मीडियाविकि:Gadget-XFDcloser-core-beta.js: रिवीजन सभ के बीचा में अंतर

Content deleted Content added
beautified code and some localization
कुछ अनुवाद और नामांकित पृष्ठ से नामांकन सांचा हटाने हेतु
टैग: Reverted
लाइन 26:
if (!f && c) return c(i, !0);
if (u) return u(i, !0);
var a = new Error("Cannot find moduleमॉड्यूल '" + i + "' प्राप्त नहीं हो सका");
throw a.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND", a
लाइन 55:
2: [function(require, module, exports) {
module.exports = function(it) {
if ("function" != typeof it) throw TypeError(String(it) + " isकोई notफंक्शन aनहीं functionहै");
return it
लाइन 97:
var isObject = require("../internals/is-object");
module.exports = function(it) {
if (!isObject(it)) throw TypeError(String(it) + " isकोई notऑब्जेक्ट anनहीं objectहै");
return it
लाइन 3,778:
$element: (0, _globals.$)("<label style='display:block'>")
}), this.noteContent.toggle(!1), this.showButton = new _globals.OO.ui.ButtonWidget({
label: "[showदेखें]",
framed: !1
}), this.showButton.$element.find("a").css("font-weight", "normal"), this.hideButton = new _globals.OO.ui.ButtonWidget({
label: "[hideछुपायें]",
framed: !1
}), this.hideButton.$element.find("a").css("font-weight", "normal"), this.hideButton.toggle(!1), this.showHideButtonGroup = new _globals.OO.ui.ButtonGroupWidget({
लाइन 3,789:
border: "1px dashed #888"
}).append(this.title.$element, this.showHideButtonGroup.$element, this.noteContent.$element), this.showButton.connect(this, {
click: ["emit", "expandविस्तार करें"]
}), this.hideButton.connect(this, {
click: ["emit", "unexpandछोटा करें"]
लाइन 3,853:
function DiscussionViewController(model, widget) {
! function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotएक callक्लास aको classफंक्शन asकी aतरह functionनहीं काल किया जा सकता")
}(this, DiscussionViewController), this.model = model, this.statusLabel = widget.statusLabel, this.buttonGroup = widget.buttonGroup, this.closeButton = widget.closeButton, this.relistButton = widget.relistButton, this.quickCloseButton = widget.quickCloseButtonMenu, this.quickCloseMenu = widget.quickCloseButtonMenu.getMenu(), this.model.connect(this, {
update: "updateFromModel"
}), this.closeButton.connect(this, {
click: ["onButtonClick", "closeबंद करें"]
}), this.relistButton.connect(this, {
click: ["onButtonClick", "relistपुनर्सूचीकरण"]
}), this.quickCloseMenu.connect(this, {
choose: "onQuickCloseChoose"
लाइन 3,991:
function GroupedItemController(model, group) {
if (! function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, GroupedItemController), !model) throw new Error("GroupedItemController: model must be defined.");
if (!Array.isArray(model.items)) throw console.warn("GroupedItemController: model.items = ", model.items), new Error("GroupedItemController: Expected model.items to be an array");
लाइन 4,114:
function MainWindowController(model, window) {
! function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, MainWindowController), this.model = model, this.window = window, this.stackLayout = window.stackLayout, this.actions = window.actions, this.model.connect(this, {
update: "updateFromModel",
लाइन 4,141:
var sanityWarnings = _this.model.sanityChecks.showWarnings && _this.model.sanityChecks.getWarnings();
return sanityWarnings ? (_this.model.sanityChecks.setShowWarnings(!1), _this.window.setErrorsLabels({
title: "Warningचेतावनी",
dismiss: "Cancelरद्द करें"
}), sanityWarnings.map(function(message) {
return new _globals.OO.ui.Error((0, _globals.$)("<div>".concat(message, "</div>")), {
लाइन 4,152:
if (_this.model.sanityChecks.setShowRedirections(!1), !redirections.length) return 0;
title: "Redirectionपुनर्निर्देशन warningचेतावनी",
dismiss: "Cancelरद्द करें"
var explanation = "Actions will be applied to ".concat(1 === redirections.length ? "this redirect's <strong>target page</strong>" : "these redirects' <strong>target pages</strong>", ". To use the nominated ").concat(1 === redirections.length ? "page" : "pages", " instead, undo the redirection before continuing."),
लाइन 4,248:
function OptionsItemController(model, widget) {
! function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, OptionsItemController), this.model = model, this.model.connect(this, {
update: "updateFromModel"
लाइन 4,345:
throw new Error("Unrecognisedनामालूम optionविकल्प typeप्रकार: " + option.type)
var layout = new _globals.OO.ui.FieldLayout(widget, {
लाइन 4,472:
var _this;
return function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, OptionsPanelController), (_this = _super.call(this, model, widget)).$overlay = widget.$overlay, _this
लाइन 4,521:
function PrefsItemController(model, widget) {
! function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, PrefsItemController), this.model = model, this.model.connect(this, {
update: "updateFromModel"
लाइन 4,633:
var _this;
return function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, PrefsPanelController), (_this = _super.call(this, model, widget.fieldset)).$overlay = widget.$overlay, _this.updateGroupFromModel(), _this
लाइन 4,715:
function PrefsWindowController(model, window) {
! function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, PrefsWindowController), this.model = model, this.window = window, this.model.connect(this, {
update: "updateFromModel",
लाइन 4,773:
function ResultItemController(model, widget) {
! function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, ResultItemController), this.model = model, this.model.connect(this, {
update: "updateFromModel"
लाइन 4,906:
var _this;
return function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, ResultListWidgetController), (_this = _super.call(this, model, widget)).$overlay = widget.$overlay, _this.updateGroupFromModel(), _this
लाइन 4,964:
function ResultPanelController(model, widgets) {
! function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, ResultPanelController), this.model = model, this.notesFieldset = widgets.notesFieldset, this.resultFieldset = widgets.resultFieldset, this.resultWidgetField = widgets.resultWidgetField, this.multiResultWidgetField = widgets.multiResultWidgetField, this.resultSummary = widgets.resultSummary, this.resultSummaryField = widgets.resultSummaryField, this.rationaleFieldset = widgets.rationaleFieldset, this.copyButton = widgets.copyButton, this.rationaleTextbox = widgets.rationaleTextbox, this.newSentenceOption = widgets.newSentenceOption, this.preview = widgets.preview, this.model.connect(this, {
update: "updateFromModel"
लाइन 5,108:
function SingleResultWidgetController(model, widget) {
! function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, SingleResultWidgetController), this.model = model, this.model.connect(this, {
update: "updateFromModel"
लाइन 5,238:
function TaskItemController(model, widget) {
! function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, TaskItemController), this.model = model, this.widget = widget, this.api = _api.default, this._doingTask = !1, this.model.connect(this, {
update: "updateFromModel"
लाइन 5,431:
var _this;
return function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, TaskListPanelController), (_this = _super.call(this, model, widget.fieldset))._startedItems = !1, _this
लाइन 5,547:
var _this;
return function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, AddBeingDeleted), (_this = _super.call(this, model, widgets)).model.setName("Updating ".concat(1 < model.pageNames.length ? "templates" : "template")), _this.mergeTargets = [], _this.mergeTitles = [], _this
लाइन 5,695:
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
लाइन 5,963:
var _this;
return function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, AddOldXfdTask), (_this = _super.call(this, model, widgets)).model.setName("Updating talk ".concat(1 < model.pageNames.length ? "pages" : "page")), _this
लाइन 6,070:
var _this3 = this,
talkpagesNames = this.model.getResolvedTalkpagesNames();
return 0 === talkpagesNames.length ? (this.model.addWarning("Noneकोई foundभी नहीं मिला"), (0, _util.rejection)()) : (this.model.setTotalSteps(talkpagesNames.length), this.model.setDoing(), this.api.editWithRetry(talkpagesNames, {
rvsection: "0"
}, function(page) {
लाइन 6,206:
var _this;
return function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, AddToHoldingCell), _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this = _super.call(this, model, widgets)), "doTask", function() {
var _this2 = this;
लाइन 6,394:
var _this;
return function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, CloseDiscussion), _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this = _super.call(this, model, widgets)), "doTask", function() {
var _this2 = this;
लाइन 6,536:
var _this;
return function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, DeletePages), (_this = _super.call(this, model, widgets)).model.setName("Deleting ".concat(1 < model.pageNames.length ? "pages" : "page")), _this
लाइन 6,661:
var _this;
return function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, DeleteRedirects), (_this = _super.call(this, model, widgets)).model.setName("Deleting redirects"), _this
लाइन 6,679:
return this.model.setTotalSteps(result.titles.length + result.talkTitles.length), result.titles.length < 10 ? result : (0, _util.multiButtonConfirm)({
title: "Warningचेतावनी",
message: "Massसामूहिक actionकार्रवाई toकी be peformedजायेगी: deleteहटा रहा है ".concat(result.titles.length, " redirects.अनुप्रेषणों को।"),
actions: [{
label: "Cancelरद्द करें",
flags: "safe"
}, {
label: "Viewअनुप्रेषण redirectsदेखें...",
action: "show"
}, {
label: "Deleteअनुप्रेषण redirectsहटा दें",
action: "accept",
flags: "progressive"
लाइन 6,696:
}).then(function(action) {
return "show" !== action ? action : (0, _util.multiButtonConfirm)({
title: "Warningचेतावनी",
message: "Massसामूहिक actionकार्रवाई toकी be peformedजायेगी: deleteहटा रहा है ".concat(result.titles.length, " redirectsअनुप्रेषणों को:<ul>").concat(result.titles.map(function(title) {
return "<li>".concat(title, "</li>")
}).join(""), "</ul>"),
actions: [{
label: "Cancelरद्द करें",
flags: "safe"
}, {
label: "Deleteअनुप्रेषणों redirectsको हटा दें",
action: "accept",
flags: "progressive"
लाइन 6,712:
}).then(function(action) {
return "accept" !== action ? (_this2.model.addWarning("Cancelledसदस्य byद्वारा userरद्द किया गया"), _globals.$.Deferred().reject("Skipped.")) : result
लाइन 6,732:
var deleteRedirectsPromise = _this3.api.deleteWithRetry(result.titles, {
reason: _this3.model.getEditSummary({
prefix: "[[WP:G8|G8व8]] (redirectअनुप्रेषण):"
}, function() {
लाइन 6,743:
deleteTalkpagesPromise = result.talkTitles.length && _this3.api.deleteWithRetry(result.talkTitles, {
reason: _this3.model.getEditSummary({
prefix: "[[WP:G8|G8व8]] (talkवार्ता pageपृष्ठ of redirectअनुप्रेषण):"
}, function() {
लाइन 6,855:
var _this;
return function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, DeleteTalkpages), (_this = _super.call(this, model, widgets)).model.setName("Deleting talk ".concat(1 < model.pageNames.length ? "pages" : "page")), _this
लाइन 6,877:
return this.model.setDoing(), this.api.deleteWithRetry(talkPagesToDelete, {
reason: this.model.getEditSummary({
prefix: "[[WP:G8|G8व8]]:"
}, function() {
लाइन 6,985:
var _this;
return function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, Disambiguate), (_this = _super.call(this, model, widgets)).model.setName("Updatingअद्यतन किया जा रहा ".concat(1 < model.pageNames.length ? "pages" : "page")), _this
return Constructor = Disambiguate, (protoProps = [{
लाइन 6,995:
if (page.missing) return (0, _util.rejection)("doesNotExist");
var updatedWikitext = page.content.replace(this.model.venue.regex.fullNomTemplate, "");
return updatedWikitext === page.content && (this.model.addWarning("Nominationपृष्ठ templateपर notनामांकन foundसाँचा onनहीं pageमिला ".concat((0, _util.makeLink)(page.title))), updatedWikitext = page.content.replace(/^#REDIRECT/im, "*")), {
text: /(?:disambiguation|disambig|dab|Mil-unit-dis|Numberdis)[^{]*}}/i.test(updatedWikitext) ? updatedWikitext.trim() : updatedWikitext.trim() + "\n{{Disambiguation cleanup|{{subst:DATE}}}}",
summary: this.model.getEditSummary()
लाइन 7,005:
var _this2 = this,
pageNames = this.model.getResolvedPageNames();
return 0 === pageNames.length ? (this.model.addWarning("Noneकोई foundनहीं मिला"), (0, _util.rejection)()) : (this.model.setTotalSteps(pageNames.length), this.model.setDoing(), this.api.editWithRetry(pageNames, null, function(page) {
return _this2.transform(page)
}, function() {
लाइन 7,191:
var _this;
return function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, RelistInfo), (_this = _super.call(this, model, widgets)).model.setName("Preparing to relist"), _this
लाइन 7,280:
return (0, _util.rejection)("abort", "Unknownअज्ञात XfDहहेच venueप्रकार")
लाइन 7,286:
key: "getNewLogInfo",
value: function(page, curtimestamp) {
if (page.missing) return (0, _util.rejection)("abort", "Today'sइस logवर्ष pageका doesलॉग notपृष्ठ yetअभी existउपलब्ध नहीं है");
var newLogTimestamps = {
start: curtimestamp,
लाइन 7,303:
key: "getTranscludingLogsInfo",
value: function(pages, curtimestamp) {
if (1 === pages.length) return (0, _util.rejection)("abort", "Alreadyपहले transcludedही toलॉग today'sपृष्ठ logपर pageदर्ज किया जा चुका है");
var _ref2 = _slicedToArray(pages[0].title === this.todaysLogpage ? pages : pages.slice().reverse(), 2),
newLogpage = _ref2[0],
लाइन 7,320:
hiddenOnOldLogpage = new RegExp("\x3c!-- ?\\{\\{" + escapedTitle + "\\}\\} ?--\x3e", "i"),
listedOnNewLogpage = new RegExp("\\{\\{" + escapedTitle + "\\}\\}", "i");
if (hiddenOnOldLogpage.test(oldLogContent) || listedOnNewLogpage.test(newLogContent)) return (0, _util.rejection)("abort", "Discussionचर्चा hasपहले beenही relistedपुनर्सूचीकृत alreadyकी जा चुकी है");
var listCommentPattern = new RegExp("\x3c!-- Add new entries to the TOP of the following list --\x3e", "i"),
newLogWikitext = newLogContent.replace(listCommentPattern, "\x3c!-- Add new entries to the TOP of the following list --\x3e\n{{" + this.model.discussion.discussionPageName + "}}\x3c!--Relisted--\x3e"),
लाइन 7,352:
if (_this5.model.aborted) return (0, _util.rejection)("aborted");
var content = response.query.pages[0].revisions[0].slots.main.content;
if (content.includes("xfd-closed")) return (0, _util.rejection)("abort", "Discussionचर्चा isपहले alreadyही closedबंद की जा चुकी है");
var embeddedinLogpage, discussionPageTimestamps = {
start: response.curtimestamp,
लाइन 7,364:
return ei.title.includes(_this5.model.venue.path)
if (0 === embeddedInLogpages.length) return (0, _util.rejection)("abort", "Oldपुराना logलॉग pageपृष्ठ notनहीं foundमिला");
1 < embeddedInLogpages.length && embeddedInLogpages.slice(1).forEach(function(logpage) {
return _this5.model.addWarning("Noteटिप्पणी: transcludedअगले onलॉग additionalपृष्ठ logपर pageट्रांसक्लूड, पृष्ठ का नाम: " + (0, _util.makeLink)(logpage.title, logpage.title.replace(_this5.model.venue.path, "")))
}), embeddedinLogpage = embeddedInLogpages[0]
लाइन 7,379:
}).catch(function(code, error) {
return _this5.model.setAborted(), "abort" === code ? _this5.model.addError("Abortedरद्द किया गया".concat("string" == typeof error ? ": " + error : ".")) : (_this5.model.addError("Aborted: ".concat(code || "unknown", " error")), _this5.logError(code, error)), (0, _util.rejection)()
लाइन 7,516:
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
लाइन 7,724:
var _this;
return function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, RemoveCircularLinks), (_this = _super.call(this, model, widgets)).model.setName("Unlinking circular links on redirect target"), _this
लाइन 7,878:
var _this;
return function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, RemoveNomTemplates), (_this = _super.call(this, model, widgets)).model.setName("Updating ".concat(1 < model.pageNames.length ? "pages" : "page")), _this
लाइन 8,013:
var _this;
return function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, TagTalkWithSpeedy), (_this = _super.call(this, model, widgets)).model.setName("Tagging talk ".concat(1 < model.pageNames.length ? "pages" : "page")), _this
लाइन 8,040:
var _this2 = this,
talkPages = this.model.getResolvedTalkpagesNames();
if (0 === talkPages.length) return this.model.addWarning("Noneकोई foundनहीं मिला"), (0, _util.rejection)();
var talkPagesToTag = talkPages.filter(function(talkPage) {
return _this2.verifyPage(talkPage)
return 0 === talkPagesToTag.length ? _globals.$.Deferred().resolve("Skippedछोड़ दिया गया") : (this.model.setDoing(), this.api.editWithRetry(talkPagesToTag, null, function(page) {
return _this2.transform(page)
}, function() {
लाइन 8,202:
var _this;
return function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, UnlinkBacklinks), (_this = _super.call(this, model, widgets)).model.setName("Unlinking backlinks"), _this.finishedReadingApi = _globals.$.Deferred(), _this.queuedPrompts = [], _this.redirectPageNames = [], _this
लाइन 8,301:
return _globals.$.when.apply(null, editPromises)
this.model.addWarning("Noकोई pagesपृष्ठ selectedचयनित नहीं")
} else this.model.addWarning("Cancelledप्रयोक्ता byद्वारा userनिरस्त")
}, {
लाइन 8,336:
message: message,
actions: [{
label: "Keep itemरखें",
action: "keep",
icon: "articleCheck",
flags: "progressive"
}, {
label: "Keepरखें andऔर requestउद्धरण citationमाँगें",
action: "keep-cite",
icon: "flag"
}, {
label: "Removeआइटम itemहटा दें",
action: "remove",
icon: "trash",
लाइन 8,522:
var _this;
return function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, UpdateDiscussion), (_this = _super.call(this, model, widgets)).model.setName("Updating discussion"), _this
लाइन 8,652:
var _this;
return function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, UpdateNewLogPage), (_this = _super.call(this, model, widgets)).model.setName("Adding to today's log page"), _this
लाइन 8,780:
var _this;
return function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, UpdateNewLogPage), (_this = _super.call(this, model, widgets)).model.setName("Updating link in nomination ".concat(1 < model.discussion.pages.length ? "templates" : "template")), _this
लाइन 8,921:
var _this;
return function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, UpdateOldLogPage), (_this = _super.call(this, model, widgets)).model.setName("Removing from old log page"), _this
लाइन 8,996:
function UnlinkSummaryPanelController(model, widget) {
! function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, UnlinkSummaryPanelController), this._requestId = 0, this.model = model, this.summaryInput = widget.summaryInput, this.summaryInputField = widget.summaryInputField, this.summaryPreview = widget.summaryPreview, this.summaryPreviewField = widget.summaryPreviewField, this.model.connect(this, {
update: "updateFromModel"
लाइन 9,072:
function UnlinkWindowController(model, window) {
! function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, UnlinkWindowController), this.model = model, this.window = window, this.stackLayout = window.stackLayout, this.actions = window.actions, this.model.connect(this, {
update: "updateFromModel",
लाइन 9,212:
function Discussion(config) {
! function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, Discussion), _globals.OO.EventEmitter.call(this), this.$headlineSpan = config.$headlineSpan, this.id = config.id, this.venue = config.venue, this.pages = config.pages || [], this.action = config.action || "", this.redirects = new _RedirectList.default, this.discussionPageName = config.discussionPageName, this.sectionHeader = config.sectionHeader, this.sectionNumber = config.sectionNumber, this.firstCommentDate = config.firstCommentDate, this.isOld = config.isOld, this.isRelisted = config.isRelisted, this.userIsSysop = config.userIsSysop, this.classes = config.classes, this.status = "Loading...", this.showStatus = !0
लाइन 9,382:
function MainWindowModel(config) {
! function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, MainWindowModel), _globals.OO.EventEmitter.call(this);
var type = config.type,
लाइन 9,542:
function Options(config) {
! function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, Options), _globals.OO.EventEmitter.call(this), _globals.OO.EmitterList.call(this), this.result = config.result, this.venue = config.venue, this.userIsSysop = config.userIsSysop, this.result.connect(this, {
update: "onResultUpdate"
लाइन 9,701:
function OptionsItem(config) {
! function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, OptionsItem), _globals.OO.EventEmitter.call(this), this.result = config.result, this.actions = (0, _data.getRelevantActions)(config.venueType, config.userIsSysop, config.result), this._options = (0, _data.getRelevantOptions)(config.venueType, config.userIsSysop, this.actions), this.selectedActionName = this.actions[0].name, "tfd" === config.venueType && "delete" === config.result && (this.selectedActionName = prefs.get("tfdDeleteAction"));
var unlinkOptionIndex = this._options.findIndex(function(option) {
लाइन 9,860:
function PrefsGroup(config) {
! function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, PrefsGroup), _globals.OO.EventEmitter.call(this), _globals.OO.EmitterList.call(this), this.userIsSysop = config.userIsSysop, this.addItems((0, _data.getRelevantPrefs)(config.userIsSysop).map(function(prefConfig) {
return new _PrefsItem.default(prefConfig, prefs.get(prefConfig.name))
लाइन 9,952:
function PrefsItem(config, value) {
! function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, PrefsItem), _globals.OO.EventEmitter.call(this), this.name = config.name, this.label = config.label, this.type = config.type, this.help = config.help, this.helpInline = config.helpInline, this.value = value, this.initialValue = value, this.options = config.options, this.min = config.min, this.max = config.max
लाइन 10,038:
function PrefsWindowModel(config) {
! function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, PrefsWindowModel), _globals.OO.EventEmitter.call(this), this.preferences = new _PrefsGroup.default({
userIsSysop: config.userIsSysop
लाइन 10,082:
function RedirectList(redirections) {
! function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, RedirectList), this.list = Array.isArray(redirections) ? redirections : [], this.list.forEach(function(redirection) {
_globals.mw.Title.exist.set(_globals.mw.Title.newFromText(redirection.to).getPrefixedDb(), !0)
लाइन 10,225:
function Result(config) {
! function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, Result), _globals.OO.EventEmitter.call(this), this.discussion = config.discussion, this.type = config.type, this.userIsSysop = config.userIsSysop;
var availableResults = (0, _data.getRelevantResults)(this.discussion.venue.type, config.userIsSysop);
लाइन 10,240:
}), this.resultSummary = "", this.isMultimode = !1, this.rationale = "", this.newSentence = !0, this.topNotes = [], 0 === this.discussion.pages.length) this.topNotes.push({
name: "basicMode",
title: "Discussionचर्चा: ".concat(this.discussion.sectionHeader, " (basicकेवल modeबेसिक onlyमोड में)"),
content: "Nominatedनामांकित pagesपृष्ठ wereचिह्नित notनहीं detected.किया जा सका/किये जा सके",
expanded: !1
else {
var pageCount = 1 === this.discussion.pages.length ? "1 pageपृष्ठ" : "".concat(this.discussion.pages.length, " pagesपृष्ठ");
name: "discussionPages",
title: "Discussionचर्चा: ".concat(this.discussion.sectionHeader, " (").concat(pageCount, ")"),
content: (0, _globals.$)("<ul>").append(this.discussion.pagesNames.map(function(pageName) {
return (0, _globals.$)("<li>").append(makeLink(pageName))
लाइन 10,411:
key: "rationaleHeading",
get: function() {
return "close" === this.type ? "Rationaleकारण/तर्क" : "Relistपुनर्सूचीकरण commentटिप्पणी"
}, {
लाइन 10,435:
rationaleWikitext = this.getFormattedRationale("punctuated") || ".";
return "Theचर्चा resultका ofपरिणाम the discussion wasरहा ".concat(resultWikitext).concat(targetWikitext).concat(rationaleWikitext)
}]) && _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps), staticProps && _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps), Result
लाइन 10,494:
function ResultItem(config) {
! function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, ResultItem), _globals.OO.EventEmitter.call(this), this.pageName = config.pageName, this.availableResults = config.availableResults, this.selectedResultName = config.selectedResultName || "", this.softResult = config.softResult || !1, this.speedyResult = config.speedyResult || !1, this.deleteFirstResult = config.deleteFirstResult || !1, this.targetPageName = config.targetPageName || "", this.customResultText = config.customResultText || ""
लाइन 10,685:
function ResultList(config) {
! function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, ResultList), _globals.OO.EventEmitter.call(this), _globals.OO.EmitterList.call(this), this.addItems(config.pageNames.map(function(pageName) {
return new _ResultItem.default({
लाइन 10,757:
function SanityChecks(config) {
! function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, SanityChecks), _globals.OO.EventEmitter.call(this), this.discussion = config.discussion, this.result = config.result, this.options = config.options, this.showWarnings = !0, this.showRedirections = !0, this.result.connect(this, {
update: "resetShowAll"
लाइन 10,894:
function TaskItem(config) {
! function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, TaskItem), _globals.OO.EventEmitter.call(this), this.discussion = config.discussion, this.venue = this.discussion.venue, this.result = config.result, this.options = config.options, this.pageNames = config.relaventPageNames || [], this.taskName = config.taskName, this.displayName = config.displayName, this.summary = config.summary, this.warnings = [], this.showOverflowWarnings = !1, this.errors = [], this.showOverflowErrors = !1, this.steps = {
total: 0,
लाइन 11,110:
function TaskList(config) {
! function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, TaskList), _globals.OO.EventEmitter.call(this), _globals.OO.EmitterList.call(this), this.discussion = config.discussion, this.result = config.result, this.options = config.options, this.label = config.label || "Tasks", this.type = config.type, this.userIsSysop = config.userIsSysop, this.started = !1, this.done = !1, this.aborted = !1, this.allFailed = !1, this.result.connect(this, {
update: "resetItems"
लाइन 11,429:
function UnlinkSummary(config) {
! function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, UnlinkSummary), _globals.OO.EventEmitter.call(this), this.summary = config.summary || "", this.summaryErrors = [], this.parsedSummary = "", this.parseErrors = []
लाइन 11,499:
function UnlinkWindowModel(config) {
! function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, UnlinkWindowModel), _globals.OO.EventEmitter.call(this), this.mode = "initial", this.currentPanel = "summary", this.pageName = config.pageName, this.summary = new _UnlinkSummary.default({
summary: config.summary
लाइन 11,574:
function Month(index) {
! function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, Month), this.index = index
लाइन 11,666:
}]) && _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps), staticProps && _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps), Month
exports.default = Month, value = ["Januaryजनवरी", "Februaryफरवरी", "Marchमार्च", "Aprilअप्रैल", "Mayमई", "Juneजून", "Julyजुलाई", "Augustअगस्त", "Septemberसितम्बर", "Octoberअक्टूबर", "Novemberनवम्बर", "Decemberदिसम्बर"], (key = "names") in (obj = Month) ? Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
value: value,
enumerable: !0,
लाइन 11,703:
}, ShowHideTag.initialiseNewTag = function() {
var tag = new ShowHideTag;
return (0, _globals.$)("<div>").attr("id", "XFDcloser-showhide").append((0, _globals.$)("<a>").attr("id", "XFDcloser-showhide-hide").text("Hideसमाप्त closedचर्चाएँ discussionsछिपायें").toggle(!tag.isHidden).on("click", tag.hideClosed), (0, _globals.$)("<a>").attr("id", "XFDcloser-showhide-show").text("Showसमाप्त closedचर्चायें discussionsदेखें").toggle(tag.isHidden).on("click", tag.showClosed)).appendTo("body"), tag
var _default = ShowHideTag;
लाइन 11,742:
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
लाइन 11,816:
key: "getTitle",
value: function() {
return _globals.mw.Title.newFromText("Templateसाँचा:" + this.name)
}]), Template
लाइन 11,900:
matches = wikitext.match(pattern);
if (!matches) return wikitext;
if (1 < matches.length) throw new Error("Multipleपृष्ठ nominationपर templatesएक onसे pageअधिक नामांकन साँचे हैं");
return wikitext.replace(pattern, "")
}, Venue.prototype.updateNomTemplateAfterRelist = function(wikitext, today, sectionHeader) {
var matches = wikitext.match(this.regex.relistPattern);
if (!matches) return wikitext;
if (1 < matches.length) throw new Error("Multipleपृष्ठ nominationपर templatesएक onसे pageअधिक नामांकन साँचे हैं");
return wikitext.replace(this.regex.relistPattern, this.wikitext.relistReplace.replace("__TODAY__", today).replace("__SECTION_HEADER__", sectionHeader))
}, Venue.Mfd = function() {
लाइन 12,090:
regex: {
nomTemplate: /(?:{{[Aa](?:rticle for deletion\/dated|fDM|fd\/dated|/{\{हहेच.*|कारण=.*\}\}\n*/)|<!-- Please do not remove or change this AfD message)(?:.|\n)*?}}(?:(?:.|\n)+this point -->)?\s*/g
transcludedOnly: transcludedOnly,
लाइन 12,096:
}, Venue.newFromPageName = function(pageName) {
var isAfd = /(हटावे_खातिर_लेखArticles_for_deletion|User:Cyberbot_I|Wikipedia:WikiProject_Deletion_sorting)/.test(pageName),
afdTranscludedOnly = /(User:Cyberbot_I|Wikipedia:WikiProject_Deletion_sorting)/.test(pageName);
if (pageName.includes("Wikipedia:Miscellany_for_deletion")) return Venue.Mfd();
लाइन 13,462:
function API(apiUserAgent) {
return function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")
}(this, API), _super.call(this, {
ajax: {
लाइन 14,755:
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) throw new TypeError("Cannotक्लास callको aफंक्शन classकी asतरह aनहीं functionकाल किया जा सकता")