ('%f[%a%d][%a%d][%a%d]%.%a%a+$') then -- two character hostname and tld
return true;
elseif domain:match ('^%d%d?%d?%.%d%d?%d?%.%d%d?%d?%.%d%d?%d?') then -- IPv4 address
return true;
return false;
--[[--------------------------< I S _ U R L >------------------------------------------------------------------
returns true if the scheme and domain parts of a url appear to be a valid url; else false.
This function is the last step in the validation process. This function is separate because there are cases that
are not covered by split_url(), for example is_parameter_ext_wikilink() which is looking for bracketted external
local function is_url (scheme, domain)
if is_set (scheme) then -- if scheme is set check it and domain
return is_scheme (scheme) and is_domain_name (domain);
return is_domain_name (domain); -- scheme not set when url is protocol relative
--[[--------------------------< S P L I T _ U R L >------------------------------------------------------------
Split a url into a scheme, authority indicator, and domain.
First remove Fully Qualified Domain Name terminator (a dot following tld) (if any) and any path(/), query(?) or fragment(#).
If protocol relative url, return nil scheme and domain else return nil for both scheme and domain.
When not protocol relative, get scheme, authority indicator, and domain. If there is an authority indicator (one
or more '/' characters immediately following the scheme's colon), make sure that there are only 2.
Strip off any port and path;
local function split_url (url_str)
local scheme, authority, domain;
local message = substitute( error_state.message, arguments );
url_str = url_str:gsub ('([%a%d])%.?[/%?#].*$', '%1'); -- strip FQDN terminator and path(/), query(?), fragment (#) (the capture prevents false replacement of '//')
message = message .. " ([[" .. cfg.messages['help page link'] ..
if url_str:match ('^//%S*') then -- if there is what appears to be a protocol relative url
"#" .. error_state.anchor .. "|" ..
domain = url_str:match ('^//(%S*)')
cfg.messages['help page label'] .. "]])";
elseif url_str:match ('%S-:/*%S+') then -- if there is what appears to be a scheme, optional authority indicator, and domain name
scheme, authority, domain = url_str:match ('(%S-:)(/*)(%S+)'); -- extract the scheme, authority indicator, and domain portions
z.error_ids[ error_id ] = true;
authority = authority:gsub ('//', '', 1); -- replace place 1 pair of '/' with nothing;
if in_array( error_id, { 'bare_url_missing_title', 'trans_missing_title' } )
if is_set(authority) then -- if anything left (1 or 3+ '/' where authority should be) then
and z.error_ids['citation_missing_title'] then
return scheme; -- return scheme only making domain nil which will cause an error message
return '', false;
domain = domain:gsub ('(%a):%d+', '%1'); -- strip port number if present
message = table.concat({ prefix, message, suffix });
return scheme, domain;
if raw == true then
return message, error_state.hidden;
return error_comment( message, error_state.hidden );
--[[--------------------------< L I N K _ P A R A M _ O K >---------------------------------------------------
checks the content of |title-link=, |series-link=, |author-link= etc for properly formatted content: no wikilinks, no urls
Link parameters are to hold the title of a wikipedia article so none of the WP:TITLESPECIALCHARACTERS are allowed:
# < > [ ] | { } _
except the underscore which is used as a space in wiki urls and # which is used for section links
returns false when the value contains any of these characters.
When there are no illegal characters, this function returns TRUE if value DOES NOT appear to be a valid url (the
|<param>-link= parameter is ok); else false when value appears to be a valid url (the |<param>-link= parameter is NOT ok).
local function link_param_ok (value)
local scheme, domain;
if value:find ('[<>%[%]|{}]') then -- if any prohibited characters
return false;
scheme, domain = split_url (value); -- get scheme or nil and domain or nil from url;
return not is_url (scheme, domain); -- return true if value DOES NOT appear to be a valid url
--[[--------------------------< L I N K _ T I T L E _ O K >---------------------------------------------------
Use link_param_ok() to validate |<param>-link= value and its matching |<title>= value.
|<title>= may be wikilinked but not when |<param>-link= has a value. This function emits an error message when
that condition exists
local function link_title_ok (link, lorig, title, torig)
local orig;
if is_set (link) then -- don't bother if <param>-link doesn't have a value
if not link_param_ok (link) then -- check |<param>-link= markup
orig = lorig; -- identify the failing link parameter
elseif title:find ('%[%[') then -- check |title= for wikilink markup
orig = torig; -- identify the failing |title= parameter
if is_set (orig) then
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'bad_paramlink', orig)}); -- url or wikilink in |title= with |title-link=;
--[[--------------------------< C H E C K _ U R L >------------------------------------------------------------
Determines whether a URL string appears to beis valid.
At present the only check is whether the string appears to be prefixed with a URI scheme. It is not determined whether
First we test for space characters. If any are found, return false. Then split the url into scheme and domain
the URI scheme is valid or whether the URL is otherwise well formed.
portions, or for protocol relative (// urls, just the domain. Use is_url() to validate the two
portions of the url. If both are valid, or for protocol relative if domain is valid, return true, else false.
Because it is different from a standard url, and because this module used external_link() to make external links
that work for standard and news: links, we validate newsgroup names here. The specification for a newsgroup name
is at
local function check_url( url_str )
ifreturn nilurl_str:sub(1,2) == "//" or url_str:match( ("^%S+$[^/]*:" ) then ~= nil; -- if there are any spaces in |url=value it can't beProtocol-relative aor properURL urlscheme
return false;
local scheme, domain;
scheme, domain = split_url (url_str); -- get scheme or nil and domain or nil from url;
if 'news:' == scheme then -- special case for newsgroups
return domain:match('^[%a%d%+%-_]+%.[%a%d%+%-_%.]*[%a%d%+%-_]$');
return is_url (scheme, domain); -- return true if value appears to be a valid url
--[[--------------------------< S A F E _ F O R _ I T A L I C S >----------------------------------------------
Protects a string that will be wrapped in wiki italic markup '' ... ''
--[=[-------------------------< I S _ P A R A M E T E R _ E X T _ W I K I L I N K >----------------------------
Note: We cannot use <i> for italics, as the expected behavior for italics specified by ''...'' in the title is that
Return true if a parameter value has a string that begins and ends with square brackets [ and ] and the first
they will be inverted (i.e. unitalicized) in the resulting references. In addition, <i> and '' tend to interact
non-space characters following the opening bracket appear to be a url. The test will also find external wikilinks
poorly under Mediawiki's HTML tidy.
that use protocol relative urls. Also finds bare urls.
The frontier pattern prevents a match on interwiki links which are similar to scheme:path urls. The tests that
find bracketed urls are required because the parameters that call this test (currently |title=, |chapter=, |work=,
and |publisher=) may have wikilinks and there are articles or redirects like '//Hus' so, while uncommon, |title=[[//Hus]]
is possible as might be [[en://Hus]].
local function safe_for_italics( str )
if not is_set(str) then
return str;
local function is_parameter_ext_wikilink (value)
local scheme, domain;
if value:match ('%f[%[]%[%a%S*:%S+.*%]') then -- if ext wikilink with scheme and domain: [xxxx://yyyyy.zzz]
scheme, domain = split_url (value:match ('%f[%[]%[(%a%S*:%S+).*%]'));
elseif value:match ('%f[%[]%[//%S+.*%]') then -- if protocol relative ext wikilink: [//yyyyy.zzz]
scheme, domain = split_url (value:match ('%f[%[]%[(//%S+).*%]'));
elseif value:match ('%a%S*:%S+') then -- if bare url with scheme; may have leading or trailing plain text
scheme, domain = split_url (value:match ('(%a%S*:%S+)'));
elseif value:match ('//%S+') then -- if protocol relative bare url: //yyyyy.zzz; may have leading or trailing plain text
scheme, domain = split_url (value:match ('(//%S+)')); -- what is left should be the domain
if str:sub(1,1) == "'" then str = "<span></span>" .. str; end
return false; -- didn't find anything that is obviously a url
if str:sub(-1,-1) == "'" then str = str .. "<span></span>"; end
-- Remove newlines as they break italics.
return str:gsub( '\n', ' ' );
return is_url (scheme, domain); -- return true if value appears to be a valid url
--[[-------------------------< C H E C K _ F O R _ U R L >-----------------------------------------------------
loop through a list of parameters and their values. Look at the value and if it has an external link, emit an error message.
local function check_for_url (parameter_list)
local error_message = '';
for k, v in pairs (parameter_list) do -- for each parameter in the list
if is_parameter_ext_wikilink (v) then -- look at the value; if there is a url add an error message
if is_set(error_message) then -- once we've added the first portion of the error message ...
error_message=error_message .. ", "; -- ... add a comma space separator
error_message=error_message .. "&#124;" .. k .. "="; -- add the failed parameter
if is_set (error_message) then -- done looping, if there is an error message, display it
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'param_has_ext_link', {error_message}, true ) } );
--[[--------------------------< S A F E _ F O R _ U R L >------------------------------------------------------
Line 387 ⟶ 165:
--[[--------------------------< W R A P _ S T Y L E >----------------------------------------------------------
Applies styling to various parameters. Supplied string is wrapped using a message_list configuration taking one
argument; protects italic styled parameters. Additional text taken from citation_config.presentation - the reason
this function is similar to but separate from wrap_msg().
local function wrap_style (key, str)
if not is_set( str ) then
return "";
elseif in_array( key, { 'italic-title', 'trans-italic-title' } ) then
str = safe_for_italics( str );
return substitute( cfg.presentation[key], {str} );
--[[--------------------------< E X T E R N A L _ L I N K >----------------------------------------------------
Line 394 ⟶ 189:
local function external_link( URL, label, source, access)
local error_str = "";
local domain;
local path;
local base_url;
if not is_set( label ) then
label = URL;
Line 409 ⟶ 200:
if not check_url( URL ) then
error_str = set_error( 'bad_url', {wrap_style ('parameter', source)}, false, " " ) .. error_str;
return table.concat({ "[", URL, " ", safe_for_url( label ), "]", error_str });
domain, path = URL:match ('^([/%.%-%+:%a%d]+)([/%?#].*)$'); -- split the url into scheme plus domain and path
if path then -- if there is a path portion
path = path:gsub ('[%[%]]', {['[']='%5b',[']']='%5d'}); -- replace '[' and ']' with their percent encoded values
URL=domain..path; -- and reassemble
if is_set (access) then -- access level (subscription, registration, limited)
label = safe_for_url (label); -- replace square brackets and newlines
base_url = table.concat ( -- assemble external link with access signal
'<span class="plainlinks">[', -- opening css and url markup
URL, -- the url
' ', -- the required space
'<span style="padding-left:0.15em">', -- signal spacing css
cfg.presentation[access], -- the appropriate icon
'</span>', -- close signal spacing span
']</span>' -- close url markup and plain links span
base_url = table.concat({ "[", URL, " ", safe_for_url( label ), "]" }); -- no signal markup
return table.concat({ base_url, error_str });
--[[--------------------------< E X T E R N A L _ L I N K _ I D >----------------------------------------------
Formats a wiki style external link
--[[--------------------------< D E P R E C A T E D _ P A R A M E T E R >--------------------------------------
Categorize and emit an error message when the citation contains one or more deprecated parameters. The function includes the
offending parameter name to the error message. Only one error message is emitted regardless of the number of deprecated
parameters in the citation.
local function external_link_id(options)
added_deprecated_cat is a boolean declared in page scope variables above
local url_string =;
if options.encode == true or options.encode == nil then
url_string = mw.uri.encode( url_string );
return mw.ustring.format( '[[%s|%s]]%s[%s%s%s %s]',, options.label, options.separator or "&nbsp;",
options.prefix, url_string, options.suffix or "",
Categorize and emit an error message when the citation contains one or more deprecated parameters. Because deprecated parameters (currently |month=,
|coauthor=, and |coauthors=) aren't related to each other and because these parameters may be concatenated into the variables used by |date= and |author#= (and aliases)
details of which parameter caused the error message are not provided. Only one error message is emitted regardless of the number of deprecated parameters in the citation.
local function deprecated_parameter(name)
if true ~= Page_in_deprecated_cat then -- if we haven't been here before then set a
if not added_deprecated_cat then
added_deprecated_cat Page_in_deprecated_cat= true; -- notesticky flag so that we'veif addedthere thisare more than one deprecated parameter the category is added only once
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'deprecated_params', {name}, true ) } ); -- add error message
--[[--------------------------< K E R N _ Q U O T E S >--------------------------------------------------------
Apply kerning to open the space between the quote mark provided by the Module and a leading or trailing quote mark contained in a |title= or |chapter= parameter's value.
--[=[-------------------------< K E R N _ Q U O T E S >--------------------------------------------------------
Apply kerning to open the space between the quote mark provided by the Module and a leading or trailing quote
mark contained in a |title= or |chapter= parameter's value.
This function will positive kern either single or double quotes:
"'Unkerned title with leading and trailing single quote marks'"
" 'Kerned title with leading and trailing single quote marks' " (in real life the kerning isn't as wide as this example)
Double single quotes (italic or bold wikimarkup) are not kerned.
Replaces unicode quotemarks in plain text or in the label portion of a [[L|D]] style wikilink with typewriter
quote marks regardless of the need for kerning. Unicode quote marks are not replaced in simple [[D]] wikilinks.
Call this function for chapter titles, for website titles, etc; not for book titles.
local function kern_quotes (str)
local cap='';
local cap2='';
local wl_type, label, link;
wl_type, label, link = is_wikilink (str); -- wl_type is: 0, no wl (text in label variable); 1, [[D]]; 2, [[L|D]]
ifcap, 1cap2 == wl_typestr:match then ("^([\"\'])([^\'].+)"); -- [[D]]match simpleleading wikilink withdouble or withoutsingle quote marksbut not double single quotes
if is_set (cap) then
if mw.ustring.match (str, '%[%[[\"“”\'‘’].+[\"“”\'‘’]%]%]') then -- leading and trailing quote marks
str = substitute (cfg.presentation['kern-wl-bothleft'], str{cap, cap2});
elseif mw.ustring.match (str, '%[%[[\"“”\'‘’].+%]%]') then -- leading quote marks
str = substitute (cfg.presentation['kern-wl-left'], str);
elseif mw.ustring.match (str, '%[%[.+[\"“”\'‘’]%]%]') then -- trailing quote marks
str = substitute (cfg.presentation['kern-wl-right'], str);
cap, cap2 = str:match ("^(.+[^\'])([\"\'])$")
else -- plain text or [[L|D]]; text in label variable
if is_set (cap) then
label= mw.ustring.gsub (label, '[“”]', '\"'); -- replace “” (U+201C & U+201D) with " (typewriter double quote mark)
str = substitute (cfg.presentation['kern-right'], {cap, cap2});
label= mw.ustring.gsub (label, '[‘’]', '\''); -- replace ‘’ (U+2018 & U+2019) with ' (typewriter single quote mark)
cap, cap2 = mw.ustring.match (label, "^([\"\'])([^\'].+)"); -- match leading double or single quote but not doubled single quotes (italic markup)
if is_set (cap) then
label = substitute (cfg.presentation['kern-left'], {cap, cap2});
cap, cap2 = mw.ustring.match (label, "^(.+[^\'])([\"\'])$") -- match trailing double or single quote but not doubled single quotes (italic markup)
if is_set (cap) then
label = substitute (cfg.presentation['kern-right'], {cap, cap2});
if 2 == wl_type then
str = make_wikilink (link, label); -- reassemble the wikilink
str = label;
return str;
--[[--------------------------< F O R M A T _ S C R I P T _ V A L U E >----------------------------------------
Line 535 ⟶ 283:
is not added. At this time there is no error message for this condition.
At this writing, only |script-title= is supported. It is anticipated that additional parameters will be created to use this function.
Supports |script-title= and |script-chapter=
TODO: error messages when prefix is invalid ISO639-1 code; when script_value has prefix but no script;
Line 553 ⟶ 301:
script_value = script_value:gsub ('^%l%l%s*:%s*', ''); -- strip prefix from script
-- is prefix one of these language codes?
if in_array (lang, {'ar', 'bg', 'bs', 'dv', 'el', 'fa', 'hy', 'ja', 'ka', 'ko', 'ku', 'he', 'ps', 'ru', 'sd', 'sr', 'th', 'uk', 'ug', 'yi', 'zh'}) then
if in_array (lang, cfg.script_lang_codes) then
table.insert( z.properties_cats, 'CS1 इस्तमाल करत बा ' .. name .. '-भाषा के लिखावट ('..lang..')'); -- categorize in language-specific categories
add_prop_cat ('script_with_name', {name, lang})
table.insert( z.properties_cats, 'CS1 इस्तमाल करत बा बिदेसी भाषा के लिखावट'); -- use this category as a catchall until language-specific category is available
add_prop_cat ('script')
lang = ' lang="' .. lang .. '" '; -- convert prefix into a lang attribute
Line 567 ⟶ 315:
return script_value;
--[[--------------------------< S C R I P T _ C O N C A T E N A T E >------------------------------------------
Line 601 ⟶ 348:
local msg;
msg = cfg.messages[key]:lower(); -- set the message to lower case before
returnstr = substitute( msg, {str} ); -- including template text
return str;
return substitute( cfg.messages[key], {str} );
--[[--------------------------< S E L E C T _ O N E >----------------------------------------------------------
Chooses one matching parameter from a list of parameters to consider
Generates an error if more than one match is present.
--[[--------------------------< F O R M A T _ C H A P T E R _ T I T L E >--------------------------------------
Format the four chapter parameters: |script-chapter=, |chapter=, |trans-chapter=, and |chapter-url= into a single Chapter meta-
parameter (chapter_url_source used for error messages).
local function select_one( args, possible, error_condition, index )
local function format_chapter_title (scriptchapter, chapter, transchapter, chapterurl, chapter_url_source, no_quotes, access)
local chapter_errorvalue = ''nil;
local selected = '';
local error_list = {};
if index ~= nil then index = tostring(index); end
if not is_set (chapter) then
chapter = ''; -- to be safe for concatenation
-- Handle special case of "#" replaced by empty string
if falseindex == no_quotes'1' then
for _, v in ipairs( possible ) do
chapter = kern_quotes (chapter); -- if necessary, separate chapter title's leading and trailing quote marks from Module provided quote marks
chapterv = wrap_style v:gsub('quoted-title' "#", chapter"" );
if is_set(args[v]) then
if value ~= nil and selected ~= v then
table.insert( error_list, v );
value = args[v];
selected = v;
for _, v in ipairs( possible ) do
if index ~= nil then
v = v:gsub( "#", index );
if is_set(args[v]) then
if value ~= nil and selected ~= v then
table.insert( error_list, v );
value = args[v];
selected = v;
if #error_list > 0 then
chapter = script_concatenate (chapter, scriptchapter) -- <bdi> tags, lang atribute, categorization, etc; must be done after title is wrapped
local error_str = "";
for _, k in ipairs( error_list ) do
if is_set (transchapter) then
if error_str ~= "" then error_str = error_str .. cfg.messages['parameter-separator'] end
transchapter = wrap_style ('trans-quoted-title', transchapter);
error_str = error_str .. wrap_style ('parameter', k);
if is_set (chapter) then
chapter = chapter .. ' ' .. transchapter;
else -- here when transchapter without chapter or script-chapter
chapter = transchapter; --
chapter_error = ' ' .. set_error ('trans_missing_title', {'chapter'});
if #error_list > 1 then
error_str = error_str .. cfg.messages['parameter-final-separator'];
error_str = error_str .. cfg.messages['parameter-pair-separator'];
error_str = error_str .. wrap_style ('parameter', selected);
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( error_condition, {error_str}, true ) } );
return value, selected;
if is_set (chapterurl) then
chapter = external_link (chapterurl, chapter, chapter_url_source, access); -- adds bare_url_missing_title error if appropriate
return chapter .. chapter_error;
--[[--------------------------< F O R M A T _ C H A P T E R _ T I T L E >--------------------------------------
Format the three chapter parameters: |chapter=, |trans-chapter=, and |chapter-url= into a single Chapter meta-
--[[--------------------------< H A S _ I N V I S I B L E _ C H A R S >----------------------------------------
parameter (chapter_url_source used for error messages).
This function searches a parameter's value for nonprintable or invisible characters. The search stops at the
first match.
This function will detect the visible replacement character when it is part of the wikisource.
Detects but ignores nowiki and math stripmarkers. Also detects other named stripmarkers (gallery, math, pre, ref)
and identifies them with a slightly different error message. See also coins_cleanup().
Detects but ignores the character pattern that results from the transclusion of {{'}} templates.
Output of this function is an error message that identifies the character or the Unicode group, or the stripmarker
that was detected along with its position (or, for multi-byte characters, the position of its first byte) in the
parameter value.
local function has_invisible_charsformat_chapter_title (paramchapter, vtranschapter, chapterurl, chapter_url_source)
local chapter_error = '';
local position = ''; -- position of invisible char or starting position of stripmarker
local dummy; -- end of matching string; not used but required to hold end position when a capture is returned
local capture; -- used by stripmarker detection to hold name of the stripmarker
local i=1;
local stripmarker, apostrophe;
if not is_set (chapter) then
capture = string.match (v, '[%w%p ]*'); -- Test for values that are simple ASCII text and bypass other tests if true
if capture chapter == v then''; -- if samejust thereto arebe nosafe unicodefor charactersconcatenation
if is_set (transchapter) then
chapter = wrap_style ('trans-quoted-title', transchapter);
chapter_error = " " .. set_error ('trans_missing_chapter');
while cfg.invisible_chars[i] do
local char=cfg.invisible_chars[i][1] -- the character or group name
local pattern=cfg.invisible_chars[i][2] -- the pattern used to find it
position, dummy, capture = mw.ustring.find (v, pattern) -- see if the parameter value contains characters that match the pattern
if position and (char == 'zero width joiner') then -- if we found a zero width joiner character
if mw.ustring.find (v, cfg.indic_script) then -- its ok if one of the indic scripts
position = nil; -- unset position
if is_set (chapterurl) then
chapter = external_link (chapterurl, chapter, chapter_url_source); -- adds bare_url_missing_title error if appropriate
if position then
if 'nowiki' == capture or 'math' == capture then -- nowiki, math stripmarker (not an error condition)
return chapter .. chapter_error;
stripmarker = true; -- set a flag
else -- here when chapter is set
elseif true == stripmarker and 'delete' == char then -- because stripmakers begin and end with the delete char, assume that we've found one end of a stripmarker
chapter = kern_quotes (chapter); -- if necessary, separate chapter title's leading and trailing quote marks from Module provided quote marks
position = nil; -- unset
chapter = wrap_style ('quoted-title', chapter);
if is_set (transchapter) then
local err_msg;
transchapter = wrap_style ('trans-quoted-title', transchapter);
if capture then
err_msgchapter = capturechapter .. ' ' .. chartranschapter;
if is_set (chapterurl) then
err_msg = char .. ' ' .. 'character';
chapter = external_link (chapterurl, chapter); -- adds bare_url_missing_title error if appropriate
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'invisible_char', {err_msg, wrap_style ('parameter', param), position}, true ) } ); -- add error message
return; -- and done with this parameter
i=i+1; -- bump our index
return chapter;
Argument wrapper. This function provides support for argument
--[[--------------------------< A R G U M E N T _ W R A P P E R >----------------------------------------------
mapping defined in the configuration file so that multiple names
can be transparently aliased to single internal variable.
Argument wrapper. This function provides support for argument mapping defined in the configuration file so that
multiple names can be transparently aliased to single internal variable.
local function argument_wrapper( args )
local origin = {};
Line 759 ⟶ 496:
Looks for a parameter's name in the whitelist.
--[[--------------------------< V A L I D A T E >--------------------------------------------------------------
Looks for a parameter's name in one of several whitelists.
Parameters in the whitelist can have three values:
Line 768 ⟶ 503:
false - deprecated, supported parameters
nil - unsupported parameters
local function validate( name )
local function validate( name, cite_class )
local name = tostring( name );
local state = whitelist.basic_arguments[ name ];
-- Normal arguments
if in_array (cite_class, {'arxiv', 'biorxiv', 'citeseerx'}) then -- limited parameter sets allowed for these templates
if true == state then return true; end -- valid actively supported parameter
state = whitelist.limited_basic_arguments[ name ];
if true == state then return true; end -- valid actively supported parameter
if false == state then
deprecated_parameter (name); -- parameter is deprecated but still supported
return true;
if 'arxiv' == cite_class then -- basic parameters unique to these templates
state = whitelist.arxiv_basic_arguments[name];
if 'biorxiv' == cite_class then
state = whitelist.biorxiv_basic_arguments[name];
if 'citeseerx' == cite_class then
state = whitelist.citeseerx_basic_arguments[name];
if true == state then return true; end -- valid actively supported parameter
if false == state then
deprecated_parameter (name); -- parameter is deprecated but still supported
return true;
-- limited enumerated parameters list
name = name:gsub( "%d+", "#" ); -- replace digit(s) with # (last25 becomes last#)
state = whitelist.limited_numbered_arguments[ name ];
if true == state then return true; end -- valid actively supported parameter
if false == state then
deprecated_parameter (name); -- parameter is deprecated but still supported
return true;
return false; -- not supported because not found or name is set to nil
end -- end limited parameter-set templates
state = whitelist.basic_arguments[ name ]; -- all other templates; all normal parameters allowed
if true == state then return true; end -- valid actively supported parameter
if false == state then
deprecated_parameter (name); -- parameter is deprecated but still supported
return true;
-- all enumerated parameters allowed
-- Arguments with numbers in them
name = name:gsub( "%d+", "#" ); -- replace digit(s) with # (last25 becomes last#
state = whitelist.numbered_arguments[ name ];
if true == state then return true; end -- valid actively supported parameter
if true == state then return true; end -- valid actively supported parameter
if false == state then
deprecated_parameter (name); -- parameter is deprecated but still supported
return true;
return false; -- notNot supported because not found or name is set to nil
-- Formats a wiki style internal link
local function internal_link_id(options)
return mw.ustring.format( '[[%s|%s]]%s[[%s%s%s|%s]]',, options.label, options.separator or "&nbsp;",
options.prefix,, options.suffix or "",
Line 847 ⟶ 554:
date = substitute (cfg.presentation['nowrap1'], date);
elseif date:match("^%a+%s*%d%d?,%s+*%d%d%d%d$") or date:match ("^%d%d?%s*%a+%s+*%d%d%d%d$") then
cap, cap2 = string.match (date, "^(.*)%s+(%d%d%d%d)$");
date = substitute (cfg.presentation['nowrap2'], {cap, cap2});
Line 854 ⟶ 561:
return date;
--[[--------------------------< IS _ V A L I D _ I S X N >-----------------------------------------------------
ISBN-10 and ISSN validator code calculates checksum across all isbn/issn digits including the check digit. ISBN-13 is checked in check_isbn().
If the number is valid the result will be 0. Before calling this function, issbn/issn must be checked for length and stripped of dashes,
spaces and other non-isxn characters.
local function is_valid_isxn (isxn_str, len)
local temp = 0;
isxn_str = { isxn_str:byte(1, len) }; -- make a table of bytes
len = len+1; -- adjust to be a loop counter
for i, v in ipairs( isxn_str ) do -- loop through all of the bytes and calculate the checksum
if v == string.byte( "X" ) then -- if checkdigit is X
temp = temp + 10*( len - i ); -- it represents 10 decimal
temp = temp + tonumber( string.char(v) )*(len-i);
return temp % 11 == 0; -- returns true if calculation result is zero
--[[--------------------------< C H E C K _ I S B N >------------------------------------------------------------
Determines whether an ISBN string is valid
local function check_isbn( isbn_str )
if nil ~= isbn_str:match("[^%s-0-9X]") then return false; end -- fail if isbn_str contains anything but digits, hyphens, or the uppercase X
isbn_str = isbn_str:gsub( "-", "" ):gsub( " ", "" ); -- remove hyphens and spaces
local len = isbn_str:len();
if len ~= 10 and len ~= 13 then
return false;
if len == 10 then
if isbn_str:match( "^%d*X?$" ) == nil then return false; end
return is_valid_isxn(isbn_str, 10);
local temp = 0;
if isbn_str:match( "^97[89]%d*$" ) == nil then return false; end -- isbn13 begins with 978 or 979
isbn_str = { isbn_str:byte(1, len) };
for i, v in ipairs( isbn_str ) do
temp = temp + (3 - 2*(i % 2)) * tonumber( string.char(v) );
return temp % 10 == 0;
--[[--------------------------< I S S N >----------------------------------------------------------------------
Validate and format an issn. This code fixes the case where an editor has included an ISSN in the citation but has separated the two groups of four
digits with a space. When that condition occurred, the resulting link looked like this:
|issn=0819 4327 gives: [ 4327 0819 4327] -- can't have spaces in an external link
This code now prevents that by inserting a hyphen at the issn midpoint. It also validates the issn for length and makes sure that the checkdigit agrees
with the calculated value. Incorrect length (8 digits), characters other than 0-9 and X, or checkdigit / calculated value mismatch will all cause a check issn
error message. The issn is always displayed with a hyphen, even if the issn was given as a single group of 8 digits.
local function issn(id)
local issn_copy = id; -- save a copy of unadulterated issn; use this version for display if issn does not validate
local handler = cfg.id_handlers['ISSN'];
local text;
local valid_issn = true;
id=id:gsub( "[%s-–]", "" ); -- strip spaces, hyphens, and endashes from the issn
if 8 ~= id:len() or nil == id:match( "^%d*X?$" ) then -- validate the issn: 8 digits long, containing only 0-9 or X in the last position
valid_issn=false; -- wrong length or improper character
valid_issn=is_valid_isxn(id, 8); -- validate issn
if true == valid_issn then
id = string.sub( id, 1, 4 ) .. "-" .. string.sub( id, 5 ); -- if valid, display correctly formatted version
id = issn_copy; -- if not valid, use the show the invalid issn with error message
text = external_link_id({link =, label = handler.label,
prefix=handler.prefix,id=id,separator=handler.separator, encode=handler.encode})
if false == valid_issn then
text = text .. ' ' .. set_error( 'bad_issn' ) -- add an error message if the issn is invalid
return text
--[[--------------------------< A M A Z O N >------------------------------------------------------------------
Formats a link to Amazon. Do simple error checking: asin must be mix of 10 numeric or uppercase alpha
characters. If a mix, first character must be uppercase alpha; if all numeric, asins must be 10-digit
isbn. If 10-digit isbn, add a maintenance category so a bot or awb script can replace |asin= with |isbn=.
Error message if not 10 characters, if not isbn10, if mixed and first character is a digit.
local function amazon(id, domain)
local err_cat = ""
if not id:match("^[%d%u][%d%u][%d%u][%d%u][%d%u][%d%u][%d%u][%d%u][%d%u][%d%u]$") then
err_cat = ' ' .. set_error ('bad_asin'); -- asin is not a mix of 10 uppercase alpha and numeric characters
if id:match("^%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d[%dX]$") then -- if 10-digit numeric (or 9 digits with terminal X)
if check_isbn( id ) then -- see if asin value is isbn10
table.insert( z.maintenance_cats, 'CS1 maint: ASIN uses ISBN'); -- add to maint category
elseif not is_set (err_cat) then
err_cat = ' ' .. set_error ('bad_asin'); -- asin is not isbn10
elseif not id:match("^%u[%d%u]+$") then
err_cat = ' ' .. set_error ('bad_asin'); -- asin doesn't begin with uppercase alpha
if not is_set(domain) then
domain = "com";
elseif in_array (domain, {'jp', 'uk'}) then -- Japan, United Kingdom
domain = "co." .. domain;
elseif in_array (domain, {'au', 'br', 'mx'}) then -- Australia, Brazil, Mexico
domain = "com." .. domain;
local handler = cfg.id_handlers['ASIN'];
return external_link_id({link =,
label=handler.label , prefix="//"..domain.."/dp/",id=id,
encode=handler.encode, separator = handler.separator}) .. err_cat;
--[[--------------------------< A R X I V >--------------------------------------------------------------------
format and error check arXiv identifier. There are three valid forms of the identifier:
the first form, valid only between date codes 9108 and 0703 is:
arXiv:<archive>.<class>/<date code><number><version>
<archive> is a string of alpha characters - may be hyphenated; no other punctuation
<class> is a string of alpha characters - may be hyphenated; no other punctuation
<date code> is four digits in the form YYMM where YY is the last two digits of the four-digit year and MM is the month number January = 01
first digit of YY for this form can only 9 and 0
<number> is a three-digit number
<version> is a 1 or more digit number preceded with a lowercase v; no spaces (undocumented)
the second form, valid from April 2007 through December 2014 is:
arXiv:<date code>.<number><version>
<date code> is four digits in the form YYMM where YY is the last two digits of the four-digit year and MM is the month number January = 01
<number> is a four-digit number
<version> is a 1 or more digit number preceded with a lowercase v; no spaces
the third form, valid from January 2015 is:
arXiv:<date code>.<number><version>
<date code> and <version> are as defined for 0704-1412
<number> is a five-digit number
local function arxiv (id)
local handler = cfg.id_handlers['ARXIV'];
local year, month, version;
local err_cat = ""
if id:match("^%a[%a%.%-]+/[90]%d[01]%d%d%d%d$") or id:match("^%a[%a%.%-]+/[90]%d[01]%d%d%d%dv%d+$") then -- test for the 9108-0703 format w/ & w/o version
year, month = id:match("^%a[%a%.%-]+/([90]%d)([01]%d)%d%d%d[v%d]*$");
year = tonumber(year);
month = tonumber(month);
if ((not (90 < year or 8 > year)) or (1 > month or 12 < month)) or -- if invalid year or invalid month
((91 == year and 7 > month) or (7 == year and 3 < month)) then -- if years ok, are starting and ending months ok?
err_cat = ' ' .. set_error( 'bad_arxiv' ); -- set error message
elseif id:match("^%d%d[01]%d%.%d%d%d%d$") or id:match("^%d%d[01]%d%.%d%d%d%dv%d+$") then -- test for the 0704-1412 w/ & w/o version
year, month = id:match("^(%d%d)([01]%d)%.%d%d%d%d[v%d]*$");
year = tonumber(year);
month = tonumber(month);
if ((7 > year) or (14 < year) or (1 > month or 12 < month)) or -- is year invalid or is month invalid? (doesn't test for future years)
((7 == year) and (4 > month)) then --or -- when year is 07, is month invalid (before April)?
err_cat = ' ' .. set_error( 'bad_arxiv' ); -- set error message
elseif id:match("^%d%d[01]%d%.%d%d%d%d%d$") or id:match("^%d%d[01]%d%.%d%d%d%d%dv%d+$") then -- test for the 1501- format w/ & w/o version
year, month = id:match("^(%d%d)([01]%d)%.%d%d%d%d%d[v%d]*$");
year = tonumber(year);
month = tonumber(month);
if ((15 > year) or (1 > month or 12 < month)) then -- is year invalid or is month invalid? (doesn't test for future years)
err_cat = ' ' .. set_error( 'bad_arxiv' ); -- set error message
err_cat = ' ' .. set_error( 'bad_arxiv' ); -- arXiv id doesn't match any format
return external_link_id({link =, label = handler.label,
prefix=handler.prefix,id=id,separator=handler.separator, encode=handler.encode}) .. err_cat;
lccn normalization (
1. Remove all blanks.
2. If there is a forward slash (/) in the string, remove it, and remove all characters to the right of the forward slash.
3. If there is a hyphen in the string:
a. Remove it.
b. Inspect the substring following (to the right of) the (removed) hyphen. Then (and assuming that steps 1 and 2 have been carried out):
1. All these characters should be digits, and there should be six or less. (not done in this function)
2. If the length of the substring is less than 6, left-fill the substring with zeroes until the length is six.
Returns a normalized lccn for lccn() to validate. There is no error checking (step 3.b.1) performed in this function.
local function normalize_lccn (lccn)
lccn = lccn:gsub ("%s", ""); -- 1. strip whitespace
if nil ~= string.find (lccn,'/') then
lccn = lccn:match ("(.-)/"); -- 2. remove forward slash and all character to the right of it
local prefix
local suffix
prefix, suffix = lccn:match ("(.+)%-(.+)"); -- 3.a remove hyphen by splitting the string into prefix and suffix
if nil ~= suffix then -- if there was a hyphen
suffix=string.rep("0", 6-string.len (suffix)) .. suffix; -- 3.b.2 left fill the suffix with 0s if suffix length less than 6
lccn=prefix..suffix; -- reassemble the lccn
return lccn;
Format LCCN link and do simple error checking. LCCN is a character string 8-12 characters long. The length of the LCCN dictates the character type of the first 1-3 characters; the
rightmost eight are always digits.
length = 8 then all digits
length = 9 then lccn[1] is lower case alpha
length = 10 then lccn[1] and lccn[2] are both lower case alpha or both digits
length = 11 then lccn[1] is lower case alpha, lccn[2] and lccn[3] are both lower case alpha or both digits
length = 12 then lccn[1] and lccn[2] are both lower case alpha
local function lccn(lccn)
local handler = cfg.id_handlers['LCCN'];
local err_cat = ''; -- presume that LCCN is valid
local id = lccn; -- local copy of the lccn
id = normalize_lccn (id); -- get canonical form (no whitespace, hyphens, forward slashes)
local len = id:len(); -- get the length of the lccn
if 8 == len then
if id:match("[^%d]") then -- if LCCN has anything but digits (nil if only digits)
err_cat = ' ' .. set_error( 'bad_lccn' ); -- set an error message
elseif 9 == len then -- LCCN should be adddddddd
if nil == id:match("%l%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d") then -- does it match our pattern?
err_cat = ' ' .. set_error( 'bad_lccn' ); -- set an error message
elseif 10 == len then -- LCCN should be aadddddddd or dddddddddd
if id:match("[^%d]") then -- if LCCN has anything but digits (nil if only digits) ...
if nil == id:match("^%l%l%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d") then -- ... see if it matches our pattern
err_cat = ' ' .. set_error( 'bad_lccn' ); -- no match, set an error message
elseif 11 == len then -- LCCN should be aaadddddddd or adddddddddd
if not (id:match("^%l%l%l%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d") or id:match("^%l%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d")) then -- see if it matches one of our patterns
err_cat = ' ' .. set_error( 'bad_lccn' ); -- no match, set an error message
elseif 12 == len then -- LCCN should be aadddddddddd
if not id:match("^%l%l%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d") then -- see if it matches our pattern
err_cat = ' ' .. set_error( 'bad_lccn' ); -- no match, set an error message
err_cat = ' ' .. set_error( 'bad_lccn' ); -- wrong length, set an error message
if not is_set (err_cat) and nil ~= lccn:find ('%s') then
err_cat = ' ' .. set_error( 'bad_lccn' ); -- lccn contains a space, set an error message
return external_link_id({link =, label = handler.label,
prefix=handler.prefix,id=lccn,separator=handler.separator, encode=handler.encode}) .. err_cat;
Format PMID and do simple error checking. PMIDs are sequential numbers beginning at 1 and counting up. This code checks the PMID to see that it
contains only digits and is less than test_limit; the value in local variable test_limit will need to be updated periodically as more PMIDs are issued.
local function pmid(id)
local test_limit = 30000000; -- update this value as PMIDs approach
local handler = cfg.id_handlers['PMID'];
local err_cat = ''; -- presume that PMID is valid
if id:match("[^%d]") then -- if PMID has anything but digits
err_cat = ' ' .. set_error( 'bad_pmid' ); -- set an error message
else -- PMID is only digits
local id_num = tonumber(id); -- convert id to a number for range testing
if 1 > id_num or test_limit < id_num then -- if PMID is outside test limit boundaries
err_cat = ' ' .. set_error( 'bad_pmid' ); -- set an error message
return external_link_id({link =, label = handler.label,
prefix=handler.prefix,id=id,separator=handler.separator, encode=handler.encode}) .. err_cat;
Determines if a PMC identifier's online version is embargoed. Compares the date in |embargo= against today's date. If embargo date is
in the future, returns true; otherwise, returns false because the embargo has expired or |embargo= not set in this cite.
local function is_embargoed(embargo)
if is_set(embargo) then
local lang = mw.getContentLanguage();
local good1, embargo_date, good2, todays_date;
good1, embargo_date = pcall( lang.formatDate, lang, 'U', embargo );
good2, todays_date = pcall( lang.formatDate, lang, 'U' );
if good1 and good2 and tonumber( embargo_date ) >= tonumber( todays_date ) then --is embargo date is in the future?
return true; -- still embargoed
return false; -- embargo expired or |embargo= not set
Format a PMC, do simple error checking, and check for embargoed articles.
The embargo parameter takes a date for a value. If the embargo date is in the future
the PMC identifier will not be linked to the article. If the embargo specifies a date in the past, or if it is empty or omitted, then
the PMC identifier is linked to the article through the link at cfg.id_handlers['PMC'].prefix.
PMCs are sequential numbers beginning at 1 and counting up. This code checks the PMC to see that it contains only digits and is less
than test_limit; the value in local variable test_limit will need to be updated periodically as more PMCs are issued.
local function pmc(id, embargo)
local test_limit = 5000000; -- update this value as PMCs approach
local handler = cfg.id_handlers['PMC'];
local err_cat = ''; -- presume that PMC is valid
local text;
if id:match("[^%d]") then -- if PMC has anything but digits
err_cat = ' ' .. set_error( 'bad_pmc' ); -- set an error message
else -- PMC is only digits
local id_num = tonumber(id); -- convert id to a number for range testing
if 1 > id_num or test_limit < id_num then -- if PMC is outside test limit boundaries
err_cat = ' ' .. set_error( 'bad_pmc' ); -- set an error message
if is_embargoed(embargo) then
text="[[" .. .. "|" .. handler.label .. "]]:" .. handler.separator .. id .. err_cat; --still embargoed so no external link
text = external_link_id({link =, label = handler.label, --no embargo date, ok to link to article
prefix=handler.prefix,id=id,separator=handler.separator, encode=handler.encode}) .. err_cat;
return text;
-- Formats a DOI and checks for DOI errors.
-- DOI names contain two parts: prefix and suffix separated by a forward slash.
-- Prefix: directory indicator '10.' followed by a registrant code
-- Suffix: character string of any length chosen by the registrant
-- This function checks a DOI name for: prefix/suffix. If the doi name contains spaces or endashes,
-- or, if it ends with a period or a comma, this function will emit a bad_doi error message.
-- DOI names are case-insensitive and can incorporate any printable Unicode characters so the test for spaces, endash,
-- and terminal punctuation may not be technically correct but it appears, that in practice these characters are rarely if ever used in doi names.
local function doi(id, inactive)
local cat = ""
local handler = cfg.id_handlers['DOI'];
local text;
if is_set(inactive) then
local inactive_year = inactive:match("%d%d%d%d") or ''; -- try to get the year portion from the inactive date
text = "[[" .. .. "|" .. handler.label .. "]]:" .. id;
if is_set(inactive_year) then
table.insert( z.error_categories, "Pages with DOIs inactive since " .. inactive_year );
table.insert( z.error_categories, "Pages with inactive DOIs" ); -- when inactive doesn't contain a recognizable year
inactive = " (" .. cfg.messages['inactive'] .. " " .. inactive .. ")"
text = external_link_id({link =, label = handler.label,
prefix=handler.prefix,id=id,separator=handler.separator, encode=handler.encode})
inactive = ""
if nil == id:match("^10%.[^%s–]-/[^%s–]-[^%.,]$") then -- doi must begin with '10.', must contain a fwd slash, must not contain spaces or endashes, and must not end with period or comma
cat = ' ' .. set_error( 'bad_doi' );
return text .. inactive .. cat
-- Formats an OpenLibrary link, and checks for associated errors.
local function openlibrary(id)
local code = id:match("^%d+([AMW])$"); -- only digits followed by 'A', 'M', or 'W'
local handler = cfg.id_handlers['OL'];
if ( code == "A" ) then
return external_link_id({, label=handler.label,
prefix="",id=id, separator=handler.separator,
encode = handler.encode})
elseif ( code == "M" ) then
return external_link_id({, label=handler.label,
prefix="",id=id, separator=handler.separator,
encode = handler.encode})
elseif ( code == "W" ) then
return external_link_id({, label=handler.label,
prefix= "",id=id, separator=handler.separator,
encode = handler.encode})
return external_link_id({, label=handler.label,
prefix= "",id=id, separator=handler.separator,
encode = handler.encode}) ..
' ' .. set_error( 'bad_ol' );
--[[--------------------------< M E S S A G E _ I D >----------------------------------------------------------
Validate and format a usenet message id. Simple error checking, looks for 'id-left@id-right' not enclosed in
'<' and/or '>' angle brackets.
local function message_id (id)
local handler = cfg.id_handlers['USENETID'];
text = external_link_id({link =, label = handler.label,
prefix=handler.prefix,id=id,separator=handler.separator, encode=handler.encode})
if not id:match('^.+@.+$') or not id:match('^[^<].*[^>]$')then -- doesn't have '@' or has one or first or last character is '< or '>'
text = text .. ' ' .. set_error( 'bad_message_id' ) -- add an error message if the message id is invalid
return text
--[[--------------------------< S E T _ T I T L E T Y P E >----------------------------------------------------
This function sets default title types (equivalent to the citation including |type=<default value>) for those templatescitations that have defaults.
Also handles the special case where it is desirable to omit the title type from the rendered citation (|type=none).
local function set_titletype(cite_class, title_type)
local function set_titletype (cite_class, title_type)
if is_set(title_type) then
if "none" == title_type then
title_type = ""; -- if |type=none then type parameter not displayed
return title_type; -- if |type= has been set to any other value use that value
if "AV-media-notes" == cite_class or "DVD-notes" == cite_class then -- if this citation is cite AV media notes or cite DVD notes
return cfg.title_types [cite_class] or ''; -- set template's default title type; else empty string for concatenation
return "Media notes"; -- display AV media notes / DVD media notes annotation
elseif "mailinglist" == cite_class then -- if this citation is cite mailing list
return "Mailing list"; -- display mailing list annotation
elseif "map" == cite_class then -- if this citation is cite map
return "Map"; -- display map annotation
elseif "podcast" == cite_class then -- if this citation is cite podcast
return "Podcast"; -- display podcast annotation
elseif "pressrelease" == cite_class then -- if this citation is cite press release
return "Press release"; -- display press release annotation
elseif "report" == cite_class then -- if this citation is cite report
return "Report"; -- display report annotation
elseif "techreport" == cite_class then -- if this citation is cite techreport
return "Technical report"; -- display techreport annotation
elseif "thesis" == cite_class then -- if this citation is cite thesis (degree option handled after this function returns)
return "Thesis"; -- display simple thesis annotation (without |degree= modification)
-- Removes irrelevant text and dashes from ISBN number
-- Similar to that used for Special:BookSources
local function clean_isbn( isbn_str )
return isbn_str:gsub( "[^-0-9X]", "" );
--[[--------------------------< HE YS PC HA P E N _ TL OU A _ DM A SG I C _ C H A R S >--------------------------------------------------
Returns a string where all of lua's magic characters have been escaped. This is important because functions like
Converts a hyphen to a dash
string.gsub() treat their pattern and replace strings as patterns, not literal strings.
local function escape_lua_magic_chars (argument)
argument = argument:gsub("%%", "%%%%"); -- replace % with %%
argument = argument:gsub("([%^%$%(%)%.%[%]%*%+%-%?])", "%%%1"); -- replace all other lua magic pattern characters
return argument;
--[[--------------------------< S T R I P _ A P O S T R O P H E _ M A R K U P >--------------------------------
Strip wiki italic and bold markup from argument so that it doesn't contaminate COinS metadata.
This function strips common patterns of apostrophe markup. We presume that editors who have taken the time to
markup a title have, as a result, provided valid markup. When they don't, some single apostrophes are left behind.
local function strip_apostrophe_markup (argument)
if not is_set (argument) then return argument; end
while true do
if argument:match ("%'%'%'%'%'") then -- bold italic (5)
argument=argument:gsub("%'%'%'%'%'", ""); -- remove all instances of it
elseif argument:match ("%'%'%'%'") then -- italic start and end without content (4)
argument=argument:gsub("%'%'%'%'", "");
elseif argument:match ("%'%'%'") then -- bold (3)
argument=argument:gsub("%'%'%'", "");
elseif argument:match ("%'%'") then -- italic (2)
argument=argument:gsub("%'%'", "");
return argument; -- done
--[[--------------------------< M A K E _ C O I N S _ T I T L E >----------------------------------------------
Makes a title for COinS from Title and / or ScriptTitle (or any other name-script pairs)
Apostrophe markup (bold, italics) is stripped from each value so that the COinS metadata isn't correupted with strings
of %27%27...
local function make_coins_title (title, script)
if is_set (title) then
title = strip_apostrophe_markup (title); -- strip any apostrophe markup
title=''; -- if not set, make sure title is an empty string
if is_set (script) then
script = script:gsub ('^%l%l%s*:%s*', ''); -- remove language prefix if present (script value may now be empty string)
script = strip_apostrophe_markup (script); -- strip any apostrophe markup
script=''; -- if not set, make sure script is an empty string
if is_set (title) and is_set (script) then
script = ' ' .. script; -- add a space before we concatenate
return title .. script; -- return the concatenation
--[[--------------------------< G E T _ C O I N S _ P A G E S >------------------------------------------------
Extract page numbers from external wikilinks in any of the |page=, |pages=, or |at= parameters for use in COinS.
local function get_coins_pages (pages)
local pattern;
if not is_set (pages) then return pages; end -- if no page numbers then we're done
while true do
pattern = pages:match("%[(%w*:?//[^ ]+%s+)[%w%d].*%]"); -- pattern is the opening bracket, the url and following space(s): "[url "
if nil == pattern then break; end -- no more urls
pattern = escape_lua_magic_chars (pattern); -- pattern is not a literal string; escape lua's magic pattern characters
pages = pages:gsub(pattern, ""); -- remove as many instances of pattern as possible
pages = pages:gsub("[%[%]]", ""); -- remove the brackets
pages = pages:gsub("–", "-" ); -- replace endashes with hyphens
pages = pages:gsub("&%w+;", "-" ); -- and replace html entities (&ndash; etc.) with hyphens; do we need to replace numerical entities like &#32; and the like?
return pages;
-- Gets the display text for a wikilink like [[A|B]] or [[B]] gives B
local function remove_wiki_link( str )
return (str:gsub( "%[%[([^%[%]]*)%]%]", function(l)
return l:gsub( "^[^|]*|(.*)$", "%1" ):gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1");
-- Converts a hyphen to a dash
local function hyphen_to_dash( str )
if not is_set(str) or str:match( "[%[%]{}<>]" ) ~= nil then
Line 887 ⟶ 1,151:
return str:gsub( '-', '–' );
--[[--------------------------< S A F E _ J O I N >------------------------------------------------------------
Line 894 ⟶ 1,157:
local function safe_join( tbl, duplicate_char )
Line 938 ⟶ 1,200:
elseif end_chr == "]" then -- if it might be wikimarkup
if str:sub(-3,-1) == duplicate_char .. "]]" then -- if last three chars of str are sepc]] wikilink
trim = true;
elseif str:sub(-3,-1) == duplicate_char .. '"]' then -- if last three chars of str are sepc"] quoted external link
trim = true;
elseif str:sub(-2,-1) == duplicate_char .. "]" then -- if last two chars of str are sepc] external link
Line 968 ⟶ 1,228:
return str;
--[[--------------------------< I S _ S U F F I X >------------------------------------------------------------
returns true is suffix is properly formed Jr, Sr, or ordinal in the range 2–9. Puncutation not allowed.
local function is_suffix (suffix)
if in_array (suffix, {'Jr', 'Sr', '2nd', '3rd'}) or suffix:match ('^%dth$') then
return true;
return false;
Line 989 ⟶ 1,235:
uses characters that contain diacritical marks, those characters are to converted to the corresponding Latin character.
When a name is written using a non-Latin alphabet or logogram, that name is to be transliterated into Latin characters.
These things are not currently possible in this module so are left to the editor to do. This module can, however, check
the content of |lastn= and |firstn= to see if the names contain non-Latin (non-ASCII) characters and emit an error message
when such characters are located.
This test allows |first= and |last= names to contain any of the letters defined in the four Unicode Latin character sets
[ C0 Controls and Basic Latin] 0041–005A, 0061–007A
[ C1 Controls and Latin-1 Supplement] 00C0–00D6, 00D8–00F6, 00F8–00FF
[ Latin Extended-A] 0100–017F
[ Latin Extended-B] 0180–01BF, 01C4–024F
|lastn= also allowed to contain hyphens, spaces, and apostrophes. (
|firstn= also allowed to contain hyphens, spaces, apostrophes, and periods
This original test:
if nil == mw.ustring.find (last, "^[A-Za-zÀ-ÖØ-öø-ƿDŽ-ɏ%-%s%']*$") or nil == mw.ustring.find (first, "^[A-Za-zÀ-ÖØ-öø-ƿDŽ-ɏ%-%s%'%.]+[2-6%a]*$") then
was written ouside of the code editor and pasted here because the code editor gets confused between character insertion point and cursor position.
The test has been rewritten to use decimal character escape sequence for the individual bytes of the unicode characters so that it is not necessary
to use an external editor to maintain this code.
\195\128-\195\150 – À-Ö (U+00C0–U+00D6 – C0 controls)
\195\152-\195\182 – Ø-ö (U+00D8-U+00F6 – C0 controls)
\195\184-\198\191 – ø-ƿ (U+00F8-U+01BF – C0 controls, Latin extended A & B)
\199\132-\201\143 – DŽ-ɏ (U+01C4-U+024F – Latin extended B)
Allow |lastn= to contain ASCII characters, hyphens, spaces, and apostrophes. (
Allow |firstn= to contain ASCII characters, hyphens, spaces, apostrophes, and periods
local function is_good_vanc_name (last, first)
if last:find ("[^%a%-%'%s]") or first:find ("[^%a%-%'%s%.]") then
local first, suffix = first:match ('(.-),?%s*([%dJS][%drndth]+)%.?$') or first; -- if first has something that looks like a generational suffix, get it
if true ~= Page_in_vanc_error_cat then -- if we haven't been here before then set a sticky flag
Page_in_vanc_error_cat=true; -- so that if there are more than one error the category is added only once
if is_set (suffix) then
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'vancouver', {}, true ) } );
if not is_suffix (suffix) then
add_vanc_error ('suffix');
return false; -- not a name with an appropriate suffix
return false; -- not a string of latin characters; Vancouver required Romanization
if nil == mw.ustring.find (last, "^[A-Za-z\195\128-\195\150\195\152-\195\182\195\184-\198\191\199\132-\201\143%-%s%']*$") or
nil == mw.ustring.find (first, "^[A-Za-z\195\128-\195\150\195\152-\195\182\195\184-\198\191\199\132-\201\143%-%s%'%.]*$") then
add_vanc_error ('non-Latin character');
return false; -- not a string of latin characters; Vancouver requires Romanization
return true;
Line 1,037 ⟶ 1,261:
Names in |firstn= may be separated by spaces or hyphens, or for initials, a period. See
Vancouver style requires family rank designations (Jr, II, III, etc) to be rendered as Jr, 2nd, 3rd, etc. SeeThis is not
currently supported by this code so correctly formed names like Smith JL 2nd are converted to Smith J2. See
This code only accepts and understands generational suffix in the Vancouver format because Roman numerals look like, and can be mistaken for, initials.
This function uses ustring functions because firstname initials may be any of the unicode Latin characters accepted by is_good_vanc_name ().
local function reduce_to_initials(first)
if first:match("^%u%u$") then return first end; -- when first contains just two upper-case letters, nothing to do
local name, suffix = mw.ustring.match(first, "^(%u+) ([%dJS][%drndth]+)$");
local initials = {}
iflocal noti name= then0; -- ifcounter notfor initialsnumber andof a suffixinitials
name for =word mw.ustringin string.matchgmatch(first, "[^(%us%.%-]+)$"); do -- isnames itseparated by spaces, hyphens, justor intials?periods
table.insert(initials, string.sub(word,1,1)) -- Vancouver format does not include full stops.
i = i + 1; -- bump the counter
if 2 <= i then break; end -- only two initials allowed in Vancouver system; if 2, quit
if name then -- if first is initials with or without suffix
if 3 > mw.ustring.len (name) then -- if one or two initials
if suffix then -- if there is a suffix
if is_suffix (suffix) then -- is it legitimate?
return first; -- one or two initials and a valid suffix so nothing to do
add_vanc_error ('suffix'); -- one or two initials with invalid suffix so error message
return first; -- and return first unmolested
return first; -- one or two initials without suffix; nothing to do
end -- if here then name has 3 or more uppercase letters so treat them as a word
local initials, names = {}, {}; -- tables to hold name parts and initials
local i = 1; -- counter for number of initials
names = mw.text.split (first, '[%s,]+'); -- split into a table of names and possible suffix
while names[i] do -- loop through the table
if 1 < i and names[i]:match ('[%dJS][%drndth]+%.?$') then -- if not the first name, and looks like a suffix (may have trailing dot)
names[i] = names[i]:gsub ('%.', ''); -- remove terminal dot if present
if is_suffix (names[i]) then -- if a legitimate suffix
table.insert (initials, ' ' .. names[i]); -- add a separator space, insert at end of initials table
break; -- and done because suffix must fall at the end of a name
end -- no error message if not a suffix; possibly because of Romanization
if 3 > i then
table.insert (initials, mw.ustring.sub(names[i],1,1)); -- insert the intial at end of initials table
i = i+1; -- bump the counter
return table.concat(initials) -- Vancouver format does not include spaces.
--[[--------------------------< L I S T _ P E O P L E >-------------------------------------------------------
Formats a list of people (e.g. authors / editors)
local function list_people(control, people, etal)
local sep;
Line 1,113 ⟶ 1,298:
if sep:sub(-1,-1) ~= " " then sep = sep .. " " end
if is_set (maximum) ~= nil and maximum < 1 then return "", 0; end -- returned 0 is for EditorCount; not used for authors
for i,person in ipairs(people) do
Line 1,120 ⟶ 1,305:
local one
local sep_one = sep;
if is_set (maximum) ~= nil and i > maximum then
etal = true;
Line 1,134 ⟶ 1,319:
one = person.last
local first = person.first
if is_set(first) then
if ( "vanc" == format ) then -- if vancouver format
one = one:gsub ('%.', ''); -- remove periods from surnames (
if not person.corporate and is_good_vanc_name (one, first) then -- and name is all Latin characters; corporate authors not tested
first = reduce_to_initials(first) -- attempt to convert first name(s) to initials
one = one .. namesep .. first;
if is_set( and ~= control.page_name then
one = make_wikilink"[[" .. (, .. "|" .. one); .. "]]" -- link author/editor if this page is not the author's/editor's page
if is_set( and ((nil ~="//")) or (nil ~="[%[%]]"))) then
one = one .. " " .. set_error( 'bad_authorlink' ) end -- url or wikilink in author link;
table.insert( text, one )
Line 1,152 ⟶ 1,340:
local count = #text / 2; -- (number of names + number of separators) divided by 2
if count > 0 then
if count > 1 and is_set(lastauthoramp) and not etal then
text[#text-2] = " & "; -- replace last separator with ampersand text
text[#text] = nil; -- erase the last separator
local result = table.concat(text) -- construct list
if etal then
if etal and is_set (result) then -- etal may be set by |display-authors=etal but we might not have a last-first list
resultlocal etal_text = result .. sep .. ' ' .. cfg.messages['et al']; -- we've go a last-first list and etal so add et al.
result = result .. " " .. etal_text;
return result, count
--[[--------------------------< A N C H O R _ I D >------------------------------------------------------------
Generates a CITEREF anchor ID if we have at least one name or a date. Otherwise returns an empty string.
namelist is one of the contributor-, author-, or editor-name lists chosen in that order. year is Year or anchor_year.
local function anchor_id( options )
local id = table.concat( options ); -- concatenate names and year for CITEREF id
local function anchor_id (namelist, year)
local names={}; -- a table for the one to four names and year
for i,v in ipairs (namelist) do -- loop through the list and take up to the first four last names
names[i] = v.last
if i == 4 then break end -- if four then done
table.insert (names, year); -- add the year at the end
local id = table.concat(names); -- concatenate names and year for CITEREF id
if is_set (id) then -- if concatenation is not an empty string
return "CITEREF" .. id; -- add the CITEREF portion
Line 1,190 ⟶ 1,370:
--[[--------------------------< N A M E _ H A S _ E T A L >----------------------------------------------------
Evaluates the content of author and editor name parameters for variations on the theme of et al. If found,
the et al. is removed, a flag is set to true and the function returns the modified name and the flag.
This function never sets the flag to false but returns it's previous state because it may have been set by
previous passes through this function or by the parameters |display-authors=etal or |display-editors=etal
local function name_has_etal (name, etal, nocat)
if is_set (name) then -- name can be nil in which case just return
local etal_pattern = "[;,]? *[\"']*%f[%a][Ee][Tt] *[Aa][Ll][%.\"']*$" -- variations on the 'et al' theme
local others_pattern = "[;,]? *%f[%a]and [Oo]thers"; -- and alternate to et al.
if name:match (etal_pattern) then -- variants on et al.
name = name:gsub (etal_pattern, ''); -- if found, remove
etal = true; -- set flag (may have been set previously here or by |display-authors=etal)
if not nocat then -- no categorization for |vauthors=
add_maint_cat ('etal'); -- and add a category if not already added
elseif name:match (others_pattern) then -- if not 'et al.', then 'and others'?
name = name:gsub (others_pattern, ''); -- if found, remove
etal = true; -- set flag (may have been set previously here or by |display-authors=etal)
if not nocat then -- no categorization for |vauthors=
add_maint_cat ('etal'); -- and add a category if not already added
return name, etal; --
--[[--------------------------< N A M E _ H A S _ E D _ M A R K U P >------------------------------------------
Evaluates the content of author and editor parameters for extranious editor annotations: ed, ed., eds, (Ed.), etc.
These annotation do not belong in author parameters and are redundant in editor parameters. If found, the function
adds the editor markup maintenance category.
local function name_has_ed_markup (name, list_name)
local _, pattern;
local patterns = { -- these patterns match annotations at end of name
'%f[%(%[][%(%[]%s*[Ee][Dd][Ss]?%.?%s*[%)%]]?$', -- (ed) or (eds): leading '(', case insensitive 'ed', optional 's', '.' and/or ')'
'[,%.%s]%f[e]eds?%.?$', -- ed or eds: without '('or ')'; case sensitive (ED could be initials Ed could be name)
'%f[%(%[][%(%[]%s*[Ee][Dd][Ii][Tt][Oo][Rr][Ss]?%.?%s*[%)%]]?$', -- (editor) or (editors): leading '(', case insensitive, optional '.' and/or ')'
'[,%.%s]%f[Ee][Ee][Dd][Ii][Tt][Oo][Rr][Ss]?%.?$', -- editor or editors: without '('or ')'; case insensitive
-- these patterns match annotations at beginning of name
'^eds?[%.,;]', -- ed. or eds.: lower case only, optional 's', requires '.'
'^[%(%[]%s*[Ee][Dd][Ss]?%.?%s*[%)%]]', -- (ed) or (eds): also sqare brackets, case insensitive, optional 's', '.'
'^[%(%[]?%s*[Ee][Dd][Ii][Tt][Oo][Rr][Ss]?%A', -- (editor or (editors: also sq brackets, case insensitive, optional brackets, 's'
'^[%(%[]?%s*[Ee][Dd][Ii][Tt][Ee][Dd]%A', -- (edited: also sq brackets, case insensitive, optional brackets
if is_set (name) then
for _, pattern in ipairs (patterns) do -- spin through patterns table and
if name:match (pattern) then
add_maint_cat ('extra_text_names', cfg.special_case_translation [list_name]); -- add a maint cat for this template
return name; -- and done
--[[--------------------------< N A M E _ H A S _ M U L T _ N A M E S >----------------------------------------
Evaluates the content of author and editor (surnames only) parameters for multiple names. Multiple names are
indicated if there is more than one comma and or semicolon. If found, the function adds the multiple name
(author or editor) maintenance category.
local function name_has_mult_names (name, list_name)
local count, _;
if is_set (name) then
_, count = name:gsub ('[;,]', ''); -- count the number of separator-like characters
if 1 < count then -- param could be |author= or |editor= so one separator character is acceptable
add_maint_cat ('mult_names', cfg.special_case_translation [list_name]); -- more than one separator indicates multiple names so add a maint cat for this template
return name; -- and done
--[[--------------------------< N A M E _ C H E C K S >--------------------------------------------------------
This function calls various name checking functions used to validate the content of the various name-holding
local function name_checks (last, first, list_name)
if is_set (last) then
if last:match ('^%(%(.*%)%)$') then -- if wrapped in doubled parentheses, accept as written
last = last:match ('^%(%((.*)%)%)$'); -- strip parens
last = name_has_mult_names (last, list_name); -- check for multiple names in the parameter (last only)
last = name_has_ed_markup (last, list_name); -- check for extraneous 'editor' annotation
if is_set (first) then
if first:match ('^%(%(.*%)%)$') then -- if wrapped in doubled parentheses, accept as written
first = first:match ('^%(%((.*)%)%)$'); -- strip parens
first = name_has_ed_markup (first, list_name); -- check for extraneous 'editor' annotation
return last, first; -- done
--[[--------------------------< E X T R A C T _ N A M E S >----------------------------------------------------
Line 1,334 ⟶ 1,397:
local count = 0; -- used to count the number of times we haven't found a |last= (or alias for authors, |editor-last or alias for editors)
local etal=false; -- return value set to true when we find some form of et al. in an author parameter
local pattern = ",? *'*[Ee][Tt] *[Aa][Ll][%.']*$" -- variations on the 'et al' theme
local err_msg_list_name = list_name:match ("(%w+)List") .. 's list'; -- modify AuthorList or EditorList for use in error messages if necessary
while true do
last = select_one( args, cfg.aliases[list_name .. '-Last'], 'redundant_parameters', i ); -- search through args for name components beginning at 1
Line 1,342 ⟶ 1,407:
mask = select_one( args, cfg.aliases[list_name .. '-Mask'], 'redundant_parameters', i );
local name = tostring(last);
last, etal = name_has_etal (last, etal, false); -- find and remove variations on et al.
first,if etal = name_has_etalname:match (first,pattern) etal, false);then -- find and remove variationsvarients on et al.
last, first= name_checksname:gsub (last, firstpattern, list_name''); -- multipleif namesfound, extraneous annotation, etc checksremove
etal = true;
name = tostring(first);
if name:match (pattern) then -- varients on et al.
first = name:gsub (pattern, ''); -- if found, remove
etal = true;
if first and not last then -- if there is a firstn without a matching lastn
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'first_missing_last', {err_msg_list_name, i}, true ) } ); -- add this error message
elseif not first and not last then -- if both firstn and lastn aren't found, are we done?
count = count + 1; -- number of times we haven't found last and first
if 2 <== count then -- two missing names and we give up
break; -- normal exit or there is a two-name hole in the list; can't tell which
else -- we have last with or without a first
names[n] = {last = last, first = first, link = link, mask = mask}; -- add this name to our names list
link_title_ok (link, list_name:match ("(%w+)List"):lower() .. '-link' .. i, last, list_name:match ("(%w+)List"):lower() .. '-last' .. i); -- check for improper wikimarkup
names[n] = {last = last, first = first, link = link, mask = mask, corporate=false}; -- add this name to our names list (corporate for |vauthors= only)
n = n + 1; -- point to next location in the names table
if 1 == count then -- if the previous name was missing
Line 1,366 ⟶ 1,436:
if true == etal then
table.insert( z.maintenance_cats, 'CS1 maint: Explicit use of et al.'); -- add to maint category
return names, etal; -- all done, return our list of names
-- Populates ID table from arguments using configuration settings
local function extract_ids( args )
--[[--------------------------< G E T _ I S O 6 3 9 _ C O D E >------------------------------------------------
local id_list = {};
for k, v in pairs( cfg.id_handlers ) do
Validates language names provided in |language= parameter if not an ISO639-1 or 639-2 code.
v = select_one( args, v.parameters, 'redundant_parameters' );
if is_set(v) then id_list[k] = v; end
Returns the language name and associated two- or three-character code. Because case of the source may be incorrect
or different from the case that WikiMedia uses, the name comparisons are done in lower case and when a match is
found, the Wikimedia version (assumed to be correct) is returned along with the code. When there is no match, we
return the original language name string.
mw.language.fetchLanguageNames(<local wiki language>, 'all') returns a list of languages that in some cases may include
extensions. For example, code 'cbk-zam' and its associated name 'Chavacano de Zamboanga' (MediaWiki does not support
code 'cbk' or name 'Chavacano'. Most (all?) of these languages are not used a 'language' codes per se, rather they
are used as sub-domain names: These names can be found (for the time being) at
Names but that are included in the list will be found if that name is provided in the |language= parameter. For example,
if |language=Chavacano de Zamboanga, that name will be found with the associated code 'cbk-zam'. When names are found
and the associated code is not two or three characters, this function returns only the Wikimedia language name.
Adapted from code taken from Module:Check ISO 639-1.
local function get_iso639_code (lang, this_wiki_code)
local remap = {
['bangla'] = {'Bengali', 'bn'}, -- MediaWiki returns Bangla (the endonym) but we want Bengali (the exonym); here we remap
['bengali'] = {'Bengali', 'bn'}, -- MediaWiki doesn't use exonym so here we provide correct language name and 639-1 code
['bihari'] = {'Bihari', 'bh'}, -- MediaWiki replace 'Bihari' with 'Bhojpuri' so 'Bihari' cannot be found
['bhojpuri'] = {'Bhojpuri', 'bho'}, -- MediaWiki uses 'bh' as a subdomain name for Bhojpuri wWikipedia:
if remap[lang:lower()] then
return remap[lang:lower()][1], remap[lang:lower()][2]; -- for this language 'name', return a possibly new name and appropriate code
local languages = mw.language.fetchLanguageNames(this_wiki_code, 'all') -- get a list of language names known to Wikimedia
-- ('all' is required for North Ndebele, South Ndebele, and Ojibwa)
local langlc = mw.ustring.lower(lang); -- lower case version for comparisons
for code, name in pairs(languages) do -- scan the list to see if we can find our language
if langlc == mw.ustring.lower(name) then
if 2 ~= code:len() and 3 ~= code:len() then -- two- or three-character codes only; extensions not supported
return name; -- so return the name but not the code
return name, code; -- found it, return name to ensure proper capitalization and the the code
return id_list;
return lang; -- not valid language; return language in original case and nil for the code
--[[--------------------------< B U I L D _ I D _ L I S T >--------------------------------------------------------
Takes a table of IDs and turns it into a table of formatted ID outputs.
--[[--------------------------< L A N G U A G E _ P A R A M E T E R >------------------------------------------
Gets language name from a provided two- or three-character ISO 639 code. If a code is recognized by MediaWiki,
use the returned name; if not, then use the value that was provided with the language parameter.
When |language= contains a recognized language (either code or name), the page is assigned to the category for
that code: Category:Norwegian-language sources (no). For valid three-character code languages, the page is assigned
to the single category for '639-2' codes: Category:CS1 ISO 639-2 language sources.
Languages that are the same as the local wiki are not categorized. MediaWiki does not recognize three-character
equivalents of two-character codes: code 'ar' is recognized bit code 'ara' is not.
This function supports multiple languages in the form |language=nb, French, th where the language names or codes are
separated from each other by commas.
local function build_id_list( id_list, options )
local new_list, handler = {};
function fallback(k) return { __index = function(t,i) return cfg.id_handlers[k][i] end } end;
local function language_parameter (lang)
local code; -- the two- or three-character language code
local name; -- the language name
local language_list = {}; -- table of language names to be rendered
local names_table = {}; -- table made from the value assigned to |language=
local this_wiki = mw.getContentLanguage(); -- get a language object for this wiki
local this_wiki_code = this_wiki:getCode() -- get this wiki's language code
local this_wiki_name = mw.language.fetchLanguageName(this_wiki_code, this_wiki_code); -- get this wiki's language name
local remap = {
['bh'] = 'Bihari', -- MediaWiki uses 'bh' as a subdomain name for Bhojpuri wWikipedia:
['bn'] = 'Bengali', -- MediaWiki returns Bangla
names_table = mw.text.split (lang, '%s*,%s*'); -- names should be a comma separated list
for _, lang in ipairs (names_table) do -- reuse lang
if lang:match ('^%a%a%-') then -- strip ietf language tags from code; TODO: is there a need to support 3-char with tag?
lang = lang:match ('(%a%a)%-') -- keep only 639-1 code portion to lang; TODO: do something with 3166 alpha 2 country code?
if 2 == lang:len() or 3 == lang:len() then -- if two-or three-character code
name = mw.language.fetchLanguageName( lang:lower(), this_wiki_code); -- get language name if |language= is a proper code
for k, v in pairs( id_list ) do
if is_set (name) then -- if |language= specified a valid code
-- fallback to read-only cfg
code = lang:lower(); -- save it
handler = setmetatable( { ['id'] = v }, fallback(k) );
name, code = get_iso639_code (lang, this_wiki_code); -- attempt to get code from name (assign name here so that we are sure of proper capitalization)
if handler.mode == 'external' then
table.insert( new_list, {handler.label, external_link_id( handler ) } );
elseif handler.mode == 'internal' then
if is_set (code) then -- only 2- or 3-character codes
table.insert( new_list, {handler.label, internal_link_id( handler ) } );
name = remap[code] or name; -- override wikimedia when they misuse language codes/names
elseif handler.mode ~= 'manual' then
error( cfg.messages['unknown_ID_mode'] );
if this_wiki_code ~= code then -- when the language is not the same as this wiki's language
elseif k == 'DOI' then
if 2 == code:len() then -- and is a two-character code
table.insert( new_list, {handler.label, doi( v, options.DoiBroken ) } );
add_prop_cat ('foreign_lang_source' .. code, {name, code}) -- categorize it
elseif k == 'ARXIV' then
else -- or is a recognized language (but has a three-character code)
table.insert( new_list, {handler.label, arxiv( v ) } );
add_prop_cat ('foreign_lang_source_2' .. code, {code}) -- categorize it differently TODO: support mutliple three-character code categories per cs1|2 template
elseif k == 'ASIN' then
table.insert( new_list, {handler.label, amazon( v, options.ASINTLD ) } );
elseif k == 'LCCN' then
table.insert( new_list, {handler.label, lccn( v ) } );
elseif k == 'OL' then
table.insert( new_list, {handler.label, openlibrary( v ) } );
elseif k == 'PMC' then
table.insert( new_list, {handler.label, pmc( v, options.Embargo ) } );
elseif k == 'PMID' then
table.insert( new_list, {handler.label, pmid( v ) } );
elseif k == 'ISSN' then
table.insert( new_list, {handler.label, issn( v ) } );
elseif k == 'ISBN' then
local ISBN = internal_link_id( handler );
if not check_isbn( v ) and not is_set(options.IgnoreISBN) then
ISBN = ISBN .. set_error( 'bad_isbn', {}, false, " ", "" );
table.insert( new_list, {handler.label, ISBN } );
elseif k == 'USENETID' then
table.insert( new_list, {handler.label, message_id( v ) } );
error( cfg.messages['unknown_manual_ID'] );
add_maint_cat ('unknown_lang'); -- add maint category if not already added
table.insert (language_list, name);
name = ''; -- so we can reuse it
function comp( a, b ) -- used in following table.sort()
code = #language_list -- reuse code as number of languages in the list
return a[1] < b[1];
if 2 >= code then
name = table.concat (language_list, ' and ') -- insert '<space>and<space>' between two language names
elseif 2 < code then
language_list[code] = 'and ' .. language_list[code]; -- prepend last name with 'and<space>'
name = table.concat (language_list, ', ') -- and concatenate with '<comma><space>' separators
if this_wiki_name == name then
table.sort( new_list, comp );
return ''; -- if one language and that language is this wiki's return an empty string (no annotation)
for k, v in ipairs( new_list ) do
new_list[k] = v[2];
return (" " .. wrap_msg ('language', name)); -- otherwise wrap with '(in ...)'
return new_list;
--[[ TODO: should only return blank or name rather than full list
so we can clean up the bunched parenthetical elements Language, Type, Format
-- COinS metadata (see <>) allows automated tools to parse
-- the citation information.
--[[--------------------------< S E T _ C S 1 _ S T Y L E >----------------------------------------------------
local function COinS(data)
if 'table' ~= type(data) or nil == next(data) then
Set style settings for CS1 citation templates. Returns separator and postscript settings
return '';
local function set_cs1_style (ps)
if not is_set (ps) then -- unless explicitely set to something
ps = '.'; -- terminate the rendered citation with a period
return '.', ps; -- separator is a full stop
--[[--------------------------< S E T _ C S 2 _ S T Y L E >----------------------------------------------------
Set style settings for CS2 citation templates. Returns separator, postscript, ref settings
local function set_cs2_style (ps, ref)
if not is_set (ps) then -- if |postscript= has not been set, set cs2 default
ps = ''; -- make sure it isn't nil
if not is_set (ref) then -- if |ref= is not set
ref = "harv"; -- set default |ref=harv
return ',', ps, ref; -- separator is a comma
--[[--------------------------< G E T _ S E T T I N G S _ F R O M _ C I T E _ C L A S S >----------------------
When |mode= is not set or when its value is invalid, use config.CitationClass and parameter values to establish
rendered style.
local function get_settings_from_cite_class (ps, ref, cite_class)
local sep;
if (cite_class == "citation") then -- for citation templates (CS2)
sep, ps, ref = set_cs2_style (ps, ref);
else -- not a citation template so CS1
sep, ps = set_cs1_style (ps);
return sep, ps, ref -- return them all
--[[--------------------------< S E T _ S T Y L E >------------------------------------------------------------
Establish basic style settings to be used when rendering the citation. Uses |mode= if set and valid or uses
config.CitationClass from the template's #invoke: to establish style.
local function set_style (mode, ps, ref, cite_class)
local sep;
if 'cs2' == mode then -- if this template is to be rendered in CS2 (citation) style
sep, ps, ref = set_cs2_style (ps, ref);
elseif 'cs1' == mode then -- if this template is to be rendered in CS1 (cite xxx) style
sep, ps = set_cs1_style (ps);
else -- anything but cs1 or cs2
sep, ps, ref = get_settings_from_cite_class (ps, ref, cite_class); -- get settings based on the template's CitationClass
if 'none' == ps:lower() then -- if assigned value is 'none' then
ps = ''; -- set to empty string
local ctx_ver = "Z39.88-2004";
return sep, ps, ref
-- treat table strictly as an array with only set values.
local OCinSoutput = setmetatable( {}, {
__newindex = function(self, key, value)
--[=[-------------------------< I S _ P D F >------------------------------------------------------------------
if is_set(value) then
rawset( self, #self+1, table.concat{ key, '=', mw.uri.encode( remove_wiki_link( value ) ) } );
Determines if a url has the file extension that is one of the pdf file extensions used by [[MediaWiki:Common.css]] when
applying the pdf icon to external links.
returns true if file extension is one of the recognized extensions, else false
local function is_pdf (url)
return url:match ('%.pdf$') or url:match ('%.PDF$') or url:match ('%.pdf[%?#]') or url:match ('%.PDF[%?#]');
--[[--------------------------< S T Y L E _ F O R M A T >------------------------------------------------------
Applies css style to |format=, |chapter-format=, etc. Also emits an error message if the format parameter does
not have a matching url parameter. If the format parameter is not set and the url contains a file extension that
is recognized as a pdf document by MediaWiki's commons.css, this code will set the format parameter to (PDF) with
the appropriate styling.
local function style_format (format, url, fmt_param, url_param)
if is_set (format) then
format = wrap_style ('format', format); -- add leading space, parentheses, resize
if not is_set (url) then
format = format .. set_error( 'format_missing_url', {fmt_param, url_param} ); -- add an error message
elseif is_pdf (url) then -- format is not set so if url is a pdf file then
format = wrap_style ('format', 'PDF'); -- set format to pdf
format = ''; -- empty string for concatenation
return format;
--[[--------------------------< G E T _ D I S P L A Y _ A U T H O R S _ E D I T O R S >------------------------
Returns a number that defines the number of names displayed for author and editor name lists and a boolean flag
to indicate when et al. should be appended to the name list.
When the value assigned to |display-xxxxors= is a number greater than or equal to zero, return the number and
the previous state of the 'etal' flag (false by default but may have been set to true if the name list contains
some variant of the text 'et al.').
When the value assigned to |display-xxxxors= is the keyword 'etal', return a number that is one greater than the
number of authors in the list and set the 'etal' flag true. This will cause the list_people() to display all of
the names in the name list followed by 'et al.'
In all other cases, returns nil and the previous state of the 'etal' flag.
max: A['DisplayAuthors'] or A['DisplayEditors']; a number or some flavor of etal
count: #a or #e
list_name: 'authors' or 'editors'
etal: author_etal or editor_etal
local function get_display_authors_editors (max, count, list_name, etal)
if is_set (max) then
if 'etal' == max:lower():gsub("[ '%.]", '') then -- the :gsub() portion makes 'etal' from a variety of 'et al.' spellings and stylings
max = count + 1; -- number of authors + 1 so display all author name plus et al.
etal = true; -- overrides value set by extract_names()
elseif max:match ('^%d+$') then -- if is a string of numbers
max = tonumber (max); -- make it a number
if max >= count then -- if |display-xxxxors= value greater than or equal to number of authors/editors
add_maint_cat ('disp_auth_ed', cfg.special_case_translation [list_name]);
else -- not a valid keyword or number
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'invalid_param_val', {'display-' .. list_name, max}, true ) } ); -- add error message
max = nil; -- unset; as if |display-xxxxors= had not been set
if is_set(data.Chapter) then
return max, etal;
OCinSoutput.rft_val_fmt = "info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:book";
OCinSoutput["rft.genre"] = "bookitem";
OCinSoutput["rft.atitle"] = data.Chapter;
OCinSoutput["rft.btitle"] = data.Title;
--[[--------------------------< E X T R A _ T E X T _ I N _ P A G E _ C H E C K >------------------------------
elseif is_set(data.Periodical) then
OCinSoutput.rft_val_fmt = "info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:journal";
Adds page to Category:CS1 maint: extra text if |page= or |pages= has what appears to be some form of p. or pp.
OCinSoutput["rft.genre"] = "article";
abbreviation in the first characters of the parameter content.
OCinSoutput["rft.jtitle"] = data.Periodical;
OCinSoutput["rft.atitle"] = data.Title;
check Page and Pages for extraneous p, p., pp, and pp. at start of parameter value:
good pattern: '^P[^%.P%l]' matches when |page(s)= begins PX or P# but not Px where x and X are letters and # is a dgiit
OCinSoutput.rft_val_fmt = "info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:book";
bad pattern: '^[Pp][Pp]' matches matches when |page(s)= begins pp or pP or Pp or PP
OCinSoutput["rft.genre"] = "book"
OCinSoutput["rft.btitle"] = data.Title;
local function extra_text_in_page_check (page)
local good_pattern = '^P[^%.Pp]'; -- ok to begin with uppercase P: P7 (pg 7 of section P) but not p123 (page 123) TODO: add Gg for PG or Pg?
local bad_pattern = '^[Pp]?[Pp]%.?[ %d]';
if not page:match (good_pattern) and (page:match (bad_pattern) or page:match ('^[Pp]ages?')) then
add_maint_cat ('extra_text');
--[=[-------------------------< G E T _ V _ N A M E _ T A B L E >----------------------------------------------
split apart a |vauthors= or |veditors= parameter. This function allows for corporate names, wrapped in doubled
parentheses to also have commas; in the old version of the code, the doubled parnetheses were included in the
rendered citation and in the metadata. Individual author names may be wikilinked
|vauthors=Jones AB, [[E. B. White|White EB]], ((Black, Brown, and Co.))
local function get_v_name_table (vparam, output_table, output_link_table)
local name_table = mw.text.split(vparam, "%s*,%s*"); -- names are separated by commas
local wl_type, label, link; -- wl_type not used here; just a place holder
OCinSoutput[""] = data.PublicationPlace;
local i = 1;
OCinSoutput[""] = data.Date;
OCinSoutput["rft.series"] = data.Series;
OCinSoutput["rft.volume"] = data.Volume;
OCinSoutput["rft.issue"] = data.Issue;
OCinSoutput["rft.pages"] = data.Pages;
OCinSoutput["rft.edition"] = data.Edition;
OCinSoutput[""] = data.PublisherName;
for k, v in pairs( data.ID_list ) do
while name_table[i] do
local id, value = cfg.id_handlers[k].COinS;
if name_table[i]:match ('^%(%(.*[^%)][^%)]$') then -- first segment of corporate with one or more commas; this segment has the opening doubled parens
if k == 'ISBN' then value = clean_isbn( v ); else value = v; end
local name = name_table[i];
if string.sub( id or "", 1, 4 ) == 'info' then
i=i+1; -- bump indexer to next segment
OCinSoutput["rft_id"] = table.concat{ id, "/", v };
while name_table[i] do
name = name .. ', ' .. name_table[i]; -- concatenate with previous segments
if name_table[i]:match ('^.*%)%)$') then -- if this table member has the closing doubled parens
break; -- and done reassembling so
i=i+1; -- bump indexer
table.insert (output_table, name); -- and add corporate name to the output table
table.insert (output_link_table, ''); -- no wikilink
OCinSoutput[ id ] = value;
wl_type, label, link = is_wikilink (name_table[i]); -- wl_type is: 0, no wl (text in label variable); 1, [[D]]; 2, [[L|D]]
table.insert (output_table, label); -- add this name
if 1 == wl_type then
table.insert (output_link_table, label); -- simple wikilink [[D]]
table.insert (output_link_table, link); -- no wikilink or [[L|D]]; add this link if there is one, else empty string
i = i+1;
local last, first;
return output_table;
for k, v in ipairs( data.Authors ) do
last, first = v.last, v.first;
if k == 1 then
if is_set(last) then
--[[--------------------------< P A R S E _ V A U T H O R S _ V E D I T O R S >--------------------------------
OCinSoutput["rft.aulast"] = last;
This function extracts author / editor names from |vauthors= or |veditors= and finds matching |xxxxor-maskn= and
|xxxxor-linkn= in args. It then returns a table of assembled names just as extract_names() does.
Author / editor names in |vauthors= or |veditors= must be in Vancouver system style. Corporate or institutional names
may sometimes be required and because such names will often fail the is_good_vanc_name() and other format compliance
tests, are wrapped in doubled paranethese ((corporate name)) to suppress the format tests.
Supports generational suffixes Jr, 2nd, 3rd, 4th–6th.
This function sets the vancouver error when a reqired comma is missing and when there is a space between an author's initials.
local function parse_vauthors_veditors (args, vparam, list_name)
local names = {}; -- table of names assembled from |vauthors=, |author-maskn=, |author-linkn=
local v_name_table = {};
local v_link_table = {}; -- when name is wikilinked, targets go in this table
local etal = false; -- return value set to true when we find some form of et al. vauthors parameter
local last, first, link, mask, suffix;
local corporate = false;
vparam, etal = name_has_etal (vparam, etal, true); -- find and remove variations on et al. do not categorize (do it here because et al. might have a period)
v_name_table = get_v_name_table (vparam, v_name_table, v_link_table); -- names are separated by commas
for i, v_name in ipairs(v_name_table) do
if v_name:match ('^%(%(.+%)%)$') then -- corporate authors are wrapped in doubled parentheses to supress vanc formatting and error detection
first = ''; -- set to empty string for concatenation and because it may have been set for previous author/editor
last = v_name:match ('^%(%((.+)%)%)$') -- remove doubled parntheses
corporate = true; -- flag used in list_people()
elseif string.find(v_name, "%s") then
if v_name:find('[;%.]') then -- look for commonly occurring punctuation characters;
add_vanc_error ('punctuation');
if is_set(first) then
local lastfirstTable = {}
OCinSoutput["rft.aufirst"] = first;
lastfirstTable = mw.text.split(v_name, "%s")
first = table.remove(lastfirstTable); -- removes and returns value of last element in table which should be author intials
if is_suffix (first) then -- if a valid suffix
suffix = first -- save it as a suffix and
first = table.remove(lastfirstTable); -- get what should be the initials from the table
end -- no suffix error message here because letter combination may be result of Romanization; check for digits?
last = table.concat(lastfirstTable, " ") -- returns a string that is the concatenation of all other names that are not initials
if mw.ustring.match (last, '%a+%s+%u+%s+%a+') then
add_vanc_error ('missing comma'); -- matches last II last; the case when a comma is missing
if mw.ustring.match (v_name, ' %u %u$') then -- this test is in the wrong place TODO: move or replace with a more appropriate test
add_vanc_error ('name'); -- matches a space between two intiials
first = ''; -- set to empty string for concatenation and because it may have been set for previous author/editor
last = v_name; -- last name or single corporate name? Doesn't support multiword corporate names? do we need this?
if is_set(last) and is_set(first) then
OCinSoutput[""] = table.concat{ last, ", ", first };
if is_set (first) then
elseif is_set(last) then
if not mw.ustring.match (first, "^%u?%u$") then -- first shall contain one or two upper-case letters, nothing else
OCinSoutput[""] = last;
add_vanc_error ('initials'); -- too many initials; mixed case initials (which may be ok Romanization); hyphenated initials
is_good_vanc_name (last, first); -- check first and last before restoring the suffix which may have a non-Latin digit
if is_set (suffix) then
first = first .. ' ' .. suffix; -- if there was a suffix concatenate with the initials
suffix = ''; -- unset so we don't add this suffix to all subsequent names
if not corporate then
is_good_vanc_name (last, '');
link = select_one( args, cfg.aliases[list_name .. '-Link'], 'redundant_parameters', i ) or v_link_table[i];
mask = select_one( args, cfg.aliases[list_name .. '-Mask'], 'redundant_parameters', i );
names[i] = {last = last, first = first, link = link, mask = mask, corporate=corporate}; -- add this assembled name to our names list
return names, etal; -- all done, return our list of names
OCinSoutput.rft_id = data.URL;
OCinSoutput.rfr_id = table.concat{ "info:sid/", "[^/]*$" ), ":", data.RawPage };
OCinSoutput = setmetatable( OCinSoutput, nil );
-- sort with version string always first, and combine.
table.sort( OCinSoutput );
table.insert( OCinSoutput, 1, "ctx_ver=" .. ctx_ver ); -- such as "Z39.88-2004"
return table.concat(OCinSoutput, "&");
--[[--------------------------< SG E L E C T _ AI U T HS O R6 _3 E D I T O R9 _ SC O U R CD E >------------------------------------------------
Validates language names provided in |language= parameter if not an ISO639-1 code. Handles the special case that is Norwegian where
Select one of |authors=, |authorn= / |lastn / firstn=, or |vauthors= as the source of the author name list or
ISO639-1 code 'no' is mapped to language name 'Norwegian Bokmål' by Extention:CLDR.
select one of |editors=, |editorn= / editor-lastn= / |editor-firstn= or |veditors= as the source of the editor name list.
Returns the language name and associated ISO639-1 code. Because case of the source may be incorrect or different from the case that Wikimedia
Only one of these appropriate three will be used. The hierarchy is: |authorn= (and aliases) highest and |authors= lowest and
uses, the name comparisons are done in lower case and when a match is found, the Wikimedia version (assumed to be correct) is returned along
similarly, |editorn= (and aliases) highest and |editors= lowest
with the code. When there is no match, we return the original language name string.
mw.language.fetchLanguageNames() will return a list of languages that aren't part of ISO639-1. Names that aren't ISO639-1 but that are included
When looking for |authorn= / |editorn= parameters, test |xxxxor1= and |xxxxor2= (and all of their aliases); stops after the second
in the list will be found if that name is provided in the |language= parameter. For example, if |language=Samaritan Aramaic, that name will be
test which mimicks the test used in extract_names() when looking for a hole in the author name list. There may be a better
found with the associated code 'sam', not an ISO639-1 code. When names are found and the associated code is not two characters, this function
way to do this, I just haven't discovered what that way is.
returns only the Wikimedia language name.
Emits an error message when more than one xxxxor name source is provided.
In this function, vxxxxors = vauthors or veditors; xxxxors = authors or editors as appropriate.
Adapted from code taken from Module:Check ISO 639-1.
local function select_author_editor_sourceget_iso639_code (vxxxxors, xxxxors, args, list_namelang)
if 'norwegian' == lang:lower() then -- special case related to Wikimedia remap of code 'no' at Extension:CLDR
local lastfirst = false;
return 'Norwegian', 'no'; -- Make sure rendered version is properly capitalized
if select_one( args, cfg.aliases[list_name .. '-Last'], 'none', 1 ) or -- do this twice incase we have a |first1= without a |last1=; this ...
select_one( args, cfg.aliases[list_name .. '-First'], 'none', 1 ) or -- ... also catches the case where |first= is used with |vauthors=
select_one( args, cfg.aliases[list_name .. '-Last'], 'none', 2 ) or
select_one( args, cfg.aliases[list_name .. '-First'], 'none', 2 ) then
local languages = mw.language.fetchLanguageNames('en', 'all') -- get a list of language names known to Wikimedia
if (is_set (vxxxxors) and true == lastfirst) or -- these are the three error conditions
-- ('all' is required for North Ndebele, South Ndebele, and Ojibwa)
(is_set (vxxxxors) and is_set (xxxxors)) or
local langlc = mw.ustring.lower(lang); -- lower case version for comparisons
(true == lastfirst and is_set (xxxxors)) then
local err_name;
for code, name in pairs(languages) do -- scan the list to see if we can find our language
if 'AuthorList' == list_name then -- figure out which name should be used in error message
if langlc == mw.ustring.lower(name) then
err_name = 'author';
if 2 ~= code:len() then -- ISO639-1 codes only
return name; -- so return the name but not the code
err_name = 'editor';
return name, code; -- found it, return name to ensure proper capitalization and the ISO639-1 code
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'redundant_parameters',
{err_name .. '-name-list parameters'}, true ) } ); -- add error message
return lang; -- not valid language; return language in original case and nil for ISO639-1 code
if true == lastfirst then return 1 end; -- return a number indicating which author name source to use
if is_set (vxxxxors) then return 2 end;
if is_set (xxxxors) then return 3 end;
return 1; -- no authors so return 1; this allows missing author name test to run in case there is a first without last
--[[--------------------------< L A N G U A G E _ P A R A M E T E R >------------------------------------------
Get language name from ISO639-1 code value provided. If a code is valid use the returned name; if not, then use the value that was provided with the language parameter.
--[[--------------------------< I S _ V A L I D _ P A R A M E T E R _ V A L U E >------------------------------
There is an exception. There are three ISO639-1 codes for Norewegian language variants. There are two official variants: Norwegian Bokmål (code 'nb') and
This function is used to validate a parameter's assigned value for those parameters that have only a limited number
Norwegian Nynorsk (code 'nn'). The third, code 'no', is defined by ISO639-1 as 'Norwegian' though in Norway this is pretty much meaningless. However, it appears
of allowable values (yes, y, true, no, etc). When the parameter value has not been assigned a value (missing or empty
that on enwiki, editors are for the most part unaware of the nb and nn variants (compare page counts for these variants at Category:Articles with non-English-language external links.
in the source template) the function returns true. If the parameter value is one of the list of allowed values returns
true; else, emits an error message and returns false.
Because Norwegian Bokmål is the most common language variant, Media wiki has been modified to return Norwegian Bokmål for ISO639-1 code 'no'. Here we undo that and
return 'Norwegian' when editors use |language=no. We presume that editors don't know about the variants or can't descriminate between them.
See Help talk:Citation Style_1#An ISO 639-1 language name test
local function is_valid_parameter_value (value, name, possible)
if not is_set (value) then
return true; -- an empty parameter is ok
elseif in_array(value:lower(), possible) then
return true;
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'invalid_param_val', {name, value}, true ) } ); -- not an allowed value so add error message
return false
When |language= contains a valid ISO639-1 code, the page is assigned to the category for that code: Category:Norwegian-language sources (no) if
the page is a mainspace page and the ISO639-1 code is not 'en'. Similarly, if the parameter is |language=Norwegian, it will be categorized in the same way.
--[[--------------------------< T E R M I N A T E _ N A M E _ L I S T >----------------------------------------
This function terminates a name list (author, contributor, editor) with a separator character (sepc) and a space
when the last character is not a sepc character or when the last three characters are not sepc followed by two
closing square brackets (close of a wikilink). When either of these is true, the name_list is terminated with a
single space character.
local function terminate_name_listlanguage_parameter (name_listlang, sepcnamespace)
local code; -- the ISO639-1 two character code
if (string.sub (name_list,-3,-1) == sepc .. '. ') then -- if already properly terminated
return local name_listname; -- justthe return thelanguage name list
local test='';
elseif (string.sub (name_list,-1,-1) == sepc) or (string.sub (name_list,-3,-1) == sepc .. ']]') then -- if last name in list ends with sepc char
return name_list .. " "; -- don't add another
if 0 == namespace and (('bh' == lang:lower()) or ('bho' == lang:lower()) or ('bhojpuri' == lang:lower())) then
table.insert (z.maintenance_cats, 'CS1 रखरखाव: भोजपुरी भाषा के उल्लेख'); -- add maintenance category if |language=English or |language=en in article space
return name_list .. sepc .. ' '; -- otherwise terninate the name list
if 2 == lang:len() then -- ISO639-1 language code are 2 characters (fetchLanguageName also supports 3 character codes)
name = mw.language.fetchLanguageName( lang:lower(), "hi" ); -- get ISO 639-1 language name if Language is a proper code
if is_set (name) then -- if Language specified a valid ISO639-1 code
--[[-------------------------< F O R M A T _ V O L U M E _ I S S U E >----------------------------------------
code = lang:lower(); -- save it
returns the concatenation of the formatted volume and issue parameters as a single string; or formatted volume
name, code = get_iso639_code (lang); -- attempt to get code from name (assign name here so that we are sure of proper capitalization)
or formatted issue, or an empty string if neither are set.
local function format_volume_issue (volume, issue, cite_class, origin, sepc, lower)
if not is_set (volume) and not is_set (issue) then
return '';
if 'magazine' == cite_class or (in_array (cite_class, {'citation', 'map'}) and 'magazine' == origin) then
if is_set (volume) and is_set (issue) then
return wrap_msg ('vol-no', {sepc, volume, issue}, lower);
elseif is_set (volume) then
return wrap_msg ('vol', {sepc, volume}, lower);
return wrap_msg ('issue', {sepc, issue}, lower);
if is_set (code) then
local vol = '';
if 'no' == code then name = 'Norwegian' end; -- override wikimedia when code is 'no'
if 0 == namespace and 'bh' ~= code then -- is this page main / article space and Bhojpuri not the language?
if is_set (volume) then
table.insert( z.properties_cats, 'CS1 ' .. name .. '-भाषा स्रोत (' .. code .. ')'); -- in main space and not Bhojpuri: categorize
if (4 < mw.ustring.len(volume)) then
vol = substitute (cfg.messages['j-vol'], {sepc, volume});
vol = substitute (cfg.presentation['vol-bold'], {sepc, hyphen_to_dash(volume)});
table.insert (z.maintenance_cats, 'CS1 रखरखाव: नामालूम भाषा'); -- add maintenance category when |language= does not appear to be ISO 639-1 language
return (" " .. wrap_msg ('language', name)); -- wrap with '(in ...)'
if is_set (issue) then
return vol .. substitute (cfg.messages['j-issue'], issue);
return vol;
--[[--------------------------< G E T _ S E T T I N G S _ F R O M _ C I T E _ C L A S S >----------------------
When |mode= is not set or when its value is invalid, use config.CitationClass and parameter values to establish
--[[-------------------------< F O R M A T _ P A G E S _ S H E E T S >-----------------------------------------
rendered style.
adds static text to one of |page(s)= or |sheet(s)= values and returns it with all of the others set to empty strings.
The return order is:
page, pages, sheet, sheets
Singular has priority over plural when both are provided.
local function format_pages_sheetsget_settings_from_cite_class (pageps, pages, sheet, sheetsref, cite_class, origin, sepc, nopp, lower)
local sep;
if 'map' == cite_class then -- only cite map supports sheet(s) as in-source locators
if (cite_class == "citation") then -- for citation templates (CS2)
if is_set (sheet) then
sep = ','; -- set citation separator to its default (comma)
if 'journal' == origin then
if not is_set (ps) then -- if |postscript= has not been set, set cs2 default
return '', '', wrap_msg ('j-sheet', sheet, lower), '';
ps = ''; -- make sure it isn't nil
return '', '', wrap_msg ('sheet', {sepc, sheet}, lower), '';
elseif is_set (sheets) then
if 'journal' == origin then
return '', '', '', wrap_msg ('j-sheets', sheets, lower);
return '', '', '', wrap_msg ('sheets', {sepc, sheets}, lower);
if not is_set (ref) then -- if |ref= is not set
ref = "harv"; -- set default |ref=harv
local is_journal = 'journal' == cite_class or (in_array (cite_class, {'citation', 'map'}) and 'journal' == origin);
if is_set (page) then
if is_journal then
return substitute (cfg.messages['j-page(s)'], page), '', '', '';
elseif not nopp then
return substitute (cfg.messages['p-prefix'], {sepc, page}), '', '', '';
return substitute (cfg.messages['nopp'], {sepc, page}), '', '', '';
else -- not a citation template so CS1
elseif is_set(pages) then
sep = ';'; -- set cite xxx separator to its default (period)
if is_journal then
if not is_set (ps) then -- if |postscript= has not been set
return substitute (cfg.messages['j-page(s)'], pages), '', '', '';
ps = '.'; -- set cs1 default
elseif tonumber(pages) ~= nil and not nopp then -- if pages is only digits, assume a single page number
return '', substitute (cfg.messages['p-prefix'], {sepc, pages}), '', '';
elseif not nopp then
return '', substitute (cfg.messages['pp-prefix'], {sepc, pages}), '', '';
return '', substitute (cfg.messages['nopp'], {sepc, pages}), '', '';
return ''sep, ''ps, '', '';ref -- return emptythem stringsall
--[[--------------------------< S E T _ S T Y L E >------------------------------------------------------------
Establish basic style settings to be used when rendering the citation. Uses |mode= if set and valid or uses
--[=[-------------------------< A R C H I V E _ U R L _ C H E C K >--------------------------------------------
config.CitationClass from the template's #invoke: to establish style.
Check urls to make sure they at least look like they are pointing at valid archives and not to the
save snapshot url or to calendar pages. When the archive url is '' (or http://...) saves a snapshot of the target page in the url. That is something that Wikipedia should not allow
unwitting readers to do.
local function set_style (mode, ps, ref, cite_class)
When the url does not have a complete timestamp, chooses a snapshot according to its own
local sep;
algorithm or provides a calendar 'search' result. [[WP:ELNO]] discourages links to search results.
if is_set (mode) then
if 'cs2' == mode then -- if this template is to be rendered in CS2 (citation) style
This function looks at the value assigned to |archive-url= and returns empty strings for |archive-url= and
sep = ','; -- separate elements with a comma
|archive-date= and an error message when:
if not is_set (ps) then -- unless explicitely set to something
|archive-url= holds an save command url
ps = ''; -- make sure it isn't nil
|archive-url= is an url that does not have a complete timestamp (YYYYMMDDhhmmss 14 digits) in the
correct place
otherwise returns |archive-url= and |archive-date=
There are two mostly compatible urls:
//<timestamp>... -- the old form
//<timestamp>... -- the new form
The old form does not support or map to the new form when it contains a display flag. There are four identified flags
('id_', 'js_', 'cs_', 'im_') but since ignores others following the same form (two letters and an underscore)
we don't check for these specific flags but we do check the form.
This function supports a preview mode. When the article is rendered in preview mode, this funct may return a modified
archive url:
for save command errors, return undated wildcard (/*/)
for timestamp errors when the timestamp has a wildcard, return the url unmodified
for timestamp errors when the timestamp does not have a wildcard, return with timestamp limited to six digits plus wildcard (/yyyymm*/)
local function archive_url_check (url, date)
local err_msg = ''; -- start with the error message empty
local path, timestamp, flag; -- portions of the archive.or url
if (not url:match('//')) and (not url:match('//')) then -- also deprecated liveweb Wayback machine url
return url, date; -- not an archive, return ArchiveURL and ArchiveDate
if url:match('//') then -- if a save command url, we don't want to allow saving of the target page
err_msg = 'save command';
url = url:gsub ('(//', '%1/*/', 1); -- for preview mode: modify ArchiveURL
elseif url:match('//') then
err_msg = 'liveweb';
path, timestamp, flag = url:match('//[^%d]*)(%d+)([^/]*)/'); -- split out some of the url parts for evaluation
if not is_set(timestamp) or 14 ~= timestamp:len() then -- path and flag optional, must have 14-digit timestamp here
err_msg = 'timestamp';
if '*' ~= flag then
url=url:gsub ('(//[^%d]*%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?)[^/]*', '%1*', 1) -- for preview, modify ts to be yearmo* max (0-6 digits plus splat)
elseif if not is_set (pathref) and 'web/' ~= path then -- older archive urls do not have theunless extraexplicitely 'web/'set pathto elementsomething
ref = 'harv'; -- set so this template renders with CITEREF anchor id
err_msg = 'path';
elseif is_set (flag) and not is_set (path) then -- flag not allowed with the old form url (without the 'web/' path element)
elseif 'cs1' == mode then -- if this template is to be rendered in CS1 (cite xxx) style
err_msg = 'flag';
sep = '.'; -- separate elements with a period
elseif is_set (flag) and not flag:match ('%a%a_') then -- flag if present must be two alpha characters and underscore (requires 'web/' path element)
if not is_set (ps) then -- unless explicitely set to something
err_msg = 'flag';
ps = '.'; -- terminate the rendered citation with a period
return url, date; -- return archiveURL and ArchiveDate
else -- anything but cs1 or cs2
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'invalid_param_val', {'mode', mode}, true ) } ); -- add error message
sep, ps, ref = get_settings_from_cite_class (ps, ref, cite_class); -- get settings based on the template's CitationClass
else -- when |mode= empty or omitted
sep, ps, ref = get_settings_from_cite_class (ps, ref, cite_class); -- get settings based on the template's CitationClass
if 'none' == ps:lower() then -- if here,assigned somethingvalue notis right'none' sothen
ps = ''; -- set to empty string
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'archive_url', {err_msg}, true ) } ); -- add error message and
if is_set (Frame:preprocess('{{REVISIONID}}')) then
return '', ''; -- return empty strings for archiveURL and ArchiveDate
return url, date; -- preview mode so return archiveURL and ArchiveDate
--[[--------------------------< M I S S I N G _ P I P E _ C H E C K >------------------------------------------
Look at the contents of a parameter. If the content has a string of characters and digits followed by an equal
sign, compare the alphanumeric string to the list of cs1|2 parameters. If found, then the string is possibly a
parameter that is missing its pipe:
{{cite ... |title=Title access-date=2016-03-17}}
cs1|2 shares some parameter names with xml/html atributes: class=, title=, etc. To prevent false positives xml/html
tags are removed before the search.
If a missing pipe is detected, this function adds the missing pipe maintenance category.
local function missing_pipe_check (value)
local capture;
value = value:gsub ('%b<>', ''); -- remove xml/html tags because attributes: class=, title=, etc
capture = value:match ('%s+(%a[%a%d]+)%s*=') or value:match ('^(%a[%a%d]+)%s*='); -- find and categorize parameters with possible missing pipes
if capture and validate (capture) then -- if the capture is a valid parameter name
add_maint_cat ('missing_pipe');
return sep, ps, ref
--[[--------------------------< C I T A T I O N 0 >------------------------------------------------------------
This is the main function doing the majority of the citation
This is the main function doing the majority of the citation formatting.
local function citation0( config, args)
Load Input Parameters
The argument_wrapper facilitates the mapping of multiple
aliases to single internal variable.
local A = argument_wrapper( args );
local i
local PPrefix = A['PPrefix']
local PPPrefix = A['PPPrefix']
if is_set( A['NoPP'] ) then PPPrefix = "" PPrefix = "" end
-- Pick out the relevant fields from the arguments. Different citation templates
-- define different field names for the same underlying things.
local Authors = A['Authors'];
-- set default parameter values defined by |mode= parameter.
local Mode = A['Mode'];
if not is_valid_parameter_value (Mode, 'mode', cfg.keywords['mode']) then
Mode = '';
local author_etal;
local a, author_etal = extract_names( args, 'AuthorList' );
local a = {}; -- authors list from |lastn= / |firstn= pairs or |vauthors=
local Authors;
local NameListFormat = A['NameListFormat'];
local Collaboration = A['Collaboration'];
do -- to limit scope of selected
local selected = select_author_editor_source (A['Vauthors'], A['Authors'], args, 'AuthorList');
if 1 == selected then
a, author_etal = extract_names (args, 'AuthorList'); -- fetch author list from |authorn= / |lastn= / |firstn=, |author-linkn=, and |author-maskn=
elseif 2 == selected then
NameListFormat = 'vanc'; -- override whatever |name-list-format= might be
a, author_etal = parse_vauthors_veditors (args, args.vauthors, 'AuthorList'); -- fetch author list from |vauthors=, |author-linkn=, and |author-maskn=
elseif 3 == selected then
Authors = A['Authors']; -- use content of |authors=
if 'authors' == A:ORIGIN('Authors') then -- but add a maint cat if the parameter is |authors=
add_maint_cat ('authors'); -- because use of this parameter is discouraged; what to do about the aliases is a TODO:
if is_set (Collaboration) then
author_etal = true; -- so that |display-authors=etal not required
local Coauthors = A['Coauthors'];
local Others = A['Others'];
local Editors = A['Editors'];
local editor_etal;
local e, editor_etal = extract_names( args, 'EditorList' );
local e = {}; -- editors list from |editor-lastn= / |editor-firstn= pairs or |veditors=
local Editors;
local NameListFormat = A['NameListFormat']; -- replaces |author-format= and |editor-format=
do -- to limit scope of selected
if is_set (NameListFormat) and ('vanc' ~= NameListFormat) then -- only accepted value for this parameter is 'vanc'
local selected = select_author_editor_source (A['Veditors'], A['Editors'], args, 'EditorList');
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'invalid_param_val', {'name-list-format', NameListFormat}, true ) } ); -- not vanc so add error message
if 1 == selected then
NameListFormat = ''; -- set to empty string
e, editor_etal = extract_names (args, 'EditorList'); -- fetch editor list from |editorn= / |editor-lastn= / |editor-firstn=, |editor-linkn=, and |editor-maskn=
elseif 2 == selected then
NameListFormat = 'vanc'; -- override whatever |name-list-format= might be
e, editor_etal = parse_vauthors_veditors (args, args.veditors, 'EditorList'); -- fetch editor list from |veditors=, |editor-linkn=, and |editor-maskn=
elseif 3 == selected then
Editors = A['Editors']; -- use content of |editors=
add_maint_cat ('editors'); -- but add a maint cat because use of this parameter is discouraged
local t = {}; -- translators list from |translator-lastn= / translator-firstn= pairs
local Translators; -- assembled translators name list
t = extract_names (args, 'TranslatorList'); -- fetch translator list from |translatorn= / |translator-lastn=, -firstn=, -linkn=, -maskn=
local interviewers_list = {};
local Interviewers = A['Interviewers']
if is_set (Interviewers) then -- add a maint cat if the |interviewers= is used
add_maint_cat ('interviewers'); -- because use of this parameter is discouraged
interviewers_list = extract_names (args, 'InterviewerList'); -- else, process preferred interviewers parameters
local c = {}; -- contributors list from |contributor-lastn= / contributor-firstn= pairs
local Contributors; -- assembled contributors name list
local Contribution = A['Contribution'];
if in_array(config.CitationClass, {"book","citation"}) and not is_set(A['Periodical']) then -- |contributor= and |contribution= only supported in book cites
c = extract_names (args, 'ContributorList'); -- fetch contributor list from |contributorn= / |contributor-lastn=, -firstn=, -linkn=, -maskn=
if 0 < #c then
if not is_set (Contribution) then -- |contributor= requires |contribution=
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'contributor_missing_required_param', 'contribution')}); -- add missing contribution error message
c = {}; -- blank the contributors' table; it is used as a flag later
if 0 == #a then -- |contributor= requires |author=
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'contributor_missing_required_param', 'author')}); -- add missing author error message
c = {}; -- blank the contributors' table; it is used as a flag later
else -- if not a book cite
if select_one (args, cfg.aliases['ContributorList-Last'], 'redundant_parameters', 1 ) then -- are there contributor name list parameters?
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'contributor_ignored')}); -- add contributor ignored error message
Contribution = nil; -- unset
if not is_valid_parameter_value (NameListFormat, 'name-list-format', cfg.keywords['name-list-format']) then -- only accepted value for this parameter is 'vanc'
NameListFormat = ''; -- anything else, set to empty string
Line 2,198 ⟶ 1,792:
local TitleNote = A['TitleNote'];
local TitleLink = A['TitleLink'];
link_title_ok (TitleLink, A:ORIGIN ('TitleLink'), Title, 'title'); -- check for wikimarkup in |title-link= or wikimarkup in |title= when |title-link= is set
local Chapter = A['Chapter'];
local ScriptChapterChapterLink = A['ScriptChapterChapterLink']; -- deprecated
local ChapterLink -- = A['ChapterLink']; -- deprecated as a parameter but still used internally by cite episode
local TransChapter = A['TransChapter'];
local TitleType = A['TitleType'];
local Degree = A['Degree'];
local Docket = A['Docket'];
local ArchiveFormatArchiveURL = A['ArchiveFormatArchiveURL'];
local ArchiveDate;
local ArchiveURL;
ArchiveURL, ArchiveDate = archive_url_check (A['ArchiveURL'], A['ArchiveDate'])
local DeadURL = A['DeadURL']
if not is_valid_parameter_value (DeadURL, 'dead-url', cfg.keywords ['deadurl']) then -- set in config.defaults to 'yes'
DeadURL = ''; -- anything else, set to empty string
local URL = A['URL']
local URLorigin = A:ORIGIN('URL'); -- get name of parameter that holds URL
local ChapterURL = A['ChapterURL'];
local ChapterURLorigin = A:ORIGIN('ChapterURL'); -- get name of parameter that holds ChapterURL
local ConferenceFormat = A['ConferenceFormat'];
local ConferenceURL = A['ConferenceURL'];
local ConferenceURLorigin = A:ORIGIN('ConferenceURL'); -- get name of parameter that holds ConferenceURL
local Periodical = A['Periodical'];
local Periodical_origin = A:ORIGIN('Periodical'); -- get the name of the periodical parameter
local Series = A['Series'];
local Volume = A['Volume'];
local VolumeIssue = A['Issue'];
local Issue;
local Page;
local Pages;
local At;
if in_array (config.CitationClass, cfg.templates_using_volume) then
Volume = A['Volume'];
-- conference & map books do not support issue
if in_array (config.CitationClass, cfg.templates_using_issue) and not (in_array (config.CitationClass, {'conference', 'map'}) and not is_set (Periodical))then
Issue = A['Issue'];
local Position = '';
local Page = A['Page'];
if not in_array (config.CitationClass, cfg.templates_not_using_page) then
local Pages = hyphen_to_dash( A['Pages'] );
Page = A['Page'];
Pages local At = hyphen_to_dash( A['PagesAt'] );
At = A['At'];
local Edition = A['Edition'];
Line 2,257 ⟶ 1,821:
local PublisherName = A['PublisherName'];
local RegistrationRequired = A['RegistrationRequired'];
if not is_valid_parameter_value (RegistrationRequired, 'registration', cfg.keywords ['yes_true_y']) then
local SubscriptionRequired = A['SubscriptionRequired'];
if not is_valid_parameter_value (SubscriptionRequired, 'subscription', cfg.keywords ['yes_true_y']) then
local UrlAccess = A['UrlAccess'];
if not is_valid_parameter_value (UrlAccess, 'url-access', cfg.keywords ['url-access']) then
UrlAccess = nil;
if not is_set(URL) and is_set(UrlAccess) then
UrlAccess = nil;
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'param_access_requires_param', {'url'}, true ) } );
if is_set (UrlAccess) and is_set (SubscriptionRequired) then -- while not aliases, these are much the same so if both are set
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'redundant_parameters', {wrap_style ('parameter', 'url-access') .. ' and ' .. wrap_style ('parameter', 'subscription')}, true ) } ); -- add error message
SubscriptionRequired = nil; -- unset; prefer |access= over |subscription=
if is_set (UrlAccess) and is_set (RegistrationRequired) then -- these are not the same but contradictory so if both are set
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'redundant_parameters', {wrap_style ('parameter', 'url-access') .. ' and ' .. wrap_style ('parameter', 'registration')}, true ) } ); -- add error message
RegistrationRequired = nil; -- unset; prefer |access= over |registration=
local ChapterUrlAccess = A['ChapterUrlAccess'];
if not is_valid_parameter_value (ChapterUrlAccess, 'chapter-url-access', cfg.keywords ['url-access']) then -- same as url-access
ChapterUrlAccess = nil;
if not is_set(ChapterURL) and is_set(ChapterUrlAccess) then
ChapterUrlAccess = nil;
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'param_access_requires_param', {'chapter-url'}, true ) } );
local Via = A['Via'];
local AccessDate = A['AccessDate'];
local ArchiveDate = A['ArchiveDate'];
local Agency = A['Agency'];
local DeadURL = A['DeadURL']
local Language = A['Language'];
local Format = A['Format'];
Line 2,304 ⟶ 1,834:
local IgnoreISBN = A['IgnoreISBN'];
if not is_valid_parameter_value (IgnoreISBN, 'ignore-isbn-error', cfg.keywords ['yes_true_y']) then
IgnoreISBN = nil; -- anything else, set to empty string
local Embargo = A['Embargo'];
local Class = A['Class']; -- arxiv class identifier
local ID_list = extract_ids( args );
local ID_access_levels = extract_id_access_levels( args, ID_list );
local Quote = A['Quote'];
local LayFormat = A['LayFormat'];
local LayURL = A['LayURL'];
local LaySource = A['LaySource'];
local Transcript = A['Transcript'];
local TranscriptFormat = A['TranscriptFormat'];
local TranscriptURL = A['TranscriptURL']
local TranscriptURLorigin = A:ORIGIN('TranscriptURL'); -- get name of parameter that holds TranscriptURL
local LastAuthorAmp = A['LastAuthorAmp'];
if not is_valid_parameter_value (LastAuthorAmp, 'last-author-amp', cfg.keywords ['yes_true_y']) then
LastAuthorAmp = nil; -- set to empty string
local no_tracking_cats = A['NoTracking'];
if not is_valid_parameter_value (no_tracking_cats, 'no-tracking', cfg.keywords ['yes_true_y']) then
no_tracking_cats = nil; -- set to empty string
--these are used by cite interview
--local variables that are not cs1 parameters
local Callsign = A['Callsign'];
local use_lowercase; -- controls capitalization of certain static text
local City = A['City'];
local this_page = mw.title.getCurrentTitle(); -- also used for COinS and for language
local Program = A['Program'];
local anchor_year; -- used in the CITEREF identifier
local COinS_date = {}; -- holds date info extracted from |date= for the COinS metadata by Module:Date verification
--local variables that are not cs1 parameters
local DF = A['DF']; -- date format set in cs1|2 template
local use_lowercase; -- controls capitalization of certain static text
if not is_valid_parameter_value (DF, 'df', cfg.keywords['date-format']) then -- validate reformatting keyword
local this_page = mw.title.getCurrentTitle(); -- also used for COinS and for language
DF = ''; -- not valid, set to empty string
local anchor_year; -- used in the CITEREF identifier
local COinS_date; -- used in the COinS metadata
-- set default parameter values defined by |mode= parameter. If |mode= is empty or omitted, use CitationClass to set these values
local sepc; -- separator between citation elements for CS1 a period, for CS2, a comma
local PostScript;
local Ref;
sepc, PostScript, Ref = set_style (A['Mode']:lower(), A['PostScript'], A['Ref'], config.CitationClass);
use_lowercase = ( sepc == ',' ); -- used to control capitalization for certain static text
--check this page to see if it is in one of the namespaces that cs1 is not supposed to add to the error categories.
if not is_set (no_tracking_cats) then -- ignore if we are already not going to categorize this page
if in_array (this_page.nsText, cfg.uncategorized_namespaces) then
no_tracking_cats = "true"; -- set no_tracking_cats
for _,v in ipairs (cfg.uncategorized_subpages) do -- cycle through page name patterns
if this_page.text:match (v) then -- test page name against each pattern
no_tracking_cats = "true"; -- set no_tracking_cats
break; -- bail out if one is found
-- check for extra |page=, |pages= or |at= parameters. (also sheet and sheets while we're at it)
select_one( args, {'page', 'p', 'pp', 'pages', 'at', 'sheet', 'sheets'}, 'redundant_parameters' ); -- this is a dummy call simply to get the error message and category
local NoPP = A['NoPP']
if is_set (NoPP) and is_valid_parameter_value (NoPP, 'nopp', cfg.keywords ['yes_true_y']) then
NoPP = true;
NoPP = nil; -- unset, used as a flag later
-- check for extra |page=, |pages= or |at= parameters.
if is_set(Page) then
if is_set(Pages) or is_set(At) then
Page = Page .. " " .. set_error('extra_pages'); -- add error message
Pages = ''; -- unset the others
Pages = ''; -- unset the others
At = '';
extra_text_in_page_check (Page); -- add this page to maint cat if |page= value begins with what looks like p. or pp.
elseif is_set(Pages) then
if is_set(At) then
Pages = Pages .. " " .. set_error('extra_pages'); -- add error messages
At = ''; -- unset
At = ''; -- unset
extra_text_in_page_check (Pages); -- add this page to maint cat if |pages= value begins with what looks like p. or pp.
-- both |publication-place= and |place= (|location=) allowed if different
if not is_set(PublicationPlace) and is_set(Place) then
PublicationPlace = Place; -- promote |place= (|location=) to |publication-place
Line 2,393 ⟶ 1,895:
if PublicationPlace == Place then Place = ''; end -- don't need both if they are the same
Parameter remapping for cite encyclopedia:
When the citation has these parameters:
|encyclopedia and |title then map |title to |article and |encyclopedia to |title
|encyclopedia and |article then map |encyclopedia to |title
|encyclopedia then map |encyclopedia to |title
|trans-titletrans_title maps to |trans-chaptertrans_chapter when |title is re-mapped
|url maps to |chapterurl when |title is remapped
All other combinations of |encyclopedia, |title, and |article are not modified
TODO: script-title to script-chapter if and when we support script-chapter
local Encyclopedia = A['Encyclopedia'];
if ( config.CitationClass == "encyclopaedia" ) or ( config.CitationClass == "citation" and is_set (Encyclopedia)) then -- test code for citation
if is_set(Periodical) then -- Periodical is set when |encyclopedia is set
if is_set(Title) or is_set (ScriptTitle) then
if not is_set(Chapter) then
Chapter = Title; -- |encyclopedia and |title are set so map |title to |article and |encyclopedia to |title
ScriptChapter = ScriptTitle;
TransChapter = TransTitle;
ChapterURL = URL;
ChapterUrlAccess = UrlAccess;
if not is_set (ChapterURL) and is_set (TitleLink) then
Chapter = make_wikilink (TitleLink, Chapter);
Title = Periodical;
ChapterFormat = Format;
Periodical = ''; -- redundant so unset
TransTitle = ''; -- redundant so unset
URL = ''; -- redundant so unset
Format = ''; -- redundant so unset
TitleLink = '';
ScriptTitle = '';
else -- |title not set
Title = Periodical; -- |encyclopedia set and |article set or not set so map |encyclopedia to |title
Periodical = ''; -- redundant so unset
-- Special case for cite techreport.
if (config.CitationClass == "techreport") then -- special case for cite techreport
if is_set(A['Number']Issue) then -- cite techreport uses 'number', which other citations aliasaliase to 'issue'
if not is_set(ID) then -- can we use ID for the "number"?
ID = A['Number']Issue; -- yes, use it
Issue = ""; -- unset Issue so that "number" isn't duplicated in the rendered citation or COinS metadata
else -- ID has a value so emit error message
else -- can't use ID so emit error message
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error('redundant_parameters', {wrap_style ('parameter', 'id') .. ' and ' .. wrap_style ('parameter', 'number')}, true )});
ID = ID .. " " .. set_error('redundant_parameters', '<code>&#124;id=</code> and <code>&#124;number=</code>');
-- special case for cite mailing listinterview
if (config.CitationClass == "interview") then
if is_set(Program) then
ID = ' ' .. Program;
if is_set(Callsign) then
if is_set(ID) then
ID = ID .. sepc .. ' ' .. Callsign;
ID = ' ' .. Callsign;
if is_set(City) then
if is_set(ID) then
ID = ID .. sepc .. ' ' .. City;
ID = ' ' .. City;
if is_set(Others) then
if is_set(TitleType) then
Others = ' ' .. TitleType .. ' with ' .. Others;
TitleType = '';
Others = ' ' .. 'Interview with ' .. Others;
Others = '(Interview)';
-- special case for cite mailing list
if (config.CitationClass == "mailinglist") then
Periodical = A ['MailingList'];
elseif 'mailinglist' == A:ORIGIN('Periodical') then
Periodical = ''; -- unset because mailing list is only used for cite mailing list
-- Account for the oddity that is {{cite conferencejournal}}, beforewith |pmc= set generationand of|url= COinSnot data.set
if config.CitationClass == "journal" and not is_set(URL) and is_set(ID_list['PMC']) then
if not is_embargoed(Embargo) then
URL=cfg.id_handlers['PMC'].prefix .. ID_list['PMC']; -- set url to be the same as the PMC external link if not embargoed
URLorigin = cfg.id_handlers['PMC'].parameters[1]; -- set URLorigin to parameter name for use in error message if citation is missing a |title=
-- Account for the oddity that is {{cite conference}}, before generation of COinS data.
if 'conference' == config.CitationClass then
if is_set(BookTitle) then
Line 2,462 ⟶ 1,995:
-- ChapterLink = TitleLink; -- |chapterlink= is deprecated
ChapterURL = URL;
ChapterUrlAccess = UrlAccess;
ChapterURLorigin = URLorigin;
URLorigin = '';
Line 2,473 ⟶ 2,005:
URL = '';
elseif 'speech' ~= config.CitationClass then
Conference = ''; -- not cite conference or cite speech so make sure this is empty string
-- Account for the oddity that is {{cite episode}}, before generation of COinS data.
-- cite map oddities
--[[ -- {{cite episode}} is not currently supported by this module
local Cartography = "";
if config.CitationClass == "episode" then
local Scale = "";
local Sheet = A['Sheet'] or '';
local Sheets = A['Sheets'] or '';
if config.CitationClass == "map" then
Chapter = A['Map'];
ChapterURL = A['MapURL'];
ChapterUrlAccess = UrlAccess;
TransChapter = A['TransMap'];
ChapterURLorigin = A:ORIGIN('MapURL');
ChapterFormat = A['MapFormat'];
Cartography = A['Cartography'];
if is_set( Cartography ) then
Cartography = sepc .. " " .. wrap_msg ('cartography', Cartography, use_lowercase);
Scale = A['Scale'];
if is_set( Scale ) then
Scale = sepc .. " " .. Scale;
-- Account for the oddities that are {{cite episode}} and {{cite serial}}, before generation of COinS data.
if 'episode' == config.CitationClass or 'serial' == config.CitationClass then
local AirDate = A['AirDate'];
local SeriesLink = A['SeriesLink'];
local Season = A['Season'];
local SeriesNumber = A['SeriesNumber'];
link_title_ok (SeriesLink, A:ORIGIN ('SeriesLink'), Series, 'series'); -- check for wikimarkup in |series-link= or wikimarkup in |series= when |series-link= is set
local Network = A['Network'];
local Station = A['Station'];
local s, n = {}, {};
local Sep = (first_set(A["SeriesSeparator"], A["Separator"]) or "") .. " ";
-- do common parameters first
if is_set(Issue) then table.insert(s, cfg.messages["episode"] .. " " .. Issue); Issue = ''; end
if is_set(Season) then table.insert(s, cfg.messages["season"] .. " " .. Season); end
if is_set(SeriesNumber) then table.insert(s, cfg.messages["series"] .. " " .. SeriesNumber); end
if is_set(Network) then table.insert(n, Network); end
if is_set(Station) then table.insert(n, Station); end
ID = table.concat(n, sepc .. ' ');
ifDate not= is_set (Date) andor is_set (AirDate) then -- promote airdate to date;
DateChapter = AirDateTitle;
ChapterLink = TitleLink;
TransChapter = TransTitle;
Title = Series;
if 'episode' == config.CitationClass then -- handle the oddities that are strictly {{cite episode}}
TitleLink = SeriesLink;
local Season = A['Season'];
TransTitle = '';
local SeriesNumber = A['SeriesNumber'];
Series = table.concat(s, Sep);
if is_set (Season) and is_set (SeriesNumber) then -- these are mutually exclusive so if both are set
ID = table.concat(n, Sep);
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'redundant_parameters', {wrap_style ('parameter', 'season') .. ' and ' .. wrap_style ('parameter', 'seriesno')}, true ) } ); -- add error message
SeriesNumber = ''; -- unset; prefer |season= over |seriesno=
-- assemble a table of parts concatenated later into Series
if is_set(Season) then table.insert(s, wrap_msg ('season', Season, use_lowercase)); end
if is_set(SeriesNumber) then table.insert(s, wrap_msg ('series', SeriesNumber, use_lowercase)); end
if is_set(Issue) then table.insert(s, wrap_msg ('episode', Issue, use_lowercase)); end
Issue = ''; -- unset because this is not a unique parameter
Chapter = Title; -- promote title parameters to chapter
ScriptChapter = ScriptTitle;
ChapterLink = TitleLink; -- alias episodelink
TransChapter = TransTitle;
ChapterURL = URL;
ChapterUrlAccess = UrlAccess;
ChapterURLorigin = A:ORIGIN('URL');
Title = Series; -- promote series to title
TitleLink = SeriesLink;
Series = table.concat(s, sepc .. ' '); -- this is concatenation of season, seriesno, episode number
if is_set (ChapterLink) and not is_set (ChapterURL) then -- link but not URL
Chapter = make_wikilink (ChapterLink, Chapter);
elseif is_set (ChapterLink) and is_set (ChapterURL) then -- if both are set, URL links episode;
Series = make_wikilink (ChapterLink, Series);
URL = ''; -- unset
TransTitle = '';
ScriptTitle = '';
else -- now oddities that are cite serial
Issue = ''; -- unset because this parameter no longer supported by the citation/core version of cite serial
Chapter = A['Episode']; -- TODO: make |episode= available to cite episode someday?
if is_set (Series) and is_set (SeriesLink) then
Series = make_wikilink (SeriesLink, Series);
Series = wrap_style ('italic-title', Series); -- series is italicized
-- end of {{cite episode}} stuff]]
-- legacy: promote concatenation of |month=, and |year= to Date if Date not set; or, promote PublicationDate to Date if neither Date nor Year are set.
-- Account for the oddities that are {{cite arxiv}}, {{cite biorxiv}}, {{cite citeseerx}}, before generation of COinS data.
if not is_set (Date) then
Date = Year; -- promote Year to Date
if in_array (config.CitationClass, {'arxiv', 'biorxiv', 'citeseerx'}) then
Year = nil; -- make nil so Year as empty string isn't used for CITEREF
if not is_set (ID_list[config.CitationClass:upper()]) then -- |arxiv= or |eprint= required for cite arxiv; |biorxiv= & |citeseerx= required for their templates
if is_set(Date) then
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( config.CitationClass .. '_missing', {}, true ) } ); -- add error message
local Month = A['Month'];
if is_set(Month) then
Date = Month .. " " .. Date;
if 'arxiv' == config.CitationClass then
Periodical = 'arXiv'; -- set to arXiv for COinS; after that, must be set to empty string
if 'biorxiv' == config.CitationClass then
Periodical = 'bioRxiv'; -- set to bioRxiv for COinS; after that, must be set to empty string
if 'citeseerx' == config.CitationClass then
Periodical = 'CiteSeerX'; -- set to CiteSeerX for COinS; after that, must be set to empty string
elseif is_set(PublicationDate) then -- use PublicationDate when |date= and |year= are not set
Date = PublicationDate; -- promote PublicationDate to Date
PublicationDate = ''; -- unset, no longer needed
if PublicationDate == Date then PublicationDate = ''; end -- if PublicationDate is same as Date, don't display in rendered citation
-- handle type parameter for those CS1 citations that have default values
if in_array(config.CitationClass, {"AV-media-notes", "interview", "mailinglist", "map", "podcast", "pressrelease", "report", "techreport", "thesis"}) then
TitleType = set_titletype (config.CitationClass, TitleType);
if is_set(Degree) and "Thesis" == TitleType then -- special case for cite thesis
TitleType = Degree .. ' ' .. cfg.title_types ['thesis']:lower();
if is_set(TitleType) then -- if type parameter is specified
Go test all of the date-holding parameters for valid MOS:DATE format and make sure that dates are real dates. This must be done before we do COinS because here is where
TitleType = substitute( cfg.messages['type'], TitleType); -- display it in parentheses
we get the date used in the metadata.
-- TODO: Hack on TitleType to fix bunched parentheses problem
Date validation supporting code is in Module:Citation/CS1/Date_validation
-- legacy: promote PublicationDate to Date if neither Date nor Year are set.
if not is_set (Date) then
do -- create defined block to contain local variables error_message and mismatch
Date = Year; -- promote Year to Date
Year = nil; -- make nil so Year as empty string isn't used for CITEREF
if not is_set (Date) and is_set(PublicationDate) then -- use PublicationDate when |date= and |year= are not set
Date = PublicationDate; -- promote PublicationDate to Date
PublicationDate = ''; -- unset, no longer needed
if PublicationDate == Date then PublicationDate = ''; end -- if PublicationDate is same as Date, don't display in rendered citation
Go test all of the date-holding parameters for valid MOS:DATE format and make sure that dates are real dates. This must be done before we do COinS because here is where
we get the date used in the metadata.
Date validation supporting code is in Module:Citation/CS1/Date_validation
do -- create defined block to contain local variables error_message, date_parameters_list, mismatch
local error_message = '';
-- AirDate has been promoted to Date so not necessary to check it
local date_parameters_list = {['access-date']=AccessDate, ['archive-date']=ArchiveDate, ['date']=Date, ['doi-broken-date']=DoiBroken,
['embargo']=Embargo, ['lay-date']=LayDate, ['publication-date']=PublicationDate, ['year']=Year};
anchor_year, EmbargoCOinS_date, error_message = dates(date_parameters_list{['accessdate']=AccessDate, COinS_date);['airdate']=AirDate, ['archivedate']=ArchiveDate, ['date']=Date, ['doi_brokendate']=DoiBroken,
['embargo']=Embargo, ['laydate']=LayDate, ['publicationdate']=PublicationDate, ['year']=Year});
-- start temporary Julian / Gregorian calendar uncertainty categorization
if COinS_date.inter_cal_cat then
add_prop_cat ('jul_greg_uncertainty');
-- end temporary Julian / Gregorian calendar uncertainty categorization
if is_set (Year) and is_set (Date) then -- both |date= and |year= not normally needed;
Line 2,638 ⟶ 2,077:
error_message = error_message .. '&#124;year= / &#124;date= mismatch';
elseif 1 == mismatch then -- |year= matches year-value in |date=
table.insert( z.maintenance_cats, 'CS1 maint: Date and year'); -- add to maint category
add_maint_cat ('date_year');
if not is_set(error_message) then -- error free dates only
local modified = false; -- flag
if is_set (DF) then -- if we need to reformat dates
modified = reformat_dates (date_parameters_list, DF, false); -- reformat to DF format, use long month names if appropriate
if is_set(error_message) then
if true == date_hyphen_to_dash (date_parameters_list) then -- convert hyphens to dashes where appropriate
modified = true;
add_maint_cat ('date_format'); -- hyphens were converted so add maint category
-- for those wikis that can and want to have English date names translated to the local language,
-- uncomment these three lines. Not supported by (for obvious reasons)
-- if date_name_xlate (date_parameters_list) then
-- modified = true;
-- end
if modified then -- if the date_parameters_list values were modified
AccessDate = date_parameters_list['access-date']; -- overwrite date holding parameters with modified values
ArchiveDate = date_parameters_list['archive-date'];
Date = date_parameters_list['date'];
DoiBroken = date_parameters_list['doi-broken-date'];
LayDate = date_parameters_list['lay-date'];
PublicationDate = date_parameters_list['publication-date'];
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'bad_date', {error_message}, true ) } ); -- add this error message
end -- end of do
-- At this point fields may be nil if they weren't specified in the template use. We can use that fact.
-- Account for the oddity that is {{cite journal}} with |pmc= set and |url= not set. Do this after date check but before COInS.
-- Here we unset Embargo if PMC not embargoed (|embargo= not set in the citation) or if the embargo time has expired. Otherwise, holds embargo date
Embargo = is_embargoed (Embargo);
if config.CitationClass == "journal" and not is_set(URL) and is_set(ID_list['PMC']) then
if not is_set (Embargo) then -- if not embargoed or embargo has expired
URL=cfg.id_handlers['PMC'].prefix .. ID_list['PMC']; -- set url to be the same as the PMC external link if not embargoed
URLorigin = cfg.id_handlers['PMC'].parameters[1]; -- set URLorigin to parameter name for use in error message if citation is missing a |title=
if is_set(AccessDate) then -- access date requires |url=; pmc created url is not |url=
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'accessdate_missing_url', {}, true ) } );
AccessDate = ''; -- unset
-- At this point fields may be nil if they weren't specified in the template use. We can use that fact.
-- Test if citation has no title
if not is_set(Title) and
not is_set(TransTitle) and
not is_set(ScriptTitle) then
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'citation_missing_title', {}, true ) } );
if 'episode' == config.CitationClass then -- special case for cite episode; TODO: is there a better way to do this?
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'citation_missing_title', {'series'}, true ) } );
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'citation_missing_title', {'title'}, true ) } );
if 'none' == Title and in_arrayis_set(Periodical) and not (( config.CitationClass, {'journal',== "encyclopaedia" 'citation'}) and is_setor (Periodical) and 'journal'config.CitationClass == A:ORIGIN"citation" and is_set ('Periodical'Encyclopedia))) then -- special case for journal cites
Title = ''; -- set title to empty string
table.insert( z.maintenance_cats, 'CS1 maint: Untitled periodical'); -- add to maint category
add_maint_cat ('untitled');
check_for_url ({ -- add error message when any of these parameters contains a URL
[A:ORIGIN('PublisherName')] = PublisherName
-- COinS metadata (see <>) for automated parsing of citation information.
Line 2,726 ⟶ 2,112:
local coins_author = a; -- default for coins
if 0 < #c then -- but if contributor list
coins_author = c; -- use that instead
-- this is the function call to COinS()
local OCinSoutput = COinS({
['Periodical'] = Periodical,
['Chapter'] = strip_apostrophe_markup (coins_chapter), -- Chapter stripped of bold / italic wikimarkup
['Encyclopedia'] = Encyclopedia,
['Chapter'] = make_coins_title (coins_chapter, ScriptChapter), -- Chapter and ScriptChapter stripped of bold / italic wikimarkup
['Degree'] = Degree; -- cite thesis only
['Title'] = make_coins_title (coins_title, ScriptTitle), -- Title and ScriptTitle stripped of bold / italic wikimarkup
['PublicationPlace'] = PublicationPlace,
['Date'] = first_set(COinS_date.rftdate, Date), -- COinS_date has correctly formatted date if Date is valid; any reason to keep Date here? Should we be including invalid dates in metadata?
['Season'] = COinS_date.rftssn,
['Chron'] = COinS_date.rftchron or (not COinS_date.rftdate and Date) or '', -- chron but if not set and invalid date format use Date; keep this last bit?
['Series'] = Series,
['Volume'] = Volume,
['Issue'] = Issue,
['Pages'] = get_coins_pages (first_set ({Sheet, Sheets, Page, Pages, At}, 5)), -- pages stripped of external links
['Edition'] = Edition,
['PublisherName'] = PublisherName,
['URL'] = first_set ({ChapterURL, URL}, 2ChapterURL ),
['Authors'] = coins_authora,
['ID_list'] = ID_list,
['RawPage'] = this_page.prefixedText,
}, config.CitationClass);
-- special case for cite newsgroup. Do this after COinS because we are modifying Publishername to include some static text
-- Account for the oddities that are {{cite arxiv}}, {{cite biorxiv}}, and {{cite citeseerx}} AFTER generation of COinS data.
if in_array (config.CitationClass, {'arxiv', 'biorxiv', 'citeseerx'}) then -- we have set rft.jtitle in COinS to arXiv, bioRxiv, or CiteSeerX now unset so it isn't displayed
Periodical = ''; -- periodical not allowed in these templates; if article has been published, use cite journal
-- special case for cite newsgroup. Do this after COinS because we are modifying Publishername to include some static text
if 'newsgroup' == config.CitationClass then
if is_set (PublisherName) then
PublisherName = substitute (cfg.messages'[[Newsgroup]]:&nbsp;'newsgroup'], .. external_link( 'news:' .. PublisherName, PublisherName, A:ORIGIN('PublisherName'), nil ));
Line 2,771 ⟶ 2,144:
-- We also add leading spaces and surrounding markup and punctuation to the
-- various parts of the citation, but only when they are non-nil.
if not is_set(Authors) then
local EditorCount; -- used only for choosing {ed.) or (eds.) annotation at end of editor name-list
local Maximum = tonumber( A['DisplayAuthors'] );
local last_first_list;
if is_set (Maximum) then
if Maximum >= #a then -- if display-authors value greater than or equal to number of authors
table.insert( z.maintenance_cats, 'CS1 maint: display-authors'); -- add maintenance category because display-authors parameter may be removed
Maximum = #a + 1; -- number of authors + 1
local control = {
format = NameListFormat, -- empty string or 'vanc'
maximum = Maximum,
maximum = nil, -- as if display-authors or display-editors not set
lastauthoramp = LastAuthorAmp,
page_name = this_page.text, -- get current page name so that we don't wikilink to it via editorlinknauthorlinkn
mode = Mode
-- If the coauthor field is also used, prevent ampersand and et al. formatting.
if is_set(Coauthors) then
control.lastauthoramp = nil;
control.maximum = #a + 1;
Authors = list_people(control, a, author_etal)
if not is_set(Authors) and is_set(Coauthors) then -- coauthors aren't displayed if one of authors=, authorn=, or lastn= isn't specified
do -- do editor name list first because the now unsupported coauthors used to modify control table
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error('coauthors_missing_author', {}, true) } ); -- emit error message
control.maximum , editor_etal = get_display_authors_editors (A['DisplayEditors'], #e, 'editors', editor_etal);
last_first_list, EditorCount = list_people(control, e, editor_etal);
local EditorCount
if is_set (Editors) then
if editor_etalnot is_set(Editors) then
local Maximum = tonumber( A['DisplayEditors'] );
Editors = Editors .. ' ' .. cfg.messages['et al']; -- add et al. to editors parameter beause |display-editors=etal
-- Preserve old-style implicit et al.
EditorCount = 2; -- with et al., |editors= is multiple names; spoof to display (eds.) annotation
if not is_set(Maximum) and #e == 4 then
Maximum = 3;
EditorCount = 2; -- we don't know but assume |editors= is multiple names; spoof to display (eds.) annotation
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error('implict_etal_editor', {}, true) } );
elseif not is_set(Maximum) then
Maximum = #e + 1;
Editors = last_first_list; -- either an author name list or an empty string
if 1 == EditorCount and (true == editor_etal or 1 < #e) then -- only one editor displayed but includes etal then
EditorCount = 2; -- spoof to display (eds.) annotation
do -- now do interviewers
control.maximum = #interviewers_list; -- number of interviewerss
Interviewers = list_people(control, interviewers_list, false); -- et al not currently supported
do -- now do translators
control.maximum = #t; -- number of translators
Translators = list_people(control, t, false); -- et al not currently supported
do -- now do contributors
control.maximum = #c; -- number of contributors
Contributors = list_people(control, c, false); -- et al not currently supported
do -- now do authors
control.maximum , author_etal = get_display_authors_editors (A['DisplayAuthors'], #a, 'authors', author_etal);
last_first_listlocal = list_people(control, a,= { author_etal);
format = NameListFormat, -- empty string or 'vanc'
maximum = Maximum,
if is_set (Authors) then
lastauthoramp = LastAuthorAmp,
Authors, author_etal = name_has_etal (Authors, author_etal, false); -- find and remove variations on et al.
page_name = this_page.text -- get current page name so that we don't wikilink to it via editorlinkn
if author_etal then
Authors = Authors .. ' ' .. cfg.messages['et al']; -- add et al. to authors parameter
Authors = last_first_list; -- either an author name list or an empty string
end -- end of do
if is_set (Authors) and is_set (Collaboration) then
Authors = Authors .. ' (' .. Collaboration .. ')'; -- add collaboration after et al.
Editors, EditorCount = list_people(control, e, editor_etal);
EditorCount = 1;
-- cite map oddities
-- apply |[xx-]format= styling; at the end, these parameters hold correctly styled format annotation,
local Cartography = "";
-- an error message if the associated url is not set, or an empty string for concatenation
local Scale = "";
ArchiveFormat = style_format (ArchiveFormat, ArchiveURL, 'archive-format', 'archive-url');
if config.CitationClass == "map" then
ConferenceFormat = style_format (ConferenceFormat, ConferenceURL, 'conference-format', 'conference-url');
Chapter = A['Map'];
Format = style_format (Format, URL, 'format', 'url');
ChapterURL = A['MapURL'];
LayFormat = style_format (LayFormat, LayURL, 'lay-format', 'lay-url');
ChapterURLorigin = A:ORIGIN('MapURL');
TranscriptFormat = style_format (TranscriptFormat, TranscriptURL, 'transcript-format', 'transcripturl');
ChapterFormat = A['MapFormat'];
-- special case for chapter format so no error message or cat when chapter not supported
Cartography = A['Cartography'];
if not (in_array(config.CitationClass, {'web', 'news', 'journal', 'magazine', 'pressrelease', 'podcast', 'newsgroup', 'arxiv', 'biorxiv', 'citeseerx'}) or
if is_set( Cartography ) then
('citation' == config.CitationClass and is_set (Periodical) and not is_set (Encyclopedia))) then
Cartography = sepc .. " " .. wrap_msg ('cartography', Cartography, use_lowercase);
ChapterFormat = style_format (ChapterFormat, ChapterURL, 'chapter-format', 'chapter-url');
Scale = A['Scale'];
if is_set( Scale ) then
Scale = sepc .. " " .. Scale;
Format = is_set(Format) and " (" .. Format .. ")" or "";
if not is_set(URL) thenand
not is_set(ArchiveURL) and
if in_array(config.CitationClass, {"web","podcast", "mailinglist"}) then -- |url= required for cite web, cite podcast, and cite mailinglist
not is_set(ConferenceURL) and -- TODO: keep this here? conference as part of cite web or cite podcast?
not is_set(TranscriptURL) then
-- Test if cite web or cite podcast |url= is missing or empty
if in_array(config.CitationClass, {"web","podcast", "mailinglist"}) then
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'cite_web_url', {}, true ) } );
-- doTest weif have |accessdate= withoutis eithergiven without |url=giving ora |chapter-url=?URL
if is_set(AccessDate) and not is_set(ChapterURL)then -- ChapterURL may be set when URLthe isothers are not set; TODO: move this to a separate test?
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'accessdate_missing_url', {}, true ) } );
AccessDate = '';
-- Test if format is given without giving a URL
if is_set(Format) then
Format = Format .. set_error( 'format_missing_url', {'format', 'url'} );
local OriginalURL, OriginalURLorigin, OriginalFormat, OriginalAccess;
DeadURL = DeadURL:lower(); -- used later when assembling archived text
if is_set( ArchiveURL ) then
if is_set (URL) then
if is_set (ChapterURL) then -- URL not set so if chapter-url is set apply archive url to it
OriginalURL = ChapterURL; -- save copy of source chapter's url for archive text
OriginalURLorigin = ChapterURLorigin; -- name of chapter-url parameter for error messages
OriginalFormat = ChapterFormat; -- and original |format=
if 'no' ~= DeadURL then
ChapterURL = ArchiveURL -- swap-in the archive's url
ChapterURLorigin = A:ORIGIN('ArchiveURL') -- name of archive-url parameter for error messages
ChapterFormat = ArchiveFormat or ''; -- swap in archive's format
elseif is_set (URL) then
OriginalURL = URL; -- save copy of original source URL
OriginalURLorigin = URLorigin; -- name of url parameter for error messages
OriginalFormat = Format; -- and original |format=
OriginalAccess = UrlAccess;
if 'no' ~= DeadURL then -- if URL set then archive-url applies to it
URL = ArchiveURL -- swap-in the archive's url
URLorigin = A:ORIGIN('ArchiveURL') -- name of archive url parameter for error messages
Format = ArchiveFormat or ''; -- swap in archive's format
UrlAccess = nil; -- restricted access levels do not make sense for archived urls
elseif is_set (ChapterURL) then -- URL not set so if chapter-url is set apply archive url to it
OriginalURL = ChapterURL; -- save copy of source chapter's url for archive text
if 'no' ~= DeadURL then
ChapterURL = ArchiveURL -- swap-in the archive's url
URLorigin = A:ORIGIN('ArchiveURL') -- name of archive url parameter for error messages
if in_array(config.CitationClass, {'"web'",'"news'",'"journal'", 'magazine', '"pressrelease'", '"podcast'", '"newsgroup', 'arxiv', 'biorxiv', 'citeseerx'"}) or -- if any of the 'periodical' cites except encyclopedia
('citation' == config.CitationClass and is_set (Periodical) and not is_set (Encyclopedia)) then
if is_set (Chapter) or is_set (TransChapter) or is_set (ChapterURL)then -- chapter parameters not supported for these citation types
local chap_param;
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'chapter_ignored', {}, true ) } ); -- add error message
if is_set (Chapter) then -- get a parameter name from one of these chapter related meta-parameters
Chapter = ''; -- set to empty string to be safe with concatenation
chap_param = A:ORIGIN ('Chapter')
elseif is_set (TransChapter) then
chap_param = A:ORIGIN ('TransChapter')
elseif is_set (ChapterURL) then
chap_param = A:ORIGIN ('ChapterURL')
elseif is_set (ScriptChapter) then
chap_param = A:ORIGIN ('ScriptChapter')
else is_set (ChapterFormat)
chap_param = A:ORIGIN ('ChapterFormat')
if is_set (chap_param) then -- if we found one
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'chapter_ignored', {chap_param}, true ) } ); -- add error message
Chapter = ''; -- and set them to empty string to be safe with concatenation
TransChapter = '';
ChapterURL = '';
ScriptChapter = '';
ChapterFormat = '';
else -- otherwise, format chapter / article title
Chapter = format_chapter_title (Chapter, TransChapter, ChapterURL, ChapterURLorigin);
local no_quotes = false; -- default assume that we will be quoting the chapter parameter value
if is_set (Chapter) then
if is_set (Contribution) and 0 < #c then -- if this is a contribution with contributor(s)
ChapterFormat = is_set(ChapterFormat) and " (" .. ChapterFormat .. ")" or "";
if in_array (Contribution:lower(), cfg.keywords.contribution) then -- and a generic contribution title
if is_set(ChapterFormat) and not is_set (ChapterURL) then -- Test if |chapter-format= is given without giving a |chapter-url=
no_quotes = true; -- then render it unquoted
ChapterFormat = ChapterFormat .. set_error( 'format_missing_url', {'chapter-format', 'chapter-url'} );
Chapter = format_chapter_title (ScriptChapter, Chapter, TransChapter, ChapterURL, ChapterURLorigin, no_quotes, ChapterUrlAccess); -- Contribution is also in Chapter
if is_set (Chapter) then
Chapter = Chapter .. ChapterFormat ;
if 'map' == config.CitationClass and is_set (TitleType) then
Chapter = Chapter .. ' (' .. TitleType; -- map.. annotation here')'; not after title
Chapter = Chapter .. ChapterFormat .. sepc .. ' ';
elseif is_set (ChapterFormat) then -- |chapter= not set but |chapter-format= is so ...
Chapter = ChapterFormat .. sepc .. ' '; -- ... ChapterFormat has error message, we want to see it
-- Format main title.
if '...' == Title:sub (-3) then -- if elipsis is the last three characters of |title=
Title = mw.ustring.gsub (Title, '(%.%.%.)%.+$', '%1'); -- limit the number of dots to three
elseif not mw.ustring.find (Title, '%.%s*%a%.') then -- end of title is not a 'dot-(optional space-)letter-dot' initialism
Title = mw.ustring.gsub(Title, '%'..sepc..'$', ''); -- remove any trailing separator character
if is_set(TitleLink) and is_set(Title) then
Title = make_wikilink"[[" .. (TitleLink, .. "|" .. Title); .. "]]"
if in_array(config.CitationClass, {'"web'", '"news'", '"journal'", 'magazine', '"pressrelease'", '"podcast'", '"newsgroup'", '"mailinglist', 'interview', 'arxiv', 'biorxiv', 'citeseerx'"}) or
('citation' == config.CitationClass and is_set (Periodical) and not is_set (Encyclopedia)) or
('map' == config.CitationClass and is_set (Periodical)) then -- special case for cite map when the map is in a periodical treat as an article
Title = kern_quotes (Title); -- if necessary, separate title's leading and trailing quote marks from Module provided quote marks
Title = wrap_style ('quoted-title', Title);
Title = script_concatenate (Title, ScriptTitle); -- <bdi> tags, lang atribute, categorization, etc; must be done after title is wrapped
TransTitle= wrap_style ('trans-quoted-title', TransTitle );
Line 2,955 ⟶ 2,303:
local TransError = "";
if is_set(TransTitle) then
if is_set(Title) then
TransTitle = " " .. TransTitle;
TransError = " " .. set_error( 'trans_missing_title', {'title'} );
Title = Title .. TransTitle;
if is_set(Title) then
if not is_set(TitleLink) and is_set(URL) then
Title = external_link( URL, Title ) .. TransError .. Format
URL = "";
Title = external_link( URL, Title, URLorigin, UrlAccess ) .. TransTitle .. TransError .. Format;
URL = ''; -- unset these because no longer needed
Format = "";
Title = Title .. TransTitle .. TransError;
Title = TransTitle .. TransError;
Line 2,980 ⟶ 2,327:
Place = " " .. wrap_msg ('written', Place, use_lowercase) .. sepc .. " ";
if is_set (Conference) then
if is_set (ConferenceURL) then
Conference = external_link( ConferenceURL, Conference, ConferenceURLorigin, nil );
Conference = sepc .. " " .. Conference .. ConferenceFormat;
elseif is_set(ConferenceURL) then
Conference = sepc .. " " .. external_link( ConferenceURL, nil, ConferenceURLorigin, nil );
if not is_set(Position) then
local Minutes = A['Minutes'];
local Time = A['Time'];
if is_set(Minutes) then
if is_set (Time) then
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'redundant_parameters', {wrap_style ('parameter', 'minutes') .. ' and ' .. wrap_style ('parameter', 'time')}, true ) } );
Position = " " .. Minutes .. " " .. cfg.messages['minutes'];
local Time = A['Time'];
if is_set(Time) then
local TimeCaption = A['TimeCaption']
Line 3,015 ⟶ 2,358:
At = '';
if not is_set(Page) then
Page, Pages, Sheet, Sheets = format_pages_sheets (Page, Pages, Sheet, Sheets, config.CitationClass, Periodical_origin, sepc, NoPP, use_lowercase);
if is_set(Pages) then
if is_set(Periodical) and
not in_array(config.CitationClass, {"encyclopaedia","web","book","news","podcast"}) then
Pages = ": " .. Pages;
elseif tonumber(Pages) ~= nil then
Pages = sepc .." " .. PPrefix .. Pages;
Pages = sepc .." " .. PPPrefix .. Pages;
if is_set(Periodical) and
not in_array(config.CitationClass, {"encyclopaedia","web","book","news","podcast"}) then
Page = ": " .. Page;
Page = sepc .." " .. PPrefix .. Page;
At = is_set(At) and (sepc .. " " .. At) or "";
Position = is_set(Position) and (sepc .. " " .. Position) or "";
Line 3,038 ⟶ 2,399:
if is_set (Language) then
Language = language_parameter (Language, this_page.namespace); -- format, categories (article namespace only), name from ISO639-1, etc
Language=""; -- language not specified so make sure this is an empty string;
--[[ TODO: need to extract the wrap_msg from language_parameter
so that we can solve parentheses bunching problem with Format/Language/TitleType
Others = is_set(Others) and (sepc .. " " .. Others) or "";
-- handle type parameter for those CS1 citations that have default values
if is_set (Translators) then
Others = sepc .. ' ' .. wrap_msg ('translated', Translators, use_lowercase) .. Others;
if in_array(config.CitationClass, {"AV-media-notes", "DVD-notes", "mailinglist", "map", "podcast", "pressrelease", "report", "techreport", "thesis"}) then
TitleType = set_titletype (config.CitationClass, TitleType);
if is_set(Degree) and "Thesis" == TitleType then -- special case for cite thesis
TitleType = Degree .. " thesis";
if is_set (Interviewers) then
if is_set(TitleType) then -- if type parameter is specified
Others = sepc .. ' ' .. wrap_msg ('interview', Interviewers, use_lowercase) .. Others;
TitleType = " (" .. TitleType .. ")"; -- display it in parentheses
TitleNote = is_set(TitleNote) and (sepc .. " " .. TitleNote) or "";
ifEdition = is_set(Edition) and (" " .. wrap_msg ('edition', Edition)) or then"";
Issue = is_set(Issue) and (" (" .. Issue .. ")") or "";
if Edition:match ('%f[%a][Ee]d%.?$') or Edition:match ('%f[%a][Ee]dition$') then
add_maint_cat ('extra_text', 'edition');
Edition = " " .. wrap_msg ('edition', Edition);
Edition = '';
Series = is_set(Series) and (sepc .. " " .. Series) or "";
OrigYear = is_set(OrigYear) and (" [" .. OrigYear .. "]") or ""; -- TODO: presentation
Agency = is_set(Agency) and (sepc .. " " .. Agency) or "";
if is_set(Volume) then
Volume = format_volume_issue (Volume, Issue, config.CitationClass, Periodical_origin, sepc, use_lowercase);
if ( mw.ustring.len(Volume) > 4 )
then Volume = sepc .." " .. Volume;
else Volume = " <b>" .. hyphen_to_dash(Volume) .. "</b>";
------------------------------------ totally unrelated data
Line 3,077 ⟶ 2,438:
Subscription implies paywall; Registration does not. If both are used in a citation, the subscription required link
note is displayed. There are no error messages for this condition.
if is_set in_array(SubscriptionRequired:lower(), {'yes', 'true', 'y'}) then
SubscriptionRequired = sepc .. " " .. cfg.messages['subscription']; -- subscription required message
elseif is_set in_array(RegistrationRequired:lower(), {'yes', 'true', 'y'}) then
SubscriptionRequired = sepc .. " " .. cfg.messages['registration']; -- registration required message
Line 3,094 ⟶ 2,455:
AccessDate = nowrap_date (AccessDate); -- wrap in nowrap span if date in appropriate format
if (sepc ~= ".") then retrv_text = retrv_text:lower() end -- if mode is cs2'citation', lower case
AccessDate = substitute (retrv_text, AccessDate); -- add retrieved text
-- neither of these work; don't know why; it seems that substitute() isn't being called
AccessDate = substitute (cfg.presentation['accessdate'], {sepc, AccessDate}); -- allow editors to hide accessdates
Line 3,108 ⟶ 2,469:
ID_list = build_id_list( ID_list, {IdAccessLevels=ID_access_levels, DoiBroken = DoiBroken, ASINTLD = ASINTLD, IgnoreISBN = IgnoreISBN, Embargo=Embargo, Class = Class} );
if is_set(URL) then
URL = " " .. external_link( URL, nil, URLorigin, UrlAccess );
if is_set(Quote) then
if Quote:sub(1,1) == '"' and Quote:sub(-1,-1) == '"' then -- if first and last characters of quote are quote marks
Quote = Quote:sub(2,-2); -- strip them off
Quote = sepc .." " .. wrap_style ('quoted-text', Quote ); -- wrap in <q>...</q> tags
PostScript = ""; -- cs1|2CS1 does not supply terminal punctuation when |quote= is set
Line 3,131 ⟶ 2,492:
if sepc ~= "." then arch_text = arch_text:lower() end
Archived = sepc .. " " .. substitute( cfg.messages['archived-not-dead'],
{ external_link( ArchiveURL, arch_text, A:ORIGIN('ArchiveURL'), nil ) .. ArchiveFormat, ArchiveDate } );
if not is_set(OriginalURL) then
Archived = Archived .. " " .. set_error('archive_missing_url');
elseif is_set(OriginalURL) then -- DeadURL is empty, 'yes', 'true', 'y', 'unfit', 'usurped'
local arch_text = cfg.messages['archived-dead'];
if sepc ~= "." then arch_text = arch_text:lower() end
Archived = sepc .. " " .. substitute( arch_text,
if in_array (DeadURL, {'unfit', 'usurped', 'bot: unknown'}) then
Archived{ =external_link( sepcOriginalURL, cfg.. " " .. messages['Archived from the original on '] ..), ArchiveDate; -- format} already styled);
if 'bot: unknown' == DeadURL then
add_maint_cat ('bot:_unknown'); -- and add a category if not already added
add_maint_cat ('unfit'); -- and add a category if not already added
else -- DeadURL is empty, 'yes', 'true', or 'y'
Archived = sepc .. " " .. substitute( arch_text,
{ external_link( OriginalURL, cfg.messages['original'], OriginalURLorigin, OriginalAccess ) .. OriginalFormat, ArchiveDate } ); -- format already styled
local arch_text = cfg.messages['archived-missing'];
Line 3,155 ⟶ 2,507:
{ set_error('archive_missing_url'), ArchiveDate } );
elseif is_set (ArchiveFormat) then
Archived = ArchiveFormat; -- if set and ArchiveURL not set ArchiveFormat has error message
Archived = ""
local Lay = '';
if is_set(LayURL) then
if is_set(LayDate) then LayDate = " (" .. LayDate .. ")" end
Line 3,170 ⟶ 2,520:
if sepc == '.' then
Lay = sepc .. " " .. external_link( LayURL, cfg.messages['lay summary'], A:ORIGIN('LayURL'), nil ) .. LayFormat .. LaySource .. LayDate
Lay = sepc .. " " .. external_link( LayURL, cfg.messages['lay summary']:lower(), A:ORIGIN('LayURL'), nil ) .. LayFormat .. LaySource .. LayDate
elseif is_set (LayFormat) then -- Test if |lay-format= is given without giving a |lay-url=
Lay = "";
Lay = sepc .. LayFormat; -- if set and LayURL not set, then LayFormat has error message
if is_set(Transcript) then
if is_set(TranscriptURL) then Transcript = external_link( TranscriptURL, Transcript ); end
Transcript = external_link( TranscriptURL, Transcript, TranscriptURLorigin, nil );
Transcript = sepc .. ' ' .. Transcript .. TranscriptFormat;
elseif is_set(TranscriptURL) then
Transcript = external_link( TranscriptURL, nil, TranscriptURLorigin, nil );
local Publisher;
if is_set(PublicationDatePeriodical) thenand
not in_array(config.CitationClass, {"encyclopaedia","web","pressrelease","podcast"}) then
PublicationDate = wrap_msg ('published', PublicationDate);
if is_set(PublisherName) then
if is_set(PublisherNamePublicationPlace) then
if Publisher = is_set(PublicationPlace) then.. ": " .. PublisherName;
Publisher = sepc .. " " .. PublicationPlace .. ": " .. PublisherName .. PublicationDate;
Publisher = PublisherName;
Publisher = sepc .. " " .. PublisherName .. PublicationDate;
elseif is_set(PublicationPlace) then
elseif Publisher= is_set(PublicationPlace) then ;
Publisher= sepc .. " " .. PublicationPlace .. PublicationDate;
Publisher = "";
Publisher = PublicationDate;
if is_set(PublicationDate) then
if is_set(Publisher) then
Publisher = Publisher .. ", " .. wrap_msg ('published', PublicationDate);
Publisher = PublicationDate;
if is_set(Publisher) then
Publisher = " (" .. Publisher .. ")";
if is_set(PublicationDate) then
PublicationDate = " (" .. wrap_msg ('published', PublicationDate) .. ")";
if is_set(PublisherName) then
if is_set(PublicationPlace) then
Publisher = sepc .. " " .. PublicationPlace .. ": " .. PublisherName .. PublicationDate;
Publisher = sepc .. " " .. PublisherName .. PublicationDate;
elseif is_set(PublicationPlace) then
Publisher= sepc .. " " .. PublicationPlace .. PublicationDate;
Publisher = PublicationDate;
Line 3,212 ⟶ 2,584:
Handle the oddity that is cite speech. This code overrides whatever may be the value assigned to TitleNote (through |department=) and forces it to be " (Speech)" so that
the annotation directly follows the |title= parameter value in the citation rather than the |event= parameter value (if provided).
if "speech" == config.CitationClass then -- cite speech only
TitleNote = " (Speech)"; -- annotate the citation
Line 3,229 ⟶ 2,601:
-- not to keep reassigning to the same string variable over and over.
local tcommon;
local tcommon2; -- used for book cite when |contributor= is set
if in_array(config.CitationClass, {"journal","citation"}) and is_set(Periodical) then
if is_set(Others) then Others = Others .. sepc .. " " end
tcommon = safe_join( {Others, Title, TitleNote, Conference, Periodical, Format, TitleType, Series,
Language, Edition, Publisher, Agency, Volume, Issue}, sepc );
elseif in_array(config.CitationClass, {"book","citation"}) and not is_set(Periodical) then -- special cases for book cites
if is_set (Contributors) then -- when we are citing foreword, preface, introduction, etc
tcommon = safe_join( {Title, TitleNote}, sepc ); -- author and other stuff will come after this and before tcommon2
tcommon2 = safe_join( {Conference, Periodical, Format, TitleType, Series, Language, Volume, Others, Edition, Publisher, Agency}, sepc );
tcommon = safe_join( {Title, TitleNote, Conference, Periodical, Format, TitleType, Series, Language, Volume, Others, Edition, Publisher, Agency}, sepc );
elseif 'map' == config.CitationClass then -- special cases for cite map
if is_set (Chapter) then -- map in a book; TitleType is part of Chapter
tcommon = safe_join( {Title, Format, Edition, Scale, Series, Language, Cartography, Others, Publisher, Volume}, sepc );
elseif is_set (Periodical) then -- map in a periodical
tcommon = safe_join( {Title, TitleType, Format, Periodical, Scale, Series, Language, Cartography, Others, Publisher, Volume, Issue}, sepc );
else -- a sheet or stand-alone map
tcommon = safe_join( {Title, TitleType, Format, Edition, Scale, Series, Language, Cartography, Others, Publisher}, sepc );
elseif 'episode' == config.CitationClass then -- special case for cite episode
tcommon = safe_join( {Title, TitleNote, TitleType, Series, Transcript, Language, Edition, Publisher}, sepc );
else -- all other CS1 templates
tcommon = safe_join( {Title, TitleNote, Conference, Periodical, Format, TitleType, Series, Language,
Volume, Issue, Others, Edition, Publisher, Agency}, sepc );
Line 3,268 ⟶ 2,629:
local idcommon = safe_join( { ID_list, URL, Archived, AccessDate, Via, SubscriptionRequired, Lay, Quote }, sepc );
local text;
local pgtext = Position .. Sheet .. Sheets .. Page .. Pages .. At;
if is_set(DateAuthors) then
if is_set(Coauthors) then
if is_set (Authors) or is_set (Editors) then -- date follows authors or editors when authors not set
local sep = '; ';
Date = " (" .. Date ..")" .. OrigYear .. sepc .. " "; -- in paranetheses
if 'vanc' == NameListFormat then
else -- neither of authors and editors set
sep = ', ';
if (string.sub(tcommon,-1,-1) == sepc) then -- if the last character of tcommon is sepc
Date = " " .. Date .. OrigYear; -- Date does not begin with sepc
Date = sepc .. " " .. Date .. OrigYear; -- Date begins with sepc
Authors = Authors .. sep .. Coauthors;
if is_set(Date) then
Date = " ("..Date..")" .. OrigYear .. sepc .. " "
if is_set(Authors) then
elseif string.sub(Authors,-1,-1) == sepc then
if (not is_set (Date)) then -- when date is set it's in parentheses; no Authors termination
Authors = terminate_name_list (Authors, sepc); -- when no date, terminate with 0 or 1 sepc and.. a" space"
Authors = Authors .. sepc .. " "
if is_set(Editors) then
local in_text = " ";
local post_text = "";
if is_set(Chapter) and 0 == #c then
in_text = in_text .. cfg.messages['in'] .. " "
if (sepc ~= '.') then
in_text = in_text:lower() -- lowercase for cs2
if EditorCount <= 1 then
Line 3,300 ⟶ 2,658:
if (sepc ~= '.') then in_text = in_text:lower() end
Editors = terminate_name_list (in_text .. Editors .. post_text, sepc); -- terminate with 0 or 1 sepc and a space
Editors = in_text .. Editors .. post_text;
if (string.sub(Editors,-1,-1) == sepc)
if is_set (Contributors) then -- book cite and we're citing the intro, preface, etc
then Editors = Editors .. " "
local by_text = sepc .. ' ' .. cfg.messages['by'] .. ' ';
else Editors = Editors .. sepc .. " "
if (sepc ~= '.') then by_text = by_text:lower() end -- lowercase for cs2
Authors = by_text .. Authors; -- author follows title so tweak it here
if is_set (Editors) and is_set (Date) then -- when Editors make sure that Authors gets terminated
Authors = terminate_name_list (Authors, sepc); -- terminate with 0 or 1 sepc and a space
if (not is_set (Date)) then -- when date is set it's in parentheses; no Contributors termination
Contributors = terminate_name_list (Contributors, sepc); -- terminate with 0 or 1 sepc and a space
text = safe_join( {Contributors, Date, Chapter, tcommon, Authors, Place, Editors, tcommon2, pgtext, idcommon }, sepc );
text = safe_join( {Authors, Date, Chapter, Place, Editors, tcommon, pgtext, idcommon }, sepc );
text = safe_join( {Authors, Date, Chapter, Place, Editors, tcommon }, sepc );
text = safe_join( {text, pgtext, idcommon}, sepc );
elseif is_set(Editors) then
if is_set(Date) then
Line 3,323 ⟶ 2,674:
Editors = Editors .. ", " .. cfg.messages['editors'];
Date = " (" .. Date ..")" .. OrigYear .. sepc .. " "
if EditorCount <= 1 then
Line 3,330 ⟶ 2,682:
text = safe_join( {Editors, Date, Chapter, Place, tcommon, pgtext, idcommon}, sepc );
text = safe_join( {text, pgtext, idcommon}, sepc );
if in_array(config.CitationClass, {"journal","citation"}) and is_set(PeriodicalDate) then
textif =( safe_joinstring.sub( {Chapter, Place, tcommon, pgtext-1,-1) Date, idcommon},~= sepc );
then Date = sepc .." " .. Date .. OrigYear
else Date = " " .. Date .. OrigYear
if config.CitationClass=="journal" and is_set(Periodical) then
text = safe_join( {Chapter, Place, tcommon}, sepc );
text = safe_join( {text, pgtext, Date, idcommon}, sepc );
text = safe_join( {Chapter, Place, tcommon, Date, pgtext, idcommon}, sepc );
text = safe_join( {text, pgtext, idcommon}, sepc );
Line 3,346 ⟶ 2,707:
text = safe_join( {text, PostScript}, sepc );
-- Now enclose the whole thing in a <citespan/> element
local options = {};
if is_set(config.CitationClass) and config.CitationClass ~= "citation" then
options.class = "citation " .. config.CitationClass;
options.class = "citation " .. config.CitationClass; -- class=citation required for blue highlight when used with |ref=
options.class = "citation";
if is_set(Ref) and Ref:lower() ~= "none" then -- set reference anchor if appropriate
local id = Ref
if (' "harv'" == Ref ) then
local namelistnames = {}; --table holds selected contributor,of author,last editornames name& listyear
if #a > 0 then
local year = first_set ({Year, anchor_year}, 2); -- Year first for legacy citations and for YMD dates that require disambiguation
for i,v in ipairs(a) do
names[i] = v.last
if #c > 0 then -- if there is a contributor list
namelist if i == c; --4 then selectbreak itend
elseif #a > 0 then -- or an author list
namelistelseif =#e a;> 0 then
for i,v in ipairs(e) do
elseif #e > 0 then -- or an editor list
namelist names[i] = e;v.last
if i == 4 then break end
if #namelist > 0 then -- if there are names in namelist
id = anchor_id (namelist, year); -- go make the CITEREF anchor
id = ''; -- unset
names[ #names + 1 ] = first_set(Year, anchor_year); -- Year first for legacy citations and for YMD dates that require disambiguation
id = anchor_id(names)
end = id;
if string.len(text:gsub("<span[^>/]*>(.-)</span>", "%1"):gsub("%b<>","")) <= 2 then -- remove <span> tags and other html-like markup; then get length of what remains
z.error_categories = {};
text = set_error('empty_citation');
Line 3,384 ⟶ 2,743:
if is_set( then
local render = {}; -- here we collect the final bits for concatenation into the rendered citation
text = '<span id="' .. mw.uri.anchorEncode( ..'" class="' .. mw.text.nowiki(options.class) .. '">' .. text .. "</span>";
if is_set( then -- here we wrap the rendered citation in <cite ...>...</cite> tags
table.insert (render, substitute (cfg.presentation['cite-id'], {mw.uri.anchorEncode(, mw.text.nowiki(options.class), text})); -- when |ref= is set
table.inserttext (render,= substitute'<span (cfg.presentation[class="'cite'], {.. mw.text.nowiki(options.class), text})); --.. all'">' other.. casestext .. "</span>";
local empty_span = '<span style="display:none;">&nbsp;</span>';
table.insert (render, substitute (cfg.presentation['ocins'], {OCinSoutput})); -- append metadata to the citation
-- Note: Using display: none on then COinS span breaks some clients.
local OCinS = '<span title="' .. OCinSoutput .. '" class="Z3988">' .. empty_span .. '</span>';
text = text .. OCinS;
if #z.message_tail ~= 0 then
text = text .. " ";
table.insert (render, ' ');
for i,v in ipairs( z.message_tail ) do
if is_set(v[1]) then
if i == #z.message_tail then
table.inserttext (render,= text .. error_comment( v[1], v[2] ));
table.inserttext (render,= text .. error_comment( v[1] .. "; ", v[2] ));
Line 3,408 ⟶ 2,769:
if #z.maintenance_cats ~= 0 then
table.inserttext (render,= text .. ' <span class="citation-comment" style="display:none; color:#33aa33; margin-left:0.3em">');
for _, v in ipairs( z.maintenance_cats ) do -- append maintenance categories
text = text .. v .. ' ([[:Category:' .. v ..'|link]])';
table.insert (render, v);
table.insert (render, ' (');
table.insert (render, make_wikilink (':Category:' .. v, 'link'));
table.insert (render, ') ');
text = text .. '</span>'; -- maintenance mesages (realy just the names of the categories for now)
table.insert (render, '</span>');
Line 3,421 ⟶ 2,779:
if in_array(no_tracking_cats, {"", "no", "false", "n"}) then
for _, v in ipairs( z.error_categories ) do
table.inserttext (render,= make_wikilinktext .. ('[[Category:' .. v)) ..']]';
for _, v in ipairs( z.maintenance_cats ) do -- append maintenance categories
table.inserttext (render,= make_wikilinktext .. ('[[Category:' .. v)) ..']]';
for _, v in ipairs( z.properties_cats ) do -- append propertiesmaintenance categories
table.inserttext (render,= make_wikilinktext .. ('[[Category:' .. v)) ..']]';
return table.concat (render); text
-- This is used by templates such as {{cite book}} to create the actual citation text.
function z.citation(frame)
--[[--------------------------< C S 1 . C I T A T I O N >------------------------------------------------------
This is used by templates such as {{cite book}} to create the actual citation text.
function cs1.citation(frame)
Frame = frame; -- save a copy incase we need to display an error message in preview mode
local pframe = frame:getParent()
local validation, utilities, identifiers, metadata;
if nil ~= string.find (frame:getTitle(), 'sandbox', 1, true) then -- did the {{#invoke:}} use sandbox version?
cfg = mw.loadData ('Module:Citation/CS1/Configuration/sandbox'); -- load sandbox versions of supportConfiguration modulesand Whitelist and ...
whitelist = mw.loadData ('Module:Citation/CS1/Whitelist/sandbox');
utilitiesvalidation = require ('Module:Citation/CS1/UtilitiesDate_validation/sandbox'); -- ... sandbox version of date validation code
validation = require ('Module:Citation/CS1/Date_validation/sandbox');
identifiers = require ('Module:Citation/CS1/Identifiers/sandbox');
metadata = require ('Module:Citation/CS1/COinS/sandbox');
else -- otherwise
cfg = mw.loadData ('Module:Citation/CS1/Configuration'); -- load live versions of supportConfiguration modulesand Whitelist and ...
whitelist = mw.loadData ('Module:Citation/CS1/Whitelist');
utilitiesvalidation = require ('Module:Citation/CS1/UtilitiesDate_validation'); -- ... live version of date validation code
validation = require ('Module:Citation/CS1/Date_validation');
identifiers = require ('Module:Citation/CS1/Identifiers');
metadata = require ('Module:Citation/CS1/COinS');
utilitiesdates = validation.set_selected_modules (cfg)dates; -- so thatimported functions in Utilities can see the cfg tables
identifiers.set_selected_modules (cfg, utilities); -- so that functions in Identifiers can see the selected cfg tables and selected Utilities module
validation.set_selected_modules (cfg, utilities); -- so that functions in Date validataion can see selected cfg tables and the selected Utilities module
metadata.set_selected_modules (cfg, utilities); -- so that functions in COinS can see the selected cfg tables and selected Utilities module
dates = validation.dates; -- imported functions from Module:Citation/CS1/Date validation
year_date_check = validation.year_date_check;
reformat_dates = validation.reformat_dates;
date_hyphen_to_dash = validation.date_hyphen_to_dash;
date_name_xlate = validation.date_name_xlate;
is_set = utilities.is_set; -- imported functions from Module:Citation/CS1/Utilities
in_array = utilities.in_array;
substitute = utilities.substitute;
error_comment = utilities.error_comment;
set_error = utilities.set_error;
select_one = utilities.select_one;
add_maint_cat = utilities.add_maint_cat;
wrap_style = utilities.wrap_style;
safe_for_italics = utilities.safe_for_italics;
is_wikilink = utilities.is_wikilink;
make_wikilink = utilities.make_wikilink;
z = utilities.z; -- table of error and category tables in Module:Citation/CS1/Utilities
extract_ids = identifiers.extract_ids; -- imported functions from Module:Citation/CS1/Identifiers
build_id_list = identifiers.build_id_list;
is_embargoed = identifiers.is_embargoed;
extract_id_access_levels = identifiers.extract_id_access_levels;
make_coins_title = metadata.make_coins_title; -- imported functions from Module:Citation/CS1/COinS
get_coins_pages = metadata.get_coins_pages;
COinS = metadata.COinS;
local args = {};
local args = {}; -- table where we store all of the template's arguments
local suggestions = {}; -- table where we store suggestions if we need to loadData them
local error_text, error_state;
local config = {}; -- table to store parameters from the module {{#invoke:}}
for k, v in pairs( frame.args ) do
config[k] = v;
args[k] = v;
-- args[k] = v; -- debug tool that allows us to render a citation from module {{#invoke:}}
local capture; -- the single supported capture when matching unknown parameters using patterns
for k, v in pairs( pframe.args ) do
if v ~= '' then
if not validate( k, config.CitationClass ) then
error_text = "";
if type( k ) ~= 'string' then
Line 3,517 ⟶ 2,830:
error_text, error_state = set_error( 'text_ignored', {v}, true );
elseif validate( k:lower(), config.CitationClass ) then
error_text, error_state = set_error( 'parameter_ignored_suggest', {k, k:lower()}, true );
if #suggestions == 0 then
if nil == suggestions.suggestions then -- if this table is nil then we need to load it
suggestions = mw.loadData( 'Module:Citation/CS1/Suggestions' );
if nil ~= string.find (frame:getTitle(), 'sandbox', 1, true) then -- did the {{#invoke:}} use sandbox version?
suggestions = mw.loadData( 'Module:Citation/CS1/Suggestions/sandbox' ); -- use the sandbox version
suggestions = mw.loadData( 'Module:Citation/CS1/Suggestions' ); -- use the live version
if suggestions[ k:lower() ] ~= nil then
for pattern, param in pairs (suggestions.patterns) do -- loop through the patterns to see if we can suggest a proper parameter
error_text, error_state = set_error( 'parameter_ignored_suggest', {k, suggestions[ k:lower() ]}, true );
capture = k:match (pattern); -- the whole match if no caputre in pattern else the capture if a match
if capture then -- if the pattern matches
error_text, error_state = set_error( 'parameter_ignored', {k}, true );
param = substitute( param, capture ); -- add the capture to the suggested parameter (typically the enumerator)
error_text, error_state = set_error( 'parameter_ignored_suggest', {k, param}, true ); -- set the error message
if not is_set (error_text) then -- couldn't match with a pattern, is there an expicit suggestion?
if suggestions.suggestions[ k:lower() ] ~= nil then
error_text, error_state = set_error( 'parameter_ignored_suggest', {k, suggestions.suggestions[ k:lower() ]}, true );
error_text, error_state = set_error( 'parameter_ignored', {k}, true );
v = ''; -- unset value assigned to unrecognized parameters (this for the limited parameter lists)
Line 3,547 ⟶ 2,846:
missing_pipe_check (v); -- do we think that there is a parameter that is missing a pipe?
args[k] = v;
elseif args[k] ~= nil or (k == 'postscript') then
Line 3,554 ⟶ 2,851:
for k, v in pairs( args ) do
if 'string' == type (k) then -- don't evaluate positional parameters
has_invisible_chars (k, v);
return citation0( config, args)
return cs1;z