यूरोप के देस सभ के जनसंख्या अनुसार लिस्ट

यूरोप के देस सभ के जनसंख्या अनुसार लिस्ट (अंग्रेजी:List of European countries by population) में यूरोप के देस, टेरिटरी आ डिपेंडेंसी सभ के लिस्ट बनावल गइल बाटे।

  EFTA states.
  Transcontinental countries largely located in Asia.
(or dependent territory)
July 1, 2015
% of
Date of
last figure
1   रूस[5] 144,031,000 16.91 0.17 250,000 399 146,500,000 november 1, 2015 [1]
2   जर्मनी 81,276,000 9.54 0.32 256,000 220 81,083,600 September 30, 2014 Official estimate
3   तुर्की 78,214,000 9.18 1.34 1,035,000 52 77,695,904 December 31, 2014 Official estimate
4   फ्रांस 67,063,000 7.76 0.45 289,000 154 64,321,000 अप्रैल 1, 2015
5   यूनाइटेड किंगडम 65,081,276 7.64 0.75 484,000 92 64,596,800 June 25, 2015 Official estimate
6   इटली 60,963,000 7.16 0.49 298,000 141 60,788,845 November 30, 2014 Monthly official estimate
7   स्पेन 46,335,000 5.44 -0.28 -129,000 - 46,464,053 July 1, 2014 Official estimate
8   Ukraine[6] 42,850,000 5.03 -0.32 -136,000 - 42,726,067 मार्च 1, 2015 Monthly official estimate
9   पोलैंड 38,494,000 4.52 0.05 20,000 1,334 38,484,000 December 31, 2014 Official estimate
10   Romania 19,822,000 2.33 -0.41 -81,000 - 19,942,642 जनवरी 1, 2014 Official estimate
11   कज़ाकिस्तान 17,543,000 2.06 1.45 251,000 48 17,458,500 मार्च 1, 2015 Monthly official estimate Archived 2018-04-28 at the Wayback Machine
12   Netherlands 16,933,000 1.99 0.37 62,000 189 17,586,600 जनवरी 5, 2025 Official population clock Archived 2009-06-17 at the Wayback Machine
13   बेल्जियम 11,259,000 1.32 0.52 58,000 134 11,239,846 मार्च 1, 2015 Monthly official estimate
14   ग्रीस 10,769,000 1.26 -0.11 -12,000 - 10,816,286 मई 24, 2011 Final 2011 census result Archived 2015-02-13 at the Wayback Machine
15   चेक रिपब्लिक 10,535,000 1.24 -0.06 -6,000 - 10,538,275 December 31, 2014 Official estimate
16   पुर्तगाल 10,311,000 1.21 -0.56 -58,000 - 10,427,301 2013 Official estimate
17   Hungary 9,835,000 1.15 -0.28 -28,000 - 9,849,000 December 31, 2014 Official estimate
18   Sweden 9,816,666 1.15 1.03 100,000 68 9,760,142 August 31, 2015 Monthly official estimate
19   अजरबैजान 9,651,000 1.13 1.23 117,000 57 9,593,000 जनवरी 1, 2015 Official estimate
20   बेलारूस 9,481,000 1.11 0.00 0 - 9,481,100 अप्रैल 1, 2015 Official estimate[मुर्दा कड़ी]
21   ऑस्ट्रिया 8,608,000 1.01 0.67 57,000 104 8,579,747 जनवरी 1, 2015 Official estimate
22    स्विट्जरलैंड 8,265,000 0.97 0.87 71,000 80 8,211,700 September 30, 2014 Official estimate
23   बल्गारिया 7,185,000 0.84 -0.57 -41,000 - 7,245,677 December 31, 2013 Official estimate
24   Serbia 7,103,000 0.83 -0.41 -29,000 - 7,146,759 जनवरी 1, 2014 Official estimate
25   डेनमार्क 5,673,000 0.67 0.48 27,000 145 5,659,715 जनवरी 1, 2015 Official estimate
26   फिनलैंड 5,475,000 0.64 0.11 6,000 632 5,473,465 मार्च 31, 2015 Monthly official estimate
27   Slovakia 5,426,000 0.64 0.13 7,000 537 5,415,949 September 30, 2014 Official estimate
28   नार्वे 5,194,000 0.61 1.11 57,000 63 5,165,802 जनवरी 1, 2015 Official estimate Archived 2015-07-21 at the Wayback Machine
29   आयरलैंड 4,630,000 0.54 0.35 16,000 200 4,609,600 अप्रैल 2014 Official estimate
30   Croatia 4,230,000 0.50 -0.31 -13,000 - 4,267,558 July 1, 2012 Official estimate Archived 2017-11-22 at the Wayback Machine
31   बोस्निया आ हर्जेगोविना 3,750,000 0.44 -0.64 -24,000 - 3,791,622 October 1, 2013 Preliminary 2013 census result Archived 2018-11-23 at the Wayback Machine
32   जॉर्जिया 3,707,000 0.44 -1.23 -46,000 - 3,729,500 जनवरी 1, 2015 Official estimate
33   Moldova 3,564,000 0.42 0.48 17,000 145 3,555,200 जनवरी 1, 2015 Official estimate
34   आर्मीनिया 3,010,000 0.35 -0.03 -1,000 - 3,010,600 December 31, 2014 Monthly official estimate
35   Lithuania 2,906,000 0.34 -0.85 -25,000 - 2,912,566 अप्रैल 1, 2015 Monthly official estimate
36   अल्बानिया 2,887,000 0.34 -0.41 -12,000 - 2,893,005 जनवरी 1, 2015 Official estimate[मुर्दा कड़ी]
37   Macedonia 2,071,000 0.24 0.15 3,000 478 2,069,172 December 31, 2014 Official estimate
38   Slovenia 2,065,000 0.24 0.15 3,000 477 2,062,731 October 1, 2014 Official estimate Archived 2015-08-04 at the Wayback Machine
39   Latvia 1,979,000 0.23 -0.90 -18,000 - 1,983,300 अप्रैल 1, 2015 Monthly official estimate
40   Kosovo[7] 1,867,000 0.22 1.08 20,000 64 1,815,606 December 31, 2012 Official estimate
41   इस्टोनिया 1,315,000 0.15 0.46 6,000 152 1,312,252 जनवरी 1, 2015 Official estimate Archived 2012-11-23 at the Wayback Machine
42   साइप्रस 876,000 0.10 0.46 4,000 151 865,900 December 31, 2012 Official estimate
43   Montenegro 620,000 0.07 0.00 0 - 620,029 अप्रैल 1, 2011 2011 census result
44   Luxembourg 570,000 0.07 2.52 14,000 28 562,958 December 31, 2014 Official estimate
  Transnistria 505,153 0.06 2014 census result
45   Malta 425,000 0.05 0.47 2,000 147 417,432 November 20, 2011 2011 census result Archived 2016-03-04 at the Wayback Machine
46   Iceland 331,000 0.04 1.22 4,000 57 329,100 जनवरी 1, 2015 Official estimate
  जर्सी (UK) 103,000 0.01 0.98 1,000 71 97,857 मार्च 27, 2011 2011 census result Archived 2012-09-18 at the Wayback Machine
  Isle of Man (UK) 89,000 0.01 1.14 1,000 61 84,497 मार्च 27, 2011 2011 census result
47   अंडोरा 78,000 0.01 1.30 1,000 54 76,949 2014 Official estimate
  Guernsey (UK) 66,000 0.01 1.54 1,000 45 65,150 मार्च 31, 2014 Official estimate
  फैरो दीप (Denmark) 49,000 0.01 0.00 0 - 48,693 फरवरी 1, 2015 Monthly official estimate
48   Liechtenstein 37,000 0.00 0.00 0 - 37,370 December 31, 2014 Official estimate Archived 2017-07-02 at the Wayback Machine
49   Monaco 37,000 0.00 0.00 0 - 36,950 December 31, 2013 Official estimate
  Gibraltar (UK)[8] 34,000 0.00 3.03 1,000 23 30,001 2012 Official estimate Archived 2018-09-28 at the Wayback Machine
50   San Marino 33,000 0.00 0.00 0 - 32,798 फरवरी 28, 2015 Monthly official estimate
  ऑलंद दीप (Finland) 29,000 0.00 0.00 0 - 28,666 December 31, 2013 Official estimate Archived 2016-11-15 at the Wayback Machine
  Svalbard and Jan Mayen (Norway) 3,000 0.00 0.00 0 - 2,575 July 1, 2014 Official estimate
51    Vatican City 800 0.00 0.00 0 - 0 2012 Official estimate
59 Total 851,605,800 100.00 0.33 2,802,000 210

European population by country (top 8).

  Russia (16.91%)
  Germany (9.54%)
  Turkey (9.18%)
  France (7.76%)
  United Kingdom (7.64%)
  Italy (7.16%)
  Spain (5.44%)
  Ukraine (5.03%)
  Other (31.34%)

इहो देखल जाय

संपादन करीं
  1. Calculated, when available, from the latest national censuses or most recent official estimates (many of which are cited in their respective column), using the exponential formula shown on the List of countries by past and future population article. This is done to normalize the different populations to a unique date, so that they are really comparable.
  2. It corresponds to the following formula: projection2015/projection2014x100-100.
  3. It corresponds to the calculation: projection2015*annual_growth/100.
  4. It corresponds to the formula: LN(2)/LN(growth/100+1), which produces exactly the same result as LOG10(2)/LOG10(growth/100+1).
  5. The mid-2015 demographic projection excludes the disputed territory of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol (the so-called Crimean Federal District), although the Russian official estimate includes both of them.
  6. Note from source: "Excluding the temporarily occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city Sevastopol".
  7. Disputed territory, claimed by Serbia.
  8. Enclave claimed by Spain.